RV-Hopeful said:Tjaybird! Hey there ... yea, you know it's not the STUFF like clothes, or pots and pans - hell, I've been wearing the same jeans for most of the year, wash and wear, wash and wear and the same 3 sweatshirts during the winter! ... it's the old antique picture frame that was my grandmother's, the wooden rockin' horse I built from a kit when my 1st born was just toddling around (he's passed on now). There are just some things that I won't let go of yet that need passing on to my remaining son, and then there are some things I can get money for if I'm patient and sell them. eBay is slow but better than a garage sale, but it may come to garage sale to move it all out.
But from time to time the timing of life and events and the "right" vehicle coming just don't meld and then POOF you are overwhelmed with what to do next. The wall the cliff the black gaping whole ... then the sky is blue again and you can move on. It's good there's a place like "The Girls Room" to vent as I don't really think most men would get it.
PS - I love the tri-polar thing! Perhaps it's just that you don't take $hit from people. I have limited amount of patience for people that don't get the job done. Just recently, I fired my affordable dentist and made a big stink about it all and got my money back. Of course, I'm still without my upper back teeth, but darn it felt good to tell him how the cow ate the cabbage and what to do with it all!
I can't believe you said "how the cow ate the cabbage" I grew up with that saying and use it often......I bet you know what "don't buy a pig in a poke sack" means too!
There are things in life that are to precious to part with until the time is right and only we can decide when that is. I passed on keepsakes to family and later regretted it......seems they were only "Keepsakes" to me. Such is life, I guess.
You are right...pots pans dishes etc. are EZ to sort...not so much pots...I still haven't wrapped my mind around not having a fully equipped kitchen...I have been in kitchens since I was 4ys or younger and supported myself and son cooking for many years, and he cooks , and some of his kids cook too...I believe scratch cooking is a lost art form so I have tried to pass it on where ever & when ever I can.
I hope your brother and yourself are doing O.K. or as best as you can. I know you tried your best to go help him. Here is something I find myself saying often "Life Sucks....And Then You DIE" That's for really bad D.F.W.M. days
Hang In There
Jewellann AND Queenie the wonder dog