The Story of Your Enslavement

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Thats just excellent. "Wake up" indeed peoples. Thanks for posting this.
As a matter of primal instinct, humans are a pack animal in general, that means there has to be leaders and followers, otherwise there would be a lot less of us! fighting would see to that. Sadly leaders will always exploit the followers. and the leaders will continue to fight for more turf at the followers expense.
everyone wants more. &nbsp;but this video gave no solutions only warnings.<br /><br />the solution I try to live by. &nbsp;Change the rules!! &nbsp;The only rules I try to obey are physics.&nbsp;
I could show this video to 50 people who are living 'normal' lives in our society and they would be, perhaps; shocked, enraged, dumbfounded, or depressed, but then they would head right back to work to earn the credits needed to 'pay' for more crap they don't need.
We are creatures of habit.&nbsp; Our CONTROLLERS keep us under control by subliminal messages received by watching TV and going to the movies.&nbsp; Throw your TV away, it is evil.&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp; Tin foil hats anyone?
rattlesnake joe said:
Throw your TV away, it is evil.&nbsp;
<br /><br />You might wanna lay off the ayahuasca too. You obviously can't handle it.<br /><br />
Pondputz:&nbsp; Seems to me the words 'slave' and 'enslavement' get used a lot in contexts where the realities of slavery in a historical sense aren't similar enough to compare.<br /><br />
josephusminimus said:
Pondputz:&nbsp; Seems to me the words 'slave' and 'enslavement' get used a lot in contexts where the realities of slavery in a historical sense aren't similar enough to compare.
<br /><br />That is true. &nbsp;I was considering this very point recently while watching a documentary series on true 21st century slavery. &nbsp;Slavery is flourishing in the world today, bigger than ever before when total number of people enslaved is the measure, but by percentage of population it's negligible. These slaves are kept in abject poverty using a variety of means and it is a truly hopeless existence.<br /><br />This video, on the other hand, chronicles the rise of what might be called 'voluntary servitude' for lack of a better term. I'm still trying to find a way to classify the loss of freedom which arises from living in a society with a debt based economy. It is certainly not slavery as we know it. &nbsp;Our vandwelling community is evidence of the fact that we are free to choose alternate lifestyles.<br /><br />If you live with a sense of entitlement, you will feel like a slave. &nbsp;The world has always had extremes of wealth and poverty; choosing poverty is liberation.
So far, I find this a great study in perception<br /><br />This one is for the folks that think everything is doing just fine....<br /><br />[video]<br /><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #0000ff;">Another 'Black Friday' has come and gone. And it has left us with further evidence of the complete madness of the populace of our nation. America has been dealt a fatal blow by corporate greed, Bankster malfeasance and the insidious nature of collectivism -- and it's all been done to us by design.</span></p><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #0000ff;"> The once proud and independent people of the United States have, in large part, been reduced to servants of the State. As Aldous Huxley famously noted, "People can actually be made to LOVE their servitude."</span><br /><br /><br />From my observations of vandwellers, RVers, travelers, these issues make more sense to them, and are more receptive to them, than the general population.
This kind of thing fascinates me and I have been thankful I read and watched enough similar videos to figure out how to "get out of the Matrix".&nbsp;<br /><br />There are other shackles in life and we all choose which ones to put on, I suppose.<br />For me, I am glad to be debt free and living the life I want to live.<br /><br />We have such finite lives in this world. Reminds me of my brother's father in law. Worked hard all his life. Hardly went for any vacations. Then, towards the end, to be struck with Alzheimer's and ending up spending all his savings on the care. What a waste, I think to use up your life in such a way. True, he has kids, but so few of them came around to see him (maybe because he was too busy working when he was younger to be with them).&nbsp;<br /><br />
Our current lifestyle I believe is more of a serfdom to corporatism. I wasn't able to watch the videos because I'm using Firefox on a tablet and it doesn't like flash but I get the gist from the conversation. The US prevented indentured servants until a few years ago and in cases now there are people going to jail for owing money. It's still early but the trend is headed towards a more widespread acceptance of servitude . Confiscation of property in a couple of states is now the norm under the suspicion of a crime commited and without any charges ever being filed. To get the property back you have to prove your innocence and takes years to do. Most are finding it not worthwhile to do it. Television is wonderful entertainment but it always comes at a price.
Mad Sparrow:&nbsp; A television bought on credit that the buyer is unable to pay for hasn't carried much price for a considerable while.&nbsp; A repo man might carry it away was the worst possible scenario.&nbsp; <br /><br />It's not easy to imagine debtor prisons becoming common because of the cost of prisons and maintaining prisoners is already sufficient to be a major tax burden.&nbsp; But confiscation of property from people who bought it, but were unable to pay for it doesn't represent a change, except in degree and legal procedure.<br /><br />Maybe the language needs a new series of words depicting degrees of servitude, depending on the level of physical force and coercion applied to the servee.
Close, but my story has more bacon in it.<br /><br />