The Goal of Life?

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May 16, 2017
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What is the goal of life if we aren't being a part of something greater than ourselves? Whether it be in politics making a long lasting difference, creating something spectacular or inspiring, touching people's hearts that will last generations or even living a life of prestige and achievement. It seems that unless you are performing some grandiose feat that changes the world much like what we see in fiction you are just another passerby; just another spec of dust in time. That unless you spend every waking moment doing something to make a difference, be a big name or if you aren't a part of a bandwagon/movement/group you don't matter. Years of growing up in California puts this constant pressure to make more money, do bigger things and stamp yourself someplace in history for people to look back too. That if you don't think this way you are less of a person. 

Time and again this comes to mind, but then I remember; what's so wrong with living the way I want as long as it makes me happy? I realized this pretty soon after I took to living in my car during some rough times. I saw how the lifestyle is essentially demonized and ridiculed much like when English settlers came to America, gazing upon the Indian tribes. While in reality it is one of the most liberating and enlightening lifestyles I have ever come across. People who live for themselves and their own freedom; not held by the pipe dream shackles of the metropolitan and indoctrination taught even before a child can speak. What happened? If the lavish lifestyle is so great why are people still unhappy? From what I have seen personally, they have lost their freedom and live without challenge/too much convenience. 

For one reason or another, agenda overlapping agenda, the American dream of owning a large home, fancy cars, working a rewarding and high paying job is a relic of the past people still cling on to; although still very tempting. Policies are made to strengthen and tighten the wires of the modern cage while most are fooled into a false sense of security. Anyone who has been through an emergency be it weather, housing or finances can attest to the idea anything can happen. After a year of being without stable housing I've learned quite a lot about myself, other people and the world. I may not be a politician, artist or even wealthy business employee like some of my peers, but I've come to a good idea of what the goal of life is, at least for myself. I may spend 5 - 10 years working a job I neither like nor dislike making good money as I pour many hours into it, but in the end I will have accumulated a means of passive income, savings and reducing my expenses so I can live life doing what I really love. 

I am not sure if this fits here, but this has been on my mind on and off. I was wondering what everyone else thought about this topic too. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I love that you see how corrupt the so called American dream is. But I don't think choosing to live in your care makes you an "all about me" kind of person. I seems to me that we have come to the realization that whatever difference we can make in the world isn't controlled by your address. You are still making a difference, you have chosen to show people how living this way still gives you purpose and meaning without contributing to the growing problems of over population and greed. Stay true to yourself and you will spark a tiny change in someone else's life. That's huge!
my take:

The goal of Life itself at the level of biology is to propagate itself.

The goal of each of us as conscious being, is to develop that Consciousness to perceive Reality and live well as best we can in harmony within it.

Part of that process should reveal Purpose(s) that are in harmony with that Consciousness, and then a good life is striving to fulfill it.

If not then we are free to make up our own goals, but best to guide all our striving with a well developed Consciousness, including of course listening for and to a fine conscience.
My thoughts...

Four things to know about "life".
-Be happy
-Do no harm
-Don't get caught up in existential ********
-Help others

There is no "order" in which of these is the most important. It changes day to day.
Over time i have asked myself, 'when and where am i the most at peace?'
The answer? Well i must say tue most pleasurable experience of life was my trip throught the mountains last spring. Just me, and the bike, and the birds. No past, no future, no worries. Just peace. That is what i strive for every day.

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Yes. There is no higher goal than peace of mind, a very useful benchmark when making life choices.

"Happiness" unfortunately has become conflated by many in our society with comfort, shallow stimulation and sensory pleasure, the pursuit of illusory "security" and perceived social status.

A deep fulfilment and a sense of joy are better terms for what I call the kind of happiness I find worth striving for.
As far as making a difference in the world, you know that story about the person throwing starfish back into the sea, right?
Thank you for the comments everyone, It is interesting to hear everyone else's perspective. I wish I would have had this much insight closer to around my mid to late teens so that I could have better used my time, but all in good time I suppose.

I find today's society pretty sad in a way; the internet provides so much potential for people to come together and really make a difference. However, most of it is spent on obsessive trends and people fighting for their 15 minutes of fame. That and all the self-help videos from fairly bias sources, thus encouraging people around my age (23) to act in pretty obnoxious, childish and even inappropriate ways. Most get caught up in heat of things and despite achieving the luxuries society has pressured them into thinking they wanted, they are still unhappy inside. I saw this first hand while I was acting as a cleaner/life-coach for quite a while. People glorify the famous and envy the rich, but there I was making them feel special and as if life was great again.