The Bacon Van's Full Breakfast

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thehellend said:

Got the middle seat pillars out with the help of my man, he's got that torque strength. Also fixed the AC (used 5 cans of freon!) and got one more weather seal on the door. Still not got a close up of that bolt hole, but it's on my list!

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:)  I really like the colors of your van.  The interior is so big compared to my Safari.  That rug is great.  When I pull the carpet out of the Safari to add a little padding I hope to use a similar style rug as I already have a few.

A new list with new completions and additions...

  • Check steering box for stress cracks/critical damage
  • Check U-joints (I might need some pointers on where these are)
  • Find and destroy spider factory - Declared spider-free. Will keep RAID close by though.
  • Washers don't work (wipers do move though)
  • Driver's power window doesn't roll down - investigating this further this weekend
  • AC needs recharging - $400 quote to do this. Seriously contemplating it.  Turned out to be already converted, 5 cans of freon later and life is icy cold again <3
  • Replace blinds with something less fiddly   I've removed the blinds and I'm now waiting to see the perfect material to make roll-down curtains.
  • Replace carpet - For now I've just added a rug over the bad carpet. It's not a permanent solution but it'll work until I get the balls to do something more intensive.
  • Replace front wheel bearings
  • Interior clean 2nd pass
  • Detail interior windows and metal fixings
  • Exterior clean - just need to clean crud from behind spare tire
  • VOLTS is lit up on dash
  • Figure out electrical stuff - lots of cut wires, speakers don't work - I think I need to map things out so I at least know what all the various bits of wiring hanging by my feet are!
  • Install a new sound system with aux input/bluetooth - do this one I've troubleshot the current system and know where the failure is at (speakers don't work, seems to be no power to the radio, but the fuse is intact)
  • Slight squeal comes from the roof of the van at around 40mph - I think air is coming in somewhere
  • Weather stripping on doors is old and cracked - pending. 2 of 6 are now done. SOOO BOOORRRINNNGG.
  • Right mirror (passenger side) is slipping when I drive, so I have to keep adjusting it
  • Add privacy curtains
  • Get nicer storage for stay-in emergency van tools (to fit under bed) and personal stuff
  • Replace spark plugs
  • Sort out area above cab - it's sagging and has the old TV in that I'd like to do something with
  • Replace air filter
  • Add sea foam and drive her around a bit
Highdesertranger - here's the best I could do for the other side of the bolt.



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Also, if anyone can give me EXTREMELY dumbed down information on what I need for a solar setup, that would be great. I have very little intelligence for electrical stuff, and everything I'm reading makes me feel convinced I'm going to set my van on fire. I'd be using it to charge up my laptop and phone only, very sunny locations, for weekend trips.
If all you're planning on using solar for is charging up your laptop and your cell on weekend trips try this first.

Make sure you have a jump start pack that's fully charged and simply charge your cell and laptop from the accessory plugs wired in the van. I used a $20.00 Black and Decker 120W plug in inverter for the laptop and had a 12V charger already in stock for phone charging.

I found that I could go 3 days charging both each day...4th day needed a boost to get the van up and running again.

Neither of the two pull a whole lot of current and there's no point in rushing in to installing solar for those minimal needs.

The alternative is to charge both of them off of the jump pack and then recharge it at home Sunday night.

If you're determined to get in to installing electrical service in the van, then start with heavy duty solenoid and a good battery that can be charged while you're driving and/or on a battery charger plugged in during the week.
Almost There said:
If all you're planning on using solar for is charging up your laptop and your cell on weekend trips try this first.

Make sure you have a jump start pack that's fully charged and simply charge your cell and laptop from the accessory plugs wired in the van.

I don't even have a cigarette charger thingie in here.... but that's a good point, if there's not much draw from the battery, I can easily use that instead.
Good that you don't have one means that you can put one in with at least 10 gauge wire from the get go instead of having to deal with OEM 16 or 18 that they are notorious for having used.
Almost There said:
Good that you don't have one means that you can put one in with at least 10 gauge wire from the get go instead of having to deal with OEM 16 or 18 that they are notorious for having used.

I'm going to add this to my list above, I might have to incorporate the help of my engineer friends to assist so I don't blow everything up. Thanks!
New list time!

