CRM had a break out today through the resistance. Broke out sooner than I expected. Earnings report will be 02/25/2015, figured I had more time to play with it. Which means I expected break out on that date. There is a 57% chance of a pullback. I'll probably lose on this one. Why, because a symmetrical triangle has a 2% failure rate. The rule is don't buy any sooner than break out, which I didn't abide by.. I'm still hoping for a rebound in my PUT OPTION, lol. Win some lose some, that's part of the game, win a lot, lose a few, don't put all your eggs in one basket.HarmonicaBruce said:So let me see if I'm following. You'll be in the money if CRM goes below 57.50 by Friday, am I right?
Good luck!
offroad said:Am looking at ETF type trading. Does any know of a self directed IRA where you can buy- trade ETF?
gojo said:I got it @ .21.
If I would have bot a call, that would be correct. But I bot a put. I didn't expect a breakout till earnings report, in about two weeks. If I would have bot a strangle or a straddle, which would be buying a call and a put. Then I would have a profit on one and a loss on one. Then I would subtract my loss on my profit. Then I would have a smaller profit, but still a profit.HarmonicaBruce said:If I'm reading this right, your call is now $3.75, a 1500% increase! Am I right? I'm looking at Feb 13 $57.50 call.
Ouch! Bummer. When I was studying options, I read about people buying a call and a put when you expect a big movement but you're not sure which direction, such as some event going to be announced (a court decision, earnings report, yada yada).gojo said:If I would have bot a call, that would be correct. But I bot a put.
Well, UCO is up big, $9.57. So I sold some $10 March 17 calls for .90. Crazy thing, the bid was .75, ask 1.10, so I put in I'd sell at .90, and it executed in about a minute. My average cost for UCO is $9.44, so I'm looking good. If it stays where it's at, in a month I'll have made over 10%. If it tumbles to $8.70, I'll still be ahead.HarmonicaBruce said:UCO is $8.75 now... Right now I can sell a $9 april 17 call for $1.20, which means I'm making 15% in just over 2 months. But, UCO is down 7% today. The time to sell covered calls is when the stock is up. I'll bet it's back up over $9 this week, so I'll wait to sell the calls.
HarmonicaBruce said:Well, UCO is up big, $9.57. So I sold some $10 March 17 calls for .90. Crazy thing, the bid was .75, ask 1.10, so I put in I'd sell at .90, and it executed in about a minute. My average cost for UCO is $9.44, so I'm looking good. If it stays where it's at, in a month I'll have made over 10%. If it tumbles to $8.70, I'll still be ahead.
I'm trying to figure out why it's even possible to do what I'm doing. Where is the money coming from? The best I can come up with is I'm taking it from gamblers. Why would anyone buy an option to pay $10 for my UCO, and pay .90 for it? The only way to make money doing that is if UCO is over $10.90 in a month. UCO is up today because of what's going on with Greece (I think), but I believe it will stay down for at least a year. That's what the articles are saying.
My general rule:
1) buy UCO when it's down
2) Sell covered calls when it's up
3) Buy back the covered calls when they're down to .10
4) Never sell the underlying stock, let it get assigned.
Good luck to all!
My bad, I was thinking of St. Patrick's Day. They are March 27 calls.gojo said:You got me confused now? Where do you get March 17 Calls?
I know Fidelity allows selling covered calls, that's where I have my IRA. But, they make you "apply" for permission to do so. You answer questions, like how much experience do you have with options, etc. You might call Ameritrade and ask them about it. I wish Fidelity would let me sell covered puts, but they won't.offroad said:Not sure I could do this with a self directed IRA as am unsure of the rules for buy-sell-hold-cash with IRA money. But might find out soon when I move some of my IRA funds to an AMERITRADE account.
Not sure what you mean by "raw trading". I trade ETF's, GLD, SLV, and UCO.offroad said:Have any of you tried ETF instead of the raw trading?
Short term buying and selling works great, for hedge funds that have the world's fastest computers and a small army of programmers and analysts. Sometimes these computers will buy and sell the same security within a second. I don't see how you're going to beat them.offroad said:Am subscribing to a signal tool that gets anywhere from 25% to 35% yearly. Am thinking of using that to make my IRA money increase much faster than the traditional ridiculous low 5% I see for the buy-hold investors.
Having thought about what I wrote, it's sort of true, but could be misleading. Let me explain.HarmonicaBruce said:I said earlier that I think I'll make 20% this year. Since I started trading UCO Dec 15, 65 days ago, I'm up 13%. Anything can happen, but I actually think I'll make 40% this year.
I tried learning about options. I don't understand much, there are straddles and condors and all kinds of strategies, but I do understand covered calls. And that's all I trade, covered calls. Sell the call, get the premium, wait for it to expire.gojo said:You only gambling when you don't understand the fundamentals. I wouldn't use stock options in an IRA , till I would understand a 100% of it. There is a lot of books on this subject, because there's many ways to trade options.
I agree, like you may see a bid .50 and an ask $1.20. If I'm selling a call, I'll try to sell it at .70 or .80. Lots of times, even though the bid is only .50, an order will execute with the price higher. But, in general, I like a bid .70 ask .80 a lot better.gojo said:You'll see a wide spread between bid and ask, stay away.
gojo said:What will WMT do tomorrow?? Earnings report 7:00 AM ET . 2/19/2015.....
If you never watched earnings reports on Stock Options, this is the one to watch. Go to Yahoo Finance, type YHOO, then click on Options, you'll get the latest expiration date 2/20/2015, print it, then compare it to tomorrows prices. I'm not going to say there will be a big move, but if there is any surprises or disappointment or good news, should be a nice movement. If you see an option that is priced .50 that would cost you $50.00 a contract, 1.25 would be $125.00., that's what you pay for it plus commission.
Not all Stocks trade weekly options. A lot of stock option expire only the 3rd Saturday of the month.
gojo said:What will WMT do tomorrow?? Earnings report 7:00 AM ET . 2/19/2015.....
If you never watched earnings reports on Stock Options, this is the one to watch.
HarmonicaBruce said:WMT is $86.08 (3:27). A $86 call is $1.01 - $1.05, and an $86 put is $1.17 - $1.21. So one could buy a call AND a put, it would be $2.26. That seems to mean that you'll make money if WMT is either above $88.26, or below $85.74. The problem with WMT is that it has such a low implied volatility. It doesn't really do much. The high for the year is 90.97, the low is 72.61. My method of options trading, selling covered calls, won't make much using WMT. For WMT to move much they'd have to increase the dividend a lot or cut it. I can't see why people worry about the WMT dividend, it's only 2.2%.
UCO on the other hand has a high for the year of $40.17, low $6.54. It seems hardly a day goes by when it doesn't move at least 3%. UCO is oil, black gold, texas T!
Go figure. Walmart has decent earnings, everything is good, but they announce they're going to pay their employees more, so the stock drops. But, it didn't drop enough to make money on their options, (unless you guessed right and bought puts and didn't buy calls).gojo said:I did not buy into WMT. I noticed it's options are to expensive