Well, let's see. Do you want the short answer or long one? The short answer is, it all depends on your anticipated usage.
Longer answer is below.
First off, are you referring to a Verizon LTE branded Samsung tablet? Or are your referring to a different cell phone carrier? I'm guessing it's probably by Verizon, which is what I have.
Are you also referring to one of the Samsung tablets (by Verizon) per the Verizon website link below?
If so, then LTE refers to Long Term Evolution. It's just a marketing term. But what it means practically speaking to you and mean is that it's fast stuff and better too.
In order to take advantage of LTE, you must have an LTE device (by Verizon), plus have LTE signal activation, or a monthly subscription for LTE service in other words.
4G LTE by Verizon is muuuuuch faster than 3G. Waaaay faster. The other cool advantage is that with Verizon LTE, this means you can both talk on your phone while surfing the internet at the same time. In other words, LTE allows for simultaneous voice and data.
It used to be that only AT&T with their GSM technology could claim simultaneous voice and date. But not anymore, Verizon can now do so ever since they installed their 4G LTE towers some several years ago. That's why I laugh at AT&T television commercials when they say only their service allows simultaneous voice and data. Bull!!
I have the Samsung 7.7" screen Android tablet which I ordered through Verizon. My particular Samsung tablet has a built-in SIM card that allows for 4G LTE activation and signal through Verizon. Even though my tablet has this ability, I chose not to activate the 4G LTE service. That's because Verizon would charge me for an additional line of service, which I don't need or want at this time. I already have a Samsung Note 2 smartphone with UN-limited grandfathered 4G LTE service through Verizon, so I simply wirelessly tether my smartphone to emit a wifi signal to my tablet (and laptop, etc). This is an entirely different topic by the way, so I'm not going to elaborate on this thread regarding wireless tethering.
That means I'm simply using my tablet as a wifi only tablet, as opposed to a tablet that has built in wireless data signal (which I would have to pay an extra monthly fee). But I like the fact I have the versatility at any time to activate the SIM card inside the tablet in order to surf the web **independent** of my smartphone wifi tethering. Again, I choose not to activate the built-in 4G LTE SIM card at this time, but maybe in the future.
If a tablet sold by Verizon doesn't have a built-in SIM card, that would mean the tablet only works in wifi mode. This would mean the tablet must receive a wifi signal from whatever source (eg: home wifi, Starbucks, etc). I would venture to say most people that own a tablet only have a wifi only tablet, as opposed to one with a built-in SIM card which requires a monthly payment. I have multiple various tablets, but all of them I'm using as wifi only.
For you personally, are you willing to pay extra for the 4G LTE service on a tablet? Or maybe you have a "shared plan" by Verizon that allows for data connectivity to a certain number of devices, hence you wouldn't have to pay "extra" for adding internet data to another device?? In my case, I don't have a shared plan, I only have the older individual plan from Verizon, which means I would have to pay extra for any separate device activation. Maybe you might also have a "family plan" which allows for multiple devices to have data plan included. Since I don't know what your particular situation is, only you can determine the best cost effective plan for yourself.