Steroid Camper?

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Honestly, he looks very proud of his toy, I am no judge of how a person spends their money, and if it makes him happy like it seems to be, more power to him! All i think is dear god, if it was me I'd need extra insurance for the day when I forgot the back door was 4 foot off the ground!
I have no idea what the draw to this kind of thing is, but it does seem a lot of guys...usually kinda short guys, really like to build stuff like was one parked outside of a C-store in Deming the last time I was there...I asked the female clerks if it was one of theirs and they said no it belonged to one woman's boyfriend. The aftermarket step was about four feet off the ground and I could see no way a short guy or his lady friend could climb into it. But they must of had a way...<br />Bri
Short guys?&nbsp; Why are you picking on short guys?&nbsp; LOL...&nbsp; Actually, here in Texas, where these things seem to be most common, the general consensus is that guys with very large trucks OBVIOUSLY have VERY SMALL....&nbsp; errrr....&nbsp; ummm....&nbsp; savings account balances....&nbsp; yeah....&nbsp; that's it... are right of mistake and I really wanted to say what you did...It is more to do with your thought than physical stature...not picking on short guys...I just happen to be a tall guy that hits his head on pipes and stuff way more than any short guy I ever knew...<br />That's my story and I'm sticking to it....<img src="/images/boards/smilies/redface.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />Bri
That little rig? It's just got big feet, thats all...
looks like an awesome rig for the zombie apocalypse!! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><img src="/images/boards/smilies/crazy.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Seraphim said:
That little rig? It's just got big feet, thats all...
<br /><br />Very very true! Camper itself looks tiny.