steering wheel tray

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2021
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Does anyone here use one of these? have a favorite (or least-favorite) brand? recommend features to look for or avoid?
Is there a type of bricks-and-mortar store that would carry them? I asked in an auto supply store once and they'd never heard of them.

In a quick skim of Amazon, I was surprised to see that most seem to fit onto the bottom of the steering wheel rather than hooking over the top. I was kind of surprised that that would be stable enough. Anyway, curious about tips and other comments from people who have experience with these. Thanks!
If anyone has answers to any of the specific questions asked in the post above, they would of course be much appreciated; and if not, that is of course fine too.
fwiw, I changed my mind and got one of the flat ones. I figured, fewer moving parts to mess up, easier to store when not in use. (I really wished there was a brick-and-mortar store that carried these -- with an unfamiliar product it's especially nice to see the different options and more easily try them out, but there's always returns...)
I got this bamboo one rather than plastic as some reviewers seemed to think it was more healthy and less prone to warping (also just nicer looking). Tried it out today and I think it will do the trick.
It hooks on pretty solid to the steering wheel, it just wobbles slightly as the steering wheel wobbles. On my vehicle (Honda CR-V) it sits slightly higher than a "real" table would, and you have to push your seat back to give it room, but it was plenty comfortable.

I figure it will pay for itself pretty quickly in