  • Check steering box for stress cracks/critical damage
  • Check U-joints (I might need some pointers on where these are)
  • Driver's power window doesn't roll down - investigating this further this weekend
  • Add curtains
  • Replace front wheel bearings
  • Detail interior windows and metal fixings
  • Exterior clean - just need to clean crud from behind spare tire
  • VOLTS is lit up on dash
  • Figure out electrical stuff - lots of cut wires, speakers don't work - I think I need to map things out so I at least know what all the various bits of wiring hanging by my feet are!
  • Install a new sound system with aux input/bluetooth - do this one I've troubleshot the current system and know where the failure is at (speakers don't work, seems to be no power to the radio, but the fuse is intact)
  • Slight squeal comes from the roof of the van at around 40mph - I think air is coming in somewhere
  • Weather stripping on doors is old and cracked - pending. 2 of 6 are now done. SOOO BOOORRRINNNGG.
  • Right mirror (passenger side) is slipping when I drive, so I have to keep adjusting it
  • Add privacy curtains
  • Get nicer storage for stay-in emergency van tools (to fit under bed) and personal stuff
  • Replace spark plugs
  • Sort out area above cab - it's sagging and has the old TV in that I'd like to do something with
  • Replace air filter
  • Add sea foam and drive her around a bit
  • Update flooring
  • Add power option for 2-3 days of laptop and phone charging - solar?
FIL and SIL are coming into to town today. I'm tempted to pick them up from the airport in the van as it's 80 degrees out and the other vehicle doesn't have AC. I'm still nervous letting other people ride in her, because it's a bit of a trust exercise. Hoping new shocks and time will resolve this.
This week has been a bit of a bummer. Bacon sprung a squeak and the new mechanic suggested it might be coming from the transmission. Then while I was investigating I noticed a leak coming from the transmission pan, and another one coming from further up. In addition, when I ripped the radio out I found out the hole isn't the right size, so I need to get it cut, and there's metal on it. And when I tried to hook up the stereo anyway to at least get the parts in place, no power seemed to go to the unit. Also, the AC runs ok at highway speeds, but I can't use it in traffic because it stalls her out. So these 90 degree days are unpleasant. Then to top it all off I got super pissed at the new mechanic because they basically said they couldn't diagnose the squeak until it got louder, but still charged me the $50 diagnostic fee, despite diagnosing nothing other than that I have a short patience for car stuff. And I've tried to read the transmission fluid level like six times and none of it makes sense - it's high when it's cold and low when it's hot.

I know I shouldn't expect a new van for the amount I paid, and I still think she's a good van, but this week is testing my resolve. I don't seem to have anyone around me who is willing to help me on stuff, mechanic included. The worst part is I'm willing to pay for the stuff I can't do myself/alone, but it feels like no one wants to work on my van. Also, the Haynes manual is no help - "How to remove X: Step 1: Locate X, Step 2: Remove X." Where are the decent instructionals with clear illustrations and actual pointers about what I'm looking for? Grrr.

I just need to take a moment, take stock of all the things, and work through them, one by one, believing that eventually the list will stop getting longer and start getting shorter (probably at the same time the days do... lol).

Here's the thesis of work I'm currently faced with:

  • Diagnose speed-related squeak coming from engine area
  • Fix leaks on transmission
  • Check steering box for stress cracks/critical damage
  • Check U-joints (I might need some pointers on where these are)
  • Driver's power window doesn't roll down
  • Figure out why car stalls under heavy load (AC etc) in traffic
  • Add curtains
  • Replace front wheel bearings
  • Detail interior windows and metal fixings
  • Exterior clean - just need to clean crud from behind spare tire
  • VOLTS is lit up on dash
  • Figure out electrical stuff - lots of cut wires, speakers don't work - I think I need to map things out so I at least know what all the various bits of wiring hanging by my feet are!
  • Install a new sound system with aux input/bluetooth - do this one I've troubleshot the current system and know where the failure is at (speakers don't work, seems to be no power to the radio, but the fuse is intact) I jumped ahead and ripped it out. Now I have no idea why nothing's working.
  • Slight squeal comes from the roof of the van at around 40mph - I think air is coming in somewhere
  • Weather stripping on doors is old and cracked - pending. 2 of 6 are now done. SOOO BOOORRRINNNGG.
  • Right mirror (passenger side) is slipping when I drive, so I have to keep adjusting it This seems to have stopped now
  • Add privacy curtains
  • Get nicer storage for stay-in emergency van tools (to fit under bed) and personal stuff
  • Replace spark plugs
  • Sort out area above cab - it's sagging and has the old TV in that I'd like to do something with
  • Add sea foam and drive her around a bit
  • Update flooring
  • Add power option for 2-3 days of laptop and phone charging - solar?  Found a 12v plug, got a 12v charger for laptop - will have to do for now
Positive thoughts and prayers for you!! I feel like nothing's happening in my journey, so can relate to the frustration! Deep breaths and keep ranting and asking questions here and I'm sure this elephant will be quite tasty when done ;-)
AbuelaLoca said:
Positive thoughts and prayers for you!! I feel like nothing's happening in my journey, so can relate to the frustration! Deep breaths and keep ranting and asking questions here and I'm sure this elephant will be quite tasty when done ;-)

Thank you. I can cope with all the internal stuff, I just wish the mechanical things could be resolved. I hate driving around wondering if my next acceleration will explode the transmission! Deep breaths....!
thehellend said:
And I've tried to read the transmission fluid level like six times and none of it makes sense - it's high when it's cold and low when it's hot.

