Still planning

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Colorado Katie

New member
Jul 30, 2019
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:shy: I read Bob's book years ago, and have tried to ignore my inner wanderlust.... but it's not working!  Those Youtube videos are so addictive!  And the thought of somehow being able to help others who are trying to make a go of nomadism seems to be a valid heart-opening purpose for the remaining years of my life.  From the very first time camping, in college for a 2-week remote outdoor class on Astrophotography, I've loved the simplicity of a tent and some basic camp items.  I've lived in a Born Free RV for a year in Washington state, working at a state park campground in exchange for the campsite.  I've camped in a Dodge Caravan with a camp cot, self-inflating camp pad, and what I needed tucked under the cot - even survived a night when the temperature got down to 26°.  Being an Air Force brat means the call of the road is less of a choice and more of an internal demand.  After a mild stroke a year and a half ago, and reduced finances, I figured I'd have to hang up the keys, and I've been feeling low about that ever since.  I love my little HUD apartment with a great view of the mountains and a nearby park with a river where I walk my dog.  It's all good here.  But.... the road calls, and the thought of a tribe of like-minded folks who don't denigrate the desire to roam (sigh) sounds like Home.  So.  Once again, I'm researching and planning, and hoping.  My goal is to make it to the RTR and the WRTR this year, and see what happens afterwards.....
Welcome to the CRVL forums Katie! That wanderlust is hard to ignore! Glad you decided to join us and hope to see you at the RTR!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
I would hang onto the HUD apartment for now and just enjoy some extended camping trips away from home to satisfy the wanderlust. See how that shakes out for you. It is very difficult to get into low income housing and shutting that door too soon after your health issue seems a very risky thing to do. Take it in increments before you commit to a total life style change and see how your health holds up to an extended trip of a month of two.
I hear ya, I think about what is around the corner and over the hill. But YES, don't give up your home base at this point, it sounds pretty nice for a HUD.....
Just keep walking toward what ya want :)
you will find what suits ya and plan/research how you want to move forward and go for it!
At my age, a HUD apartment with a mountain view and a river nearby sounds wonderful.

A question please, how long can you travel at a time and still keep your apartment? Surely, anyone should be able to take a long vacation.

Oh yes, welcome to the forum... it's great to have you here with us.
That's a GREAT question!  I'll have to check that out, or just go "stealth" - LOL!.   I think I'm going to take Bob's Baby Steps suggestion to set up camp inside my tiny apartment and get used to that lifestyle again (it's been 3 years).... I guess knowing that half my income will be gone soon makes me really consider living as a nomad on my SS alone pretty soon.... but.... will continue planning and practicing - if anyone comes to visit and my porta potty is in the living room... well, those that love us will love us no matter what, and those other folks don't matter!!!!!  Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions!!
Hi Katie, I am in the position as you. I now am living in a HUD apartment with wanderlust. I lived in a motor home for 5 years full time and some years ago sold it and settled in a house. After a divorce 2 years ago I moved back to Ohio where, because of low fixed income, I applied and luckily got into a HUD apartment. The apartment is great and very affordable.....but like you I am not happy being rooted. I guess it was the 5 years of freedom in traveling around the country that implanted that in me. I can't see me giving up my apartment because for one thing I would lose other benefits as well such as medicaid. Another thing is that I am not sure that I could afford to do it on my income, even with free camping and living in my car. I had even considered the idea of finding a travel mate to share in the expenses and maybe purchase a small travel trailer to pull with my car. But I am not having any luck with that either.
So I have sort of settled myself to the idea that maybe a few extended road trips might quiet that wanderlust a bit.