SUNDAY was a good day 'til the SHOOTING started....Is anywhere "SAFE"?

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The world has never been safe, and I doubt it ever will be safe. You do what you need to do to feel secure. I don't want to live in an armed bunker (and starve to death?) so I comfort myself by remembering all the good and kind people I have known or even encountered. I am so much more likely to run into good people than bad ones, whether I'm travelling or living in one place.
Even if we lived in a total Police State Utopia (Heavy sarcasm) where each of us was being 'protected' personally by our own personal cop(s) people would still not be totally safe
You pays your money and you takes your chance
(most people carry a gun because a cop is too heavy :D)
akrvbob said:
At the RTR we had a BLM Ranger come and give a talk and answer questions. The problem f crime came up, he said there were pety thefts, especially generators being stolen.

So I asked him, "What about violent crime on BLM land around Quartzsite?" He said he has been there 11 years and had never heard of one violent crime on BLM land around Quartzsite.

You can FEEL any way you want, but if you want to actually BE safe, head out to the desert or National Forest.

The ranger was mistaken Bob!

In March 2015 just about 100 yards from the main LTVA gates of La Posa West we had an armed man beat a woman (K is fine but was badly beaten up) & split into the night but not so far that his hoots could not be heard. The Quartzsite police attended, the Rangers attended & the retired cop in the next campsite to mine dropped by my bus & Julie's A-Class one site further & 'forgot' a handgun in each place. (Both Julie & I hunt & are familiar with weapons.) The onace was then legally on us Canadian girls to safeguard those weapons until the rightful owner could pick them up as we could not legally transport them. He did that late the next day after the perpetrator had been arrested.

Honestly, I didn't feel unsafe that night just plain old pi$$ed off...but then I do tend to wander off for weeks alone in the wilds. I respect the wild things but I never fear them...I kinda' think it works both ways.

Large groups of humans, as in cities...that scares the crap outta me!
Sometimes, you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Minimotos95: "I believe if you ever feel 'safe' you are far too comfortable."

↑↑↑ What he said.

Do you ever watch people texting, talking on their phones, or walking with their earbuds in? They aren't paying attention to anything around them. I saw a YouTube video where this guy pointed at gun at someone on a commuter train and took her cell phone. The car was full, but only one guy saw it happen. Like chickens invited to a BBQ -- as guests of honor.
The crime rate around me dropped significantly when I moved to an area where a lot of people carry guns.
Did somebody tell the bad guys you suppose? I picked up a hitchhiker today. That is something that I would not do if I didn't have a gun in the driver's side door pouch.
Consider getting a concealed weapons permit and some training.
I do believe places with lots of RVs around are safer because many, or most, RV owners are armed and this fact is widely recognized.
That's one of those "If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does it still make a noise?" questions.

The problem is that it's just not all about you.
flying kurbmaster said:
If I got two guns, could I reduce the crime rate wherever I go, twice as fast?

That's funny! ;) I have noticed that all mass shootings in the US recently have happened in "gun free zones." I guess the bad guys feel safer there too.

2 guns won't help, but a bigger one might.

A little much to carry around in a holster, no?


Just think,if we all had rpg launchers with 30 round clips,there would be no crime at all.Assault wea[pons are for pu**ies,bring on the mortors!

Forget customizing your van for FT use, I'd like to customize one of these. Let's see the local constabulary harass you for overnighting wherever you like.

Of course there would still be crime, just none of it threatening you.

If you find one with the balls to question you, just pop-up in the top hatch in full desert cammie and microphoned Kevlar helmet, behind your 50 cal machine gun and calmly tell them they don't have the security clearance to know why you are here and which agency you belong to - and that you'll move on when your mission is over with. Then ask them if they have any problem with that, as you draw the bolt back and let it slam forward, deftly chambering a 5.45" inch long round in the chamber.

(Just kidding of course - before anyone flips out.)


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