Tiny kitten

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I got the pet playpen. It has a floor, and zipper screen top.

it is huge! Folds up small enough to stow in my RV (probably too much for s van...but folds pretty flat.

My baby kitten loves it!

I put her in it in the yard with a couple of toys...she bounced around in it, even took a nap.

Thank you for the lead. This looks like a good solution. (Just hope she doesn't grow up to be a huge cat).
RobndaHood said:
My kitten, 2years old in Sept. was found after her mother had been run over. The mother was a feral neighborhood cat, a lot of neighbors fed her. Rowdy (she lives up to her Name) was about 2 weeks old, with the help of a friend and his Granddaughter we got her healthy and home with me.

My vet told me , and she was right, that without littermates kittens don't learn boundaries as far as behavior. She has never been hurt in any way but she is the biggest scardy cat around. Most definitely not a lap cat but has started laying her head on my leg while asleep. Patience an lots of love. In my case a few scratches but who said life was easy.

I have spent the last couple weeks following the advice of pet trainers.

They said...if scratched or bitten...even if it doesn't hurt...always yell "ouch" and "no biting" then put the kitten in the floor.   Wait 60 seconds or so, then offer play time with an acceptable toy.     The wait is to not have the kitten learn this is a way to get a toy.
Do not punish a kitten for playing...it won't work, and will likely have adverse effects anyway.

So, after a couple weeks....I am finding that I don't get bit..scratching seems to be Very light and accidental...and just saying (without yelling now) "be nice" stops her right away.

So.. just am update.   Bottle feeding has ended. Her weight has almost doubled.  She is now 1lb 9oz !    Figured to be about 6 - 7 weeks old.   Yesterday she got her baby shots at the vet.



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What a little cutie!

I have three former ferals. I guess Blackie wasn't a true feral because he and his four littermates were all blind when I trapped them, which turned out to be a taurine deficiency; they all regained their sight after a week or so of high-quality food. Then, it was as if their lives just began when they regained their sight, and people with pets, toys and yummy food were already a fact of life.

Shortly after we met (trapped him on a NA Rez) Weasel said that anyone who gives him food twice a day is his Very Best Friend, and he's like a regular cat.

His sister, Lacie, was the worst scaredy-cat, and it's been an ongoing job to get her used to handling. One thing was not insisting on picking her up, just reaching down and giving her a couple of strokes down her back. Afterward, I could force a pickup, and settle her in my lap for cuddling. She does well now, purring, but she still doesn't volunteer to get into my lap.

One thing you'll notice about hard-core ferals: they're not vocal. Once they start 'talking', they seem to be on their way to being more normal. But some will always be shy of strangers and loud noises.

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