Thinking about buying batteries or solar. Read first

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2012
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First start by reading the articles on this site. "How to have electricity 202" and the ones on solar located here. <br><br><br> Then if you are up for more info check out the 2 sites below. Warning* For this one you might need to get a cup of coffee or tea sit back and relax. It is a long read and he likes to rant. However the info is accurate and he really does cover a large number of topics. &nbsp;There is an enormous amount of bad info on the web about these topics and well that pisses him off so he rants, honestly I can't blame him. make sure you get to the bottom and see some of the pictures, really really good info located here. Handy Bob <br> <br><br>The 2nd one is just on batteries. You don't really need to read the whole thing, but the part on charging, and battery types are pretty critical. Most people don't charge properly, it is one of the things Handy bob rants about. If you don't believe him check the link below. <br><span style="font-size: small;"></span><br><br><br>How to making battery cables. &nbsp;Most people crimp or solder, this guy does both which is overkill, but probably the best.&nbsp;<br>
So, I'm rather new here, is there a resident solar guru on the boards?? I need someones mind to pick, on some things such as panel size and batteries.<br /><br />
Best thing to do is just ask.&nbsp; You will probably get 5 different opinions though if 5 people respond to your post, but that is just how it is.<br />Start by doing some reading from the links above, figure out what your loads are going to be and then post up any questions.
Excellent article&nbsp;<br>the advice on making a connection with a mechanical and soldered &nbsp;bond is also good advice I have taught this in Electronics and Electrical classes for years its a good practice.<br>Royz
I figure if you are going to solder, then you might as well insulate and use heat shrink.
handy bob is a great resource knows his stuff.&nbsp; will check out the other one.&nbsp; thanks bee.&nbsp; highdesertranger
thanks ive been trying to find as much info on solar before i move into a van this helps alot
I went to Handy Bob's site.&nbsp; Holy cow.&nbsp; I could read this 10 more times and not understand what he's saying.&nbsp; Jeesh.<br><br>Feeling like I should give up while I am behind.
highdesertranger....&nbsp; I know I want to eventually do solar, but holy cow.&nbsp; If handy bob could just list the to do list it with out the ranting it would make it so much easier for the inexperienced like me to get a grip on it.&nbsp;&nbsp; For the in between time I am trying to figure some thing to keep cell phone, ipods, and laptop going.&nbsp; I did get an inverter but I have no idea what I am doing with that. <br><br>I have read about the fold up solar thingy's and the enloop batteries are suppose to be the best, I will just keep reading and maybe some thing will make a connection in my head and an led light will go on. lol&nbsp;&nbsp; I did read about the solar lamps being used to recharge aa and aaa batteries and some one was nice enough to give me instructions.&nbsp; Gonna try this.<br><br>I did find lots of lanterns and flashlights that are solar powered with a wind up option.&nbsp; Wow.&nbsp; So much to learn.&nbsp; At least I think the antler roof top rack I have on my van may hold solar panels. lol&nbsp;&nbsp; I feel like the straw man in the wizard of oz.&nbsp;&nbsp; "If I only had a brain"&nbsp; <br><br>I won't give up.&nbsp; I have come so far.&nbsp;&nbsp; I just keep reading.<br>thanks
I got lucky at the Goodwill some years ago and scored a Bruton rollout flexible SolarPanel for 8 bucks these are Plug and play and pack a punch(small punch) enough to charge a laptop phone batteries and other minor devices. Many plug'n'play devices available. they usually do not require a rocket scientist to &nbsp;setup