To beard or not to beard? That is the question.

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I'm one of those guys that didn't get the beard gene, I never fretted over it, just the way it is. I did wear my hair long for many many years, as in well below the shoulders mostly in a pony tail. When I was about 40 I began work as a elevator mechanic and the hair had to go for safety reasons. did that for many years but as soon as I left that profession I let it grow back.

FUNNY THING IS three years ago I cut it all OFF! I mean I got a buzz job LOL. did it because I was so tired of the ponytail acting like a mop. Since then I have kept it very short getting it cut once every 4 to 6 weeks now, buzzzzzzz.

I'm good with it. Isn't that what really counts?
Belinda2 said:
    I don't see Maryland highlighted off your list....

That's probably because I've never been to Maryland. :p
Keep the beard. Wash it when you wash your face. Keep it neat and trimmed. Stay upwind of smokers as nothing smells worse than that.
I like the way I look with a beard and hate the way I look without it.  I've shaved it a few times and immediately regretted it every time.  
I'll never make that mistake again.

Yeah, good beard but just think how many people you can make laugh without it
Big T without the beard you made me laugh....

You brought back memories of  Uncle Fester, also known as Fester Addams, of the Addams Family. He was played by Jackie Coogan in the original television series.

You could IMO be a series or movie double.
Keep it if you like it. Women will either like it or don't. If it is turn off to some then maybe you are better off. They might find other things to pick apart. Jobs are always a problem. I have done Bodywork for years and had facial hair of every type. Job safety is always a concern and like you said odors. Getting caulk or adhesive, bondo, or paint in it is a real pain. I think it looks good! Letting it grow is fun and when it gets to the foot long point you do get some looks and some women get a little handsy. I say enjoy it take photos in case you decide not to keep it. You have a thick beard so change it up and mainly have fun with it! If I had the hair I did some years back I would go the full Lebowski!! Ha

Well, I had it for six months. That was enough for me. I shaved it off yesterday. It was a fun experiment and I don't regret doing it. Might again, down the road.
I do think I look younger and marginally less ugly without it, but that isn't why I shaved it. The main reasons were, in order.
1) The nuisance of eating with it. It was such a pain to eat anything messy, like soup or spaghetti. Constant attention was needed.
2) It curled random directions and often looked like a full-on afro. I had to check mirrors often to see if it was looking retarded at the moment.
3) Odors still collected, even with regular washing. I'm hyper sensitive to smells and never did get used to that. It was extra work, using a shampoo and conditioner on it. That's not easy when a shower isn't available.
4) With the beard, people assumed I was one of the many homeless in the cities that I visited. I became almost invisible to the regular folks. And the homeless thought that I was one of them. Not necessarily a bad thing but I wasn't ready to accept being categorized like that.
So I'm back to a little goatee for now. I'm a bit colder but feel good about losing the thicket. And I have my friend's promised kiss to look forward to. :)
I usually grow a beard about a month before deer season. This is the only photo I had with a full beard. Its about 4 or 5 years old. Had to scan the photo on my printer, it's not all that clear.
Just seeing this thread but I vote for beards! I am one of those women who just loves a man with a beard. And bald men too. Bald man with a beard? Be still my heart! I don't like real long, scruffy beards though. They look best when they are kept clean and neat.

All the men who posted pics of beards.... I say keep the beard. You all look great :)

Patrick....I had you pictured completely different. Older, very thin, maybe a mad scientist with a lab coat? LOL
I cannot grow a proper beard, and I look odd with short or no hair because my head has an unusual shape. This means, for now, that I need to remain clean-shaven.
Nice pics, all you what you want/need to do...make yourself one else can!...

I think everyone ought be able to do with their bodies as they choose, rather than have it dictated by social convention (which is always changing)...

I also find all the different configurations of facial hair a fascinating study...

I encountered all the different beard types when I was researching the history of women shaving various body parts...

Turns out, women shaving u detains and legs has only been popular since some director of movies decided legs looked better on the big screen in stockings sans hair....voila, the women's shaving industry was born...before that time, the "harlots" were the only women who shaved - and that was to ensure the johns they had no (visible) vermin...

Of course, nowadays all sorts of things are shaved all sorts of ways....that's a whole other topic...
gsfish.... nice beard and that is a really cool looking cemetery! I will have to check it out my next trip to Florida.

All true Roadtramp. Funny how beauty is determined. What is beautiful today may not have been the case in the past, or could be something very different in the future.
No beard jokes at all in this thread?  Lame.

There's a name for people without beards.  Women.

Just kidding.  Everyone should do what makes them happy.  I started keeping the beard around while working outside but found it had the added benefit of the women who like beards really noticing me.    If some don't like it it does not affect me.

I'm just transportation for my beard anyways.  Who am i kidding.
I've been bearding in one form or another since 1978.
It's always neat to see pictures of people you only 'know' from the internet. Usually I'm completely wrong with my idea of how they look but I always thought Patrick looked like the Dude :)

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