To beard or not to beard? That is the question.

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2014
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Left Coast USA
I've never really grown a full beard before. Had a scraggly one in my twenties and a short goatee often, but this is a first for me. I've been growing it for 3+ months and noticed several things.
People look at me differently, often with suspicion. Women seem especially either drawn to it or repelled by it, no middle ground. One female friend was shocked and told me to shave it off now! Another promised me a kiss and said she would visit me in SoCal for a week if I cut it off (I'm almost persuaded!). But many of my friends and family really liked it and wanted to see it grow longer.
It collects smells. If I'm around someone who smokes cigarettes or pot, my beard reeks of that for hours! Same with cooking odors or if I get a bit of food in it. Ladies perfumes catch in it too. If it is more than a couple days between shampooing, it starts smelling musty. I no like!
It might affect my earnings. I do frequent short term construction jobs and often customers only want well groomed workers on their job.
I do fit in better with the homeless though. :) How do you bearded types deal with these troubles?uploadfromtaptalk1446519436672.jpg


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I've worn a beard, sometimes real long, but mostly short all my adult life. At 68, I would not even consider taking up a shaving habit.
A short beard is easy to keep clean. I wash my face a time or two a day and have no trouble with odors...or not that I notice.
I think other smells get into my clothes more than beard and hair.

Margie likes my beard and would be pissed if I shaved. I wear a beard, so why would I even want to be with a woman who doesn't like it.

Keep it trimmed, wash often for softness use a dab of conditioner, and use a natural bristle brush.
Then hit on the gals with a twinkle in their eye ;)

I've had a beard and very long hair for over 35 years.

3 years ago, I got a Johnny clean-cut hairdo, and shaved off my beard, as a birthday present for my Mother!!

...and then, she didn't even recognize me!!! :p

once she heard my voice, she started crying! (so I guess it was worth it after all)

my wife wanted the beard back ASAP!

...but the gal at the grocery store is the one who really summed it up for me...

"WOW!! You really cut it off!! It looks good, and you do clean up really nicely...but your long hair just fits your personality so much better!"

So I wore it short for about 9 months, then finally started the long process of growing it back. It's finally getting back to my usual lion's mane.
(I do grow a beautiful thick head o' hair.) :D

I must say, that I don't really notice that much of a difference in they way others treat me, beard or no beard. I do, however, live in a small coastal town, inhabited by loggers and commercial fishermen, so beards are pretty much the norm around these parts.

Iggy, I know lots of professional guys who have beards. Though they do keep them trimmed and tidy.

You do what you like.

Me?? I'm lettin' my freak flag fly!



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I've had a beard most of my adult life.  That's 40 plus years of whiskers.   A couple of observations from my experience.  When you do shave it off the ladies say you look so much younger and you are able to smell things that the beard filtered out.  Also don't shave it off in February if you live where there is winter.
well in my case I look younger cuss I just got rid of all that grey, same thing if I cut my hair. highdesertranger
i'm a proper american so the combination of my baby butt soft indian skin and brillo pad northern euro face hair is not a good one,it must go,but at 1/8 inch i can sand wood with it
highdesertranger said:
well in my case I look younger cuss I just got rid of all that grey,  same thing if I cut my hair.  highdesertranger


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Iggy said:
I've never really grown a full beard before. Had a scraggly one in my twenties and a short goatee often, but this is a first for me. I've been growing it for 3+ months and noticed several things.
People look at me differently, often with suspicion. Women seem especially either drawn to it or repelled by it, no middle ground. One female friend was shocked and told me to shave it off now! Another promised me a kiss and said she would visit me in SoCal for a week if I cut it off (I'm almost persuaded!). But many of my friends and family really liked it and wanted to see it grow longer.
It collects smells. If I'm around someone who smokes cigarettes or pot, my beard reeks of that for hours! Same with cooking odors or if I get a bit of food in it. Ladies perfumes catch in it too. If it is more than a couple days between shampooing, it starts smelling musty. I no like!
It might affect my earnings. I do frequent short term construction jobs and often customers only want well groomed workers on their job.
I do fit in better with the homeless though. :) How do you bearded types deal with these troubles?

