the Samsung Note 2 and unlimited data

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2012
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For the record, last month was my new all time high record for internet data usage through my phone: 23GB !  
caseyc said:
For the record, last month was my new all time high record for internet data usage through my phone: 23GB !  
<br><br>You may have a Sprint network device then.
Casey- I hit 23 GB last month too. I got a samsung galaxy Note 2 with the big screen. Since I am grandfathered in to the unlimited data plan on Verizon, the bigger screen makes it easier to do my internet stuff than on my iphone. Figured I'd capitalize on the unlimited data. The Note is often called a phablet....a cross between a mini tablet and a big phone. Just read an article about a company CEO who spent a year using his Samsung Note as his only computer.
I too am on Verizon, and have the (grandfathered) unlimited 4G LTE data plan. That's the positive.&nbsp;Only real negative is that I need to purchase any new phone at full retail price in order to keep my unlimited data plan.&nbsp; In other words, if I choose the discounted price for a new phone, I would lose my unlimited plan.&nbsp;That's a huge alert warning for any of you that might be in the same position.&nbsp; <br><br>Kate: The reason I got up to 23GB last month is from wireless tethering (via FoxFi and PdaNet+ apps)&nbsp;from my Samsung Note 2 phone to my Android tablets, plus streaming and storing movies from the Android app known as "TV Portal" which you can download through the Amazon app store (not available through Google Play store).&nbsp; Have you tried PdaNet and/or FoxFi yet?&nbsp; It's only available for Android phones, not for the iPhone.&nbsp; If you like watching free movies and TV shows, download the free "TV Portal" app through the Amazon app store.<br><br>I love my large 5.5" super hi-def screen of my Note 2.&nbsp; Anyone who has ever tried it is amazed and wished they could get a larger screen too.&nbsp; The new Samsung Galaxy S4 phone will have a larger screen too at nearly 5", plus beefed up specs too.<br><br>I could "almost" use my Note 2 phone as my only "computer" device.&nbsp; That's only if I do light tasks such as web viewing, minor creation of Word docs and editing, etc.&nbsp; The problem is that I need a "real" computer to do such things as Photoshop image retouching, and creation of "real" documents such as Powerpoint, Excel spreadsheets, etc.<br><br>My new device of choice for doing "real" computing will be the Lenovo Tablet 2 (a full Windows 8 10.1" touch screen tablet computer) with pen stylus functionality for drawing and writing, with included full size USB 2.0 port, HDMI port, micro-USB powered, with micro-SD card slot,&nbsp;8 hours of battery life,&nbsp;and is very light and thin.&nbsp; I will be getting this new toy sometime next week.&nbsp; I will be retiring my Windows laptops that require AC electricity charging, unless I need more powerful computing power with a larger screen and more accessory outputs.<br><br>I love technology, probably as much as my GF loves her Coach and Louie Huey (Louis Vuitton)&nbsp;bags!&nbsp; I can't talk technology to her cuz it's like talking to a brick wall, but she can sure tell me all the cool details of her handbags, haha!&nbsp; :)<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
Oh, so not Straight Talk. That makes sense.
No Sprint for me, I've on Verizon for past 3+ years.&nbsp; Before that I had Sprint for 10 years and had 4 different generations of the Palm Treo/Pre smartphone.&nbsp; I left Sprint because it had bad coverage when I was out of town.&nbsp; If someone tried calling me when I was out of state, my phone would not ring, but just go straight to voicemail.&nbsp; This happened with 2 different phones a few years back.&nbsp; I got tired of that.&nbsp; But the last straw was the Palm Pre phone pretty much died by the waist-side, along with the WebOS operating system bought out by Hewlett Packard.&nbsp; That was the only thing that really had me stick it out with Sprint.&nbsp; I then switched to the Android operating system and moved over to Verizon and never looked back.&nbsp; I'm really glad I came on board with Verizon BEFORE they terminated their unlimited data plans which they copied from AT&amp;T.&nbsp; But I still have the unlimited plan because I'm grandfathered in under my old contract.&nbsp; The kicker is that I need to buy all new phones at full retail price ($700+) in order to not alter my existing unlimited data contract plan.
Which side buttons? The on/off button on the right, or the volume rocker on the left? &nbsp;I don't have any problems with any buttons on my Note 2. &nbsp;I'm constantly on the chat form and never heard of any problems related to these buttons either. &nbsp;My only main problem is I'm running out of internal storage memory because the Note 2 only has 16 GB whereby 12 GB is usable. I wish Samsung came out with a larger 32 GB model, but this never happened.<br><br>
23 GB is a ton of data! For me at least. I'm curious what the monthly fees would be for plans like these and if there is a contract and long it is. Thanx.
