The pepper spray solution for women!

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<FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>For those that haven't tried this stuff. </FONT><br><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>&nbsp;</FONT><A href="" target=_blank><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT></A><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>&nbsp;</FONT><br><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>&nbsp;</FONT><br><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT>&nbsp;<br><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>I've used it for years.&nbsp; Works great. </FONT><br><br>
<b>That stuff looks brutal 4by.&nbsp; Something else for me to consider.&nbsp; I am really leaning toward a taser the more I am learning.</b><br><b>&nbsp;</b><br><b>Interesting thought differences, the female and male link comes as no surprise.&nbsp; I have often noted that men I am with do not seem to notice their surroundings. I take that back, they may notice them but perhaps they have few feelings of vulnerability, being the bigger of the two or at least the size of potential attackers.&nbsp; Myself, as well as other women I have talked to about this sort of thing, tend to look around&nbsp;for possible problems. </b><br><b>&nbsp;</b><br><b>I will send the link about warrior women to my 20 year old daughter. She is very self assured and confident.&nbsp; I don't want to take any of that away from her but she is at that age we all were where she&nbsp;believes herself to be invincible.&nbsp;</b><br>
Cops and security professionals have often advised getting WASP SPRAY instead of pepper spray...I've heard that many, many times....Wasp Spray doesn't have to be aimed so perfectly and it has a blast area much larger than pepper spray and is more stealth than having the pepper spray and totally disables an attacker.<br><br>Now obviously this doesn't work for hand carry away from your rv or van but for "in home" defense, they say it's much better than pepper spray. Buy it at Wallymart , Kmart, Lowes, Home Depot...lots of places.<br><br>
<FONT size=3 face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">just curious what i'd be like to take a hit from wasp spray?&nbsp; cautions on the can says keep out of eyes and if you get it on skin or clothing, remove clothing and flush the skin w/ water for 15 to 20 min...does this stuff burn the skin?, cause blindness?</FONT><FONT size=3 face=Tahoma></FONT><br><FONT size=3 face=Tahoma></FONT>&nbsp;<br>
the LEO's say it totally disables an attacker but doesn't cause&nbsp; permanent&nbsp; blindness...but they, the attacker, WOULD need to seek medical attention..yes it burns and they can't see....a can of WASP SPRAY sitting in your vehicle wouldn't gain anybody's real notice which is the point...a highly defensive weapon at hand and in plain sight but not paid attention up on it...I've seen too many times people deploying regular pepper spray and the attacker is much too close for comfort to be effective and the narrow spray needs to be right on target...I dislike BOTH factors which is why I like the WASP SPRAY.&nbsp; Now that Pepper Foam looks interesting and maybe different but I'd like to see it in a test:&nbsp; Distance...arc....area covered etc.<br><br>Go with what you're comfortable with but check them all to see how vulnerable you are when actually trying to use one or the<br><br>
he LEO's say it totally disables an attacker but doesn't cause&nbsp; permanent&nbsp; blindness...
<br><br>I've never heard of it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work.&nbsp; I suppose lacquer thinner mixed with water too, would work, but I wouldn't do it for legal reasons.&nbsp; lol&nbsp; <br><br>As for not causing blindness?&nbsp; I haven't met too many officer/chemists out there, so any officer who gives medical advise is risking his/her career.&nbsp; Ask him/her to point you to the government clinical trials backing up his/her advice. <br><br>We know pepper spray doesn't cause blindness (death from government testing, but the wasp "sprayee" could sue you later for any vision damages, I'd think.&nbsp; We've all heard/seen burglars sue for being shot at, sprayed etc...&nbsp; Personally, I would have liked to live back in the 1800's.&nbsp; A 6-shooter on each hip and I would've been golden...<br><br>I used the pepper foam, so I know it works... Distance is approx. 15 feet, and dispersal patten is about 8&nbsp; to 10 inches.&nbsp; Works great on dogs also, due to the foaming action, and when humans try to get the foam out of their eyes, they inadvertently make it worse... <br><br>Just trying to show all sides of the box...<br><br>
