T-mobile and lack of overages

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republic wireless gives 5 gig for 25 if you can live with sprint coverage. i use thier calls text and wifi for 10, no towers here :/
have to use a small selection of moto phones

Welp, so much for that. Looks like they are going to the 1, 2, 3 gig limited plans all the other ones are pushing. They are pitching as a good thing for you, because they will refund you each month for the amount of data you don't use. Thats great, but ...its 1gb for $25 now. :\

Good news is they are adding another carrier on besides sprint (probably why the crappy data buckets), and some believe it will be verizon. So at least ill be able to get better coverage. I am switching to the 5 gig plan now tho, so i can be grandfathered in for the next year.
Honey and I have always used different carriers in the hopes that one of us would have coverage. I've had Cricket since they started, Honey had T-Mobile for the longest time since we could use it over seas.

Until Cricket was bought by AT&T a few years back, T-Mobile killed Cricket in the mountains. Cricket used Versions network, T-Mobile used AT&T's network. By kill I meant the Cricket phone would get no data and spotty voice and text. The T-Mobile phone was at least functional except I have had dial up that was faster.

Now that AT&T has Cricket, the roles completely reversed. Even in places that neither phone worked well before, my Cricket phone acts normal. With a 10 gig plan for $55 I'd kill my cable here at home if they let me tether my laptop so that I could see the screen better. It works so well that Honey tossed the T-Mobile and came to Cricket. Between the two of us we have 20 gigs of data for $110 even though we never get close to the limits.
akrvbob said:
If you are going to spend most of your time in the city, it doesn't matter who you get, they all work pretty well so get the cheapest.

If you are going to be away from the city Verizon gets an A+ for coverage and ATT gets a B. Everyone else get a D-.

What good is a cheap plan if it doesn't work where you are?

  I would heartily concur with Bob , T-mobile lacks coverage in many areas "boonie" wise. An alternative for you might be the Wally World " Straight-Talk" , they allegedly use Verizon's network. Dunno but it might be worth a look.
K1ngN0thing said:
This and gaming. I think 128Kbps might be fast enough for the games I play but I know it won't always be as high as 128Kbps. It's insane to me that literally no company is offering higher throttled speeds despite obvious demand. I guess they all have a tacit agreement to offer equally slow service so everyone gets a nice big slice of the pie. Unfortunately, a $100m fine is nothing compared to their $6.2b net profit in 2014. The FCC would need to make it a recurring fee that ramps up until they change their practices.

  The slow speed and the latency factor will likely be a problem with some games , don't know which ones you play but for the graphics intensive games such as Eve Online it was a distinct problem.
I have the unlimited plan with T-Mobile since I couldn't find anyone else comparable that offered unlimited data. They say there is no throttling, no matter how much you use, and I've found that to be true. The coverage is spotty in rural areas, but I usually check their coverage map before I plan a stay anywhere. Here on the lake in northern Ohio I have 4g lte, but on the drive here it was spotty.

Their unlimited rate is high- 80 a month, but if you add a line it's only 40 more, so I share with a relative and we pay 60 each.

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