OK, take a break, go inside, sit down and take a few deep breaths. Have something cold to drink while you relax.
Feel better?
Now, before you check the trans fluid, take it for a ride until the engine temperature is normal. Park it where it wont roll away. Now, with the van still running and in neutral, check the transmission fluid. The trans has to be warmed up before you check it. The engine oil on the other hand should be checked with the engine off and sitting for a few minutes to allow the oil to run back to the bottom. The engine and transmission are opposite to each other in the way they need to be checked. The only common denominator is the van should be fairly level to check either one. One important point and I should have mentioned earlier, each time you pull the dip stick, wipe the oil off with a rag or paper tower before you stick it back in to check the level. After you have wiped it off is a good time to look and see where the marks towards the bottom of the stick are. This will help you to see it better after you have oil on it.
Ballenxj said:
OK, take a break, go inside, sit down and take a few deep breaths. Have something cold to drink while you relax.
Feel better?
Now, before you check the trans fluid, take it for a ride until the engine temperature is normal. Park it where it wont roll away. Now, with the van still running and in neutral, check the transmission fluid. The trans has to be warmed up before you check it. The engine oil on the other hand should be checked with the engine off and sitting for a few minutes to allow the oil to run back to the bottom. The engine and transmission are opposite to each other in the way they need to be checked. The only common denominator is the van should be fairly level to check either one. One important point and I should have mentioned earlier, each time you pull the dip stick, wipe the oil off with a rag or paper tower before you stick it back in to check the level. After you have wiped it off is a good time to look and see where the marks towards the bottom of the stick are. This will help you to see it better after you have oil on it.

What's interesting is it looks full up when it's been sat a while - I just went to the pub for a couple of hours, and checked it before heading home - the dipstick showed full. But when I've driven it a distance and got it hot, I barely see it on the rod.

We've ascertained that the trans fluid pan gasket needs replacing, so I'm going to get that done next and have the (new) mechanic show me how to check the fluid and make sure it's good. The van shifts fine, so there's no way I could be as low as the stick suggests when hot.
thehellend said:
We've ascertained that the trans fluid pan gasket needs replacing, so I'm going to get that done next and have the (new) mechanic show me how to check the fluid and make sure it's good. The van shifts fine, so there's no way I could be as low as the stick suggests when hot.
There you go, kill two birds with one stone. While he's changing the trans pan gasket, have him change the trans filter too since he'll have the pan off anyway.
Yesterday was a productive day! We got the trams pan off, inspected it, no cracks, we suspect the pan wasn't screwed on tight enough and caused the leak, so we cleaned it all up and put a new filter and gasket on. My friend used this liquid rubber seal stuff to make sure there was a solid seal on the pan. I'm now in the process of adding back the fluid lost when we dropped the pan. Any ideas how much I should put in? So far I added 3 qts and took a cold running reading and could see it register in between the cold markers on the dipstick, but I want to make sure I put enough in to safely do a drive to warm it up and take another reading. It's a TH400 trans.

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it should take about 4 qts mas o menos. after you put 3 in start it and keep you foot on the brake then run it through each gear one at a time pausing a couple of seconds in each gear. then recheck, keep the fluid on the low side of the stick until it gets hot. running through the gears several times. after it's completely warmed up top off the fluid and take it on a test drive of a few miles. check again after the test drive. check the next day to be sure. highdesertranger
Thank you! I did exactly that and it's good now. In addition, my good friend (who turns out to be a rather skilled redneck mechanic) helped me do a bunch of other stuff. I changed my spark plugs! We also added sea foam to the carburetor which degunked things, but the increased performance from both (the old plugs were RUSTED! I suspect the old owner got conned and they never got changed) has highlighted a timing issue that we are figuring out this week. It also went through a strange phase where it refused to shut off, with the engine still firing awkwardly for a while after the key was turned. Wiggling some wires solved the issue, but we are monitoring in case there is a bigger issue at play.

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I did a bunch of stuff! Hurrah, fighting back against the super long list:

  • Diagnose speed-related squeak coming from engine area  Yahhhhh we did it! T'was the speedometer cable. Old one is out, new one needs ordering and fitting.
  • Fix leaks on transmission Another one bites the dust! Re-installed the pan, it looks like it wasn't on tight enough.
  • Check steering box for stress cracks/critical damage
  • Check U-joints (I might need some pointers on where these are)
  • Driver's power window doesn't roll down
  • Figure out why car stalls under heavy load (AC etc) in traffic - Leaving this for now, we're playing with the idling speed this week to see if we can fix it.
  • Add curtains
  • Replace front wheel bearings - I'm going to remove this as I'm not entirely sure the van needs it.
  • Detail interior windows and metal fixings
  • VOLTS is lit up on dash
  • Figure out electrical stuff - lots of cut wires, speakers don't work - I think I need to map things out so I at least know what all the various bits of wiring hanging by my feet are!
  • Install a new sound system with aux input/bluetooth
  • Slight squeal comes from the roof of the van at around 40mph - I think air is coming in somewhere - electrical tape FTW - Maybe I'll do a more official job of it later, but for now it's DONE!
  • Weather stripping on doors is old and cracked - pending. 3 of 6 are now done. SOOO BOOORRRINNNGG.
  • Add privacy curtains
  • Get nicer storage for stay-in emergency van tools (to fit under bed) and personal stuff - My friend gifted me a red toolbox that fits perfectly :)
  • Replace spark plugs
  • Add sea foam and drive her around a bit
  • Update flooring