The Great Bucket List

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
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I was inspired by Talia, the little girl who passed away from cancer recently who made&nbsp; A bucket List of things she wanted to do before she died.&nbsp; Since she was unable to finish most of the list, thousands of people starting posting pictures of them fullfilling the list.&nbsp; <br><br>I thought it might be a good idea for us to share our bucket lists and maybe well decide to do some of them, or already have.&nbsp; <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; It doesn't have to be a whole list, maybe its just something you really want to do before you check out.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you fulfill one on someone elses list, let us know.&nbsp; Pictures welcome <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br>Ill kick it off!<br>1.&nbsp; Visit all the States<br>2.&nbsp; Visit japan<br>3.&nbsp; Sleep outside under the stars with nothing but myself (and maybe some bug spray)<br>4.&nbsp; Go to the RTR <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br>5.&nbsp; Take a cruise <br>6.&nbsp; Go white water rafting<br>7.&nbsp; Fire a machine gun <img src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br>8.&nbsp; Write a novel<br>9.&nbsp; Paint a painting<br>10.&nbsp; Go (powered) paragliding<br><br><em>edit: simplified</em>
first thing on my bucket list?&nbsp; Make a bucket list&nbsp; XD<br><br>although I have the basics of one - <br>1. Go on a glass bottom boat<br>2. Milk a cow<br>3. Grow a majority of all the food I eat<br>4. Visit Japan
Maybe the concept was too complicated, just list em however you want <img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br>Ill add:<br><br>Learn to ballroom dance<br>Attend a live UFC fight!&nbsp; (can't believe i forgot this one)
Ride my bike a bunch more. Maybe do some NPs on it.
Go see my old college roommate before he checks out.
Do more SW riding on my woods bike. Before its all closed to motorized bikes.
Do the Big Loop while it's still open. (boat the intercostal all the way around). I am looking for a cheap 22' sailboat to do it in right now.

Visit all the states.

Go to Europe.

Mostly travel till I can't anymore.

Fish more.
My bucket list<br><br>-Live at least one year in the wilderness by myself;<br>-become chief of my fathers reservation.<br>-live to become over 100 years old.<br>-be remembered in history as a great indian.<br>-save a persons life.<br>-travel around the world.<br><br>to finish the list<br><br>-not to die of old age, but die saving a life.<br><br>of course the list will grow
The short list:<br><br>1. Motorcycle the US and Canada.<br><br>2. Spend every day as if it were my last, enjoying the outdoors.<br><br>3. Know and feel what true love feels like&lt;&lt;&lt;gave up on that one, but it was always on my bucket list.<br><br>4. Build a totally off grid dwelling where I grow my own food and can't hear or see someone unless I want to.<br><br>5. Spend a season panning gold and exploring mountains.<br><br>6. Be able to put a smile on every face I see.<br><br>7. Learn to play guitar well and sing.<br><br>8. See both my daughters succeed in finding their path to happiness.<br><br>9.&nbsp; Fly like the wind.<br><br><br><br>
bucket lists can be put off so easily,I think something like a ''decade list'' were you have 10 big things you want to accomplish before the decade is up.
What's the attraction with Japan? Just curious.&nbsp; Did you guys see the movie "The Bucket List"?&nbsp; Great movie, highly recommend it. Here's a link.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><br><br></a>I would like to travel more, both within and outside the US, and get to know different people from all over.
1. learn Spanish <br>2. visit slab city<br>3. learn how to play guitar<br>4. take a flight lesson<br>5. tattoo myself<br>6. build a rat rod from a 1930's pick-up<br>7. write a song<br>8. hike across el camino del rey <br>9. climb a mountain<br>10. rebuild my bike..
I just crossed off one thing. I bought a Native American flute key of g 5 hole at Sunwatch Flute Festival on Sat. I have been practicing a lot. I'm not musically inclined and a bit tone deaf to boot but I don't think I should let being perfect in every endeavor hold me back. Experience and enjoyment trumps ability. Living away from other people while I practice with my flute. Priceless. For them.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
RE: Japan.&nbsp; I've only been there once but found it fascinating--probably because of the uniqueness of the culture.&nbsp; Have always liked things Japanese and the sound of the language.<br><br>My bucket list:&nbsp; Alaska, solo, by RV.&nbsp; Expensive, though, so I doubt I'll ever do it.&nbsp; Fuel prices aren't going down any time soon.
Congrats on crossing one off !

I want to visit japan because ive watched so much anime and talked to some military friends about it. Certainly is a unique place where you have a mesh of cutting edge tech and tradition.

Also, maid cafe. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
As of January, 2013, I completed my bucket list. (Japan wasn't on it.) Either my list was just too simple, or not Big Enough! Now, I'm living John Burroughs' "Waiting". Maybe I'll make a new list. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just wait, peacefully content, for whatever life brings next.

Edited to add: Satiated with life.

My bucket list:<br><br>1.Build a van&nbsp;<br><br>2.Visit Japan<br><br>3.Meet a man named Stan<br><br>4.Stick it to the Man<br><br>