offroad said:Gojo - spooky prediction math. Will stick to the dice and tarot cards for now. Lol.
gojo said:Being that we're on this subject, this might make some laugh. To me it's very interesting. Ever heard of Black Jack Card Counting. There's also stock floating shares counting. Float is shares for the public to trade.
I bot. this book at Half Price Book Store, used for a few dollars: Float Analysis..... Very interesting, it works best on small float penny stocks. You count traded shares at the end every day, when it gets near the company's amount of floating shares, you buy. They call this pump and dump, smart buyer, buy all the shares, then they start dumping. Then the greedy inexperience trader sees high volume and start buying thinking this will be the next ebay shock, buying at any price they can get in. Ever see a 50 cent penny stock shoot up to $3.00 or more and then takes a dip back to the old price, that's what's happening. Most of these trader are Market Makers, it's legal for them to do that. If it wasn't for them, there wouldn't be any market. If you know whats going on you can make money on small floating shares.
Float : Number of shares available for trading stocks.
Here's the book I bot.
Shares Outstanding : A company's stock currently held by all share holders, including insiders.
BTW: There's another story about insiders buying.
IGBT said:Seems funny though, having call options on a already leveraged stock (2x).
gojo said:Yesterday near closing, bot. BBY,May15- 36.00 PUT, for .25, today sold for .57, a profit of over 100%, excluding commission.
Yesterday near closing, bot. FB, May15- 78.50 Call, for .50, today sold for .75, a profit of 50%, excluding commission.
This is before noon, now I through working for the day.
I hope I didn't make you think that, just because I called them tea leaves. Charts are a little controversial, seeking-alpha won't accept articles that go into chart reading. But if it works, I'd like to learn more. And float analysis as well. And "max pain" theory.gojo said:I noticed charts is unpopular here. So I'll let it be....
HarmonicaBruce said:I hope I didn't make you think that, just because I called them tea leaves. Charts are a little controversial, seeking-alpha won't accept articles that go into chart reading. But if it works, I'd like to learn more. And float analysis as well. And "max pain" theory.
gojo said:No, that's not the reason, there's just not any discussions on the subject. The Float Analysis, I never tried it. Thought about trying it on small float stocks because they're easier to count, lol. If you want to find some small float stocks, then go to this site. .
Look what Facebook (FB) May15 CALL Options did today. They will expire tomorrow at closing.
79.50 Call 1112.50%
80.00 Call 1750%
80.50 Call 2000%
81.00 Call 3350%
81.50 Call 3800%
82.00 Call 2200%
This was made from todays opening to closing.
IGBT said:Psh, that is nothing if you are playing weeklies on closing day. I have seen options go from $0.10 to $10 in 10 minutes when some news breaks.... 10,000% gain.
I have also heard of people buying a scratch and win ticket for a buck and winning $50k (50,000% gain!)
Well, those calls above 80.00 expired worthless. The 79.50 and 80 calls were down.gojo said:Look what Facebook (FB) May15 CALL Options did today. They will expire tomorrow at closing.
79.50 Call 1112.50%
80.00 Call 1750%
80.50 Call 2000%
81.00 Call 3350%
81.50 Call 3800%
82.00 Call 2200%
This was made from todays opening to closing.