A few years back, due to a family emergency (my father was dying at the VA hospital), we spent a month in a San Diego rv park. It was sad to see how many folks were living in really rough, really old motorhomes, and how many were just barely squeaking by. The RV park was located in a commercial/industrial park. At one point, the city announced that they were going to resurface the street in front of the park on a Saturday, and any vehicles parked there would be impounded. This street was maybe a mile and a half long, and there was at least 15-20 rigs permanently camped there. Thursday and Friday were a mad rush, as folks desperately scrambled to get non-running motorhomes off the street. One guy rented a brand new Uhaul pick-up, and strapped it to the front of a really rough, 40 year old, huge class A, using a piece of thick rope. He pulled the thing forward, then pushed it into a gravel lot, a few feet away. On Sunday he repeated the task, getting the thing off private property before it was towed. It didn't matter if it was a city street, or a Home Depot lot, it seemed that near homeless folks in barely inhabitable rigs, were everywhere in San Diego. It was a sad situation all around, and most of these rigs and owners were not going to be heading for BLM land, or any other decent option, any time soon, as there were pretty much at the end of the line, when it comes to options.