Heidi has pepper spray with her when she is out away from me, but would never use it around me. We are both pretty careful around it too in the van since it is such a small environment and if the stuff ever got accidentally deployed or the container punctured, I would be in serious trouble. I mention this because I am going to say that if you have any lung issues, any similar type methods of defense should be scrutinized more carefully. &nbsp;Just something to consider when deciding.&nbsp;<div><br></div>
Mike, <br><br>Your concern is why I used foam.&nbsp; we kept gassing ourselves in houses with the regular pepper spray, but the foam basically is sticky, so an inadvertent puncture should just cause a concentrated stream, which you could just point in another direction and still be able to exit the vehicle with little contamination... &nbsp; Sure, you'd have a basketball sized foamy area somewhere in the van, but clean-up would only take minutes. <br><br><br>
<div>good point, Mike. i have concerns about using a spray of any sort in closed quarters like my van, where blow-back could be a problem. the last thing i want to do is incapacitate myself. foam sounds like it would be less of a problem with that?</div><div><br></div>
VanTramp said:
I mention this because I am going to say that if you have any lung issues, any similar type methods of defense should be scrutinized more carefully. &nbsp;Just something to consider when deciding.&nbsp;<div><br></div>
<div>that answered my questions!</div><div><br></div>
4x4tour said:
Mike, <br><br>Your concern is why I used foam.&nbsp; we kept gassing ourselves in houses with the regular pepper spray, but the foam basically is sticky, so an inadvertent puncture should just cause a concentrated stream, which you could just point in another direction and still be able to exit the vehicle with little contamination... &nbsp; Sure, you'd have a basketball sized foamy area somewhere in the van, but clean-up would only take minutes. <br><br><br>
Thanks! That is good information to know <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;<div><br></div><div><br></div>
This is something I&nbsp;need to do more research on.&nbsp; <br><br>Right now I'm carrying bear spray.&nbsp; When living out of such a small space, I try to make what I carry do, at least, double duty.&nbsp; I figure if bear spray works on bears, it will certainly work on humans.&nbsp; Plus, I got my pepper spray confiscated when I went into Canada, but bear spray was ok (go figure).<br><br>I do like the idea of foaming pepper spray&nbsp;because blowback is a real concern, both in and out of the car.&nbsp; Do they make foaming pepper spray for bears?&nbsp; Something to look into.<br><br>I've also heard that wasp spray as an effective deterrent is an urban legend.&nbsp; Yet, this past weekend I was talking with a couple of women LEO friends and they suggested wasp spray as well.&nbsp; Has anyone else heard of the urban legend angle? Or, does anyone&nbsp;know how to get it verified (outside of warnings on the side of the can)?<br><br>Suanne<br>
<P><A href="" target=_blank target=_blank><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3></FONT></A><BR><BR><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>Good info<BR></FONT></P><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>The stream aspect is what concerns me.&nbsp; Ive deployed the stream type pepper spray hundreds of times, and consistantly getting someone directly in the eyes is harder than many think, as the assailant bobs and <BR><BR>The bear spray would be my alternative for pepper foam. <BR></FONT>
Thanks for this link guys ...<br><br><SPAN id=post_message_1269926806><A href="" target=_blank target=_blank><A href="" target=_blank vglnk_1314216736843="1" target=_blank><FONT color=#3b5998></FONT></A></A><BR></SPAN><br><SPAN>Good information.</SPAN><br><SPAN></SPAN>&nbsp;<br><SPAN>For now, I'm sticking with the bear spray and will do a bit of research to see if there's such a thing as foaming bear spray ... will report back if I find some.</SPAN><br><SPAN></SPAN>&nbsp;<br><SPAN>My bear spray just expried and I need to replace it anyway.</SPAN><br><SPAN></SPAN>&nbsp;<br><SPAN>Suanne<br></SPAN>
The risk of using Wasp Spray is that your attacker may sue you for trying to kill him and/or inflicting cruel and unusual punishment, etc.<br><br>I mean, if he's already beating the crap out of you, raping you, etc...then yeah, no problem. But if he's only about to attack you and you spray him with a poison, then it's hard to prove to a jury that you were guaranteed to be maimed or murdered. And here's the bad guy, all cleaned up and dressed in a suit.......... but now blinded and with other health issues.<br><br>Same risk for Bear Spray I would imagine. No doubt it's more potent than regular human pepper spray, but I'd be afraid of the legal ramifications. <br><br><br>
I would only ever trust foam, or gel.<div><br></div><div>The Kimber guardian works pretty darn well, I got to be a live fire dummy for a display once. It's a pressurized pointer that has two shots, and releases a gel at about 90 mph. The best part is even in wind, it'll go where you point it.</div>