First start by reading the articles on this site. "How to have electricity 202" and the ones on solar located here. <br><br><br> Then if you are up for more info check out the 2 sites below. Warning* For this one you might need to get a cup of coffee or tea sit back and relax. It is a long read and he likes to rant. However the info is accurate and he really does cover a large number of topics. There is an enormous amount of bad info on the web about these topics and well that pisses him off so he rants, honestly I can't blame him. make sure you get to the bottom and see some of the pictures, really really good info located here. Handy Bob <br> <br><br>The 2nd one is just on batteries. You don't really need to read the whole thing, but the part on charging, and battery types are pretty critical. Most people don't charge properly, it is one of the things Handy bob rants about. If you don't believe him check the link below. <br><span style="font-size: small;"></span><br><br><br>How to making battery cables. Most people crimp or solder, this guy does both which is overkill, but probably the best. <br>