If your work is good enough most clients don't care either way ...
True. It's just getting past first impressions that's important. Spaghetti in the beard doesn't help. :)
Iggy said:
True. It's just getting past first impressions that's important. Spaghetti in the beard doesn't help. :)

if your worried about first impressions then you would hate to be me,i'm an embarrassment to man and beast
Lol My looks worry people. My foot in mouth disease confirms their opinion. ;)
Iggy said:
If it is more than a couple days between shampooing, it starts smelling musty. I no like!
It might affect my earnings. I do frequent short term construction jobs and often customers only want well groomed workers on their job.
I do fit in better with the homeless though. :) How do you bearded types deal with these troubles?

Oh so many comments came to mind reading the replies... but I'll stick as closely as possible to your initial post, Iggy.

If you boondock much and have those odor problems (collected or self generated), then a beard would be a hassle because of water needs. But sounds like you are in urban areas for work, so maybe that is not a big problem? And the only fix needed is daily beard washing?

Looking at the particular pic you posted, you have stunning eyes and I think the length of the beard in that pic competes with your blue assets. Eyes are drawn downward to the beard tip for the initial focal point. Just my opinion (which technically you did not ask for but that has rarely stopped me from offering one LOL). And I promise I am not flirting.. just saying what I see in the pic you posted.
Patrick!!! What a shocker... LOL.

Just goes to show you (or rather ME) how much an avatar pic can influence how you envision the person behind the typing. I pictured you older and wiry. LOL

Yep.. judging by your clothes and stance.. the long hair is a part of your personality. You so remind me of my college years (no need for which years to be mentioned) with hippies all around. And I had a similar hairdo and length but more curly and wild. :D
All I read is "You have stunning eyes". :) Thanks for the compliment (even though it is genetics not effort on my part lol).The funny thing is I'm mostly colorblind and don't see anything unusual about my eyes.
The beard thing is, just trying something new. I'm discovering what I like and dislike about having one. I know it tends to capture first attention from folks that already know me. It startles them. It also ages me, which I'm not sure I like.
Like it says in the Bible, " Cleanliness is next to godliness " (not really). So if I keep the beard, it's gonna need additional care. Another daily duty, like flossing, deodorant, and scratching for fleas. No hurry on a decision though, since I'll be in cooler weather until December when I get to SoCal, and later the RTR.
Thanks for your input. It's nice to hear a woman's opinion on this thread too. See you on the forums! :)
My two cents worth: Guys with bald heads look good with beards but I think the combination of long hair and long beards to be a bit too, well, ....hairy. If I were a male I would probably wear a shortish beard if my sensitive skin could support it.
I have worn a short trimmed beard for many years, since leaving the Navy in 1986.  Wore one in my first couple years in the Navy, before they changed the grooming regs to where only E7 and above could wear it.
So, some 29 years now with facial fur.  I trim it every few days with scizzors.  If I could I'd go the 'ZZ Top' style, but mine just 'poofs out' if I let it get too long.  I keep my hair fairly short too, so washing is easy and quick.  My hats fit better too......    :cool:
My hair is thick and dark brown, nearly black in winter.  Thankfully I inherited it from Mom's family.  Had I gotten Dad's hair I'd have been bald twenty years ago.  When young my beard had a lot of red in it, which did come from Dad's family - Irish and Dutch heritage.  But now all is going grey.  58 years of life takes it's toll.  :-/
I like beards on most guys, if they can grow a thick one, especially the super nice groomed ones I see on young guys (Hipsters, I think?). Working on a university campus for many years I saw lots of scraggle and patchy growth from "first attempt" beards, but they seemed to get better as the fella got older.
WriterMs said:
Patrick!!!  What a shocker... LOL.

Just goes to show you (or rather ME) how much an avatar pic can influence how you envision the person behind the typing. I pictured you older and wiry. LOL

Well, I must admit that the photo I posted is from about 12 years ago.

My beard is almost white now. (my grandson called me "Santa" last year)  :huh:

...and I've lost at least 30 lbs since then too.

nope...'Johnny Clean-Cut' I ain't!