You can not sign up for the unlimited 4G plan from Verizon, as it was terminated awhile back. For those who originally signed up for it, they still have it because they are grandfathered in under their original contract.&nbsp; You would be surprised how much data can be used quickly if you have fast 4G internet because everything gets downloaded and streamed faster, therefore more gigabytes are used at a faster rate.&nbsp; I wouldn't even attempt to try to use that much data if I were on slower 3G speed.&nbsp; You'd be surprised how much data is used by simply watching Netflix movies and listening to Pandora music&nbsp;through your phone. In my opinion, data is a commodity which is coming down in price and getter faster all the time. That's much like RAM memory and storage space for computers.&nbsp; Remember 15 years ago when memory for PCs was crazy expensive and slow?!&nbsp; Now that same thing is cheap nowadays.&nbsp; <br><br>
I'm having a problem with the rocker volume button on my Samsung Galaxy Note 2!!!<br>No matter how I try, I keep accidentally touching that sound volume button without realizing it and lowering the volume control down.&nbsp; No wonder I keep missing calls. I've turned the volume down without realizing it just by picking it up and handling the phone.&nbsp; Verizon says there is no way to lock it so that I won't do this.&nbsp; <br>I try to remember NOT to touch that side but it doesn't work.&nbsp; drat.&nbsp; help.<br><br>Nelda
Same here Nelda. I miss alot of calls and alerts.the iphone buttons needed a more intentional "press" to activate.holding the phone and trying to avoid touchibg those buttons is awkward. Some folks report getting accustomed to it. I cannot carry my phone in my pocket at all.

I recently read that some cases prevent this, make the buttons need a more positive press. Provably makes sense to have one anyhow, what with the lifestyle I lead and my clumsy hands.budgeting for one now....
<p>Hi Nelda. Yeah, that is annoying. I have a coworker with a Samsung S3 phone with the same problem.&nbsp; Do you have your Note 2 in a carry case?&nbsp; I have my phone inside a black hardshell case with built-in kick stand in the back (bought from Verizon store).&nbsp; The case is a couple millimeters thick and helps to prevent accidental pressing of the side buttons. This is not a fail-safe method, but might help you too.&nbsp; I usually have my phone set to vibrate only with no volume.&nbsp; But sometimes I accidentally press the&nbsp;button one notch lower to&nbsp;inadvertently turn off&nbsp;vibration so I end up getting zero notification. I'm constantly checking&nbsp;my phone by swiping the&nbsp;drop down menu to see if my phone is set for vibration on. While I'm doing that, I also check to see if I've turned off GPS and Bluetooth when not in use, as these items will drain the battery unnecessarily.&nbsp;-Casey</p>
Katie, wasn't sure where to put this update, so put it here.<br><br>i got my phone, have been using it non stop. love it!<br><br>i got the galaxy proclaim from ST. use the wifi as much as possible. but it is great.<br>it was a little learning curve but i'm getting there quickly.<br><br>couple of issues are:<br><br>i can't log in here to thiis site, and can't make the page bigger, its tiny. i'm on my old laptop now.<br><br>a stand of sorts? i'm trying the cassette tape box but phone is too heavy,.<br><br>other than that all is good and though it was a chunk for me to put down, it was money well spent.<br><br>being on verizon networks is night and day,<br><br>
Hi:<br>Can data be transferred via SD card, to the Samsung Note 2, i.e. pictures from my camera and other pertinent data such as files from my notebook? Will it accept and transfer files to and from a flash drive?
I have not worked much with my setup but I have a usb dongle that I can connect thumb drives and view photos stored on there. I havent yet looked to see if I can transfer them. I also have a micro sd card reader so I can store data outside the phone. Grammahugababy's son Tim got me all set up with the techy stuff, I just have to learn what it is all capable of!
Meg- the print is very small on this site for me also, but some pages let me enlarge. I got the neatest little stand from kmart for like 3 bucks. Ill try to upload a pic.....
Lampliter,&nbsp;<br><span style="font-size: 13px;"><br>There are different ways of transferring data files to and from the memory card to the Samsung Note 2 phone. &nbsp;For example, you can use the supplied USB/charger cable to connect the phone to a Windows laptop, and the laptop will recognize the phone as an external hard drive. &nbsp;If you have a micro-SD card inside the phone, you can then go to Computer, and choose the letter drive that corresponds to the phone, then choose either the internal drive of the phone, or the external memory card to copy and paste files such as documents, music, videos. &nbsp;Another way is to put the micro-SD card into a full size SD card adapter, then insert the combination into the SD card slot of a computer/laptop, then copy and paste files. &nbsp;Another way is to use what is referred to as a USB OTG (On The Go) cable that connects to the phone on one end, and the other end you can insert a USB thumb drive for copying/transferring files. &nbsp;You can buy a USB OTG cable from for only 3 or 4 dollars. &nbsp;There may be other methods, but these are the primary ways I transfer documents/files back and forth. &nbsp;My number one preferred method is using my Windows laptop and the supplied USB cable for transferring files.&nbsp;<br><br>Casey<br><br></span>
Casey,<br>I hope this isn't a stupid question ( I'm pretty low tech I've been overseas hiding under a rock) but is it possible to hook up your Samsung Note 2 to a printer to print say an airline ticket boarding pass off the internet?<br>Richard
ok i'm a doofas. to enlarge page, i just tap twice on screen. can fix settings to how large i want it.<br><br>now to figure out how to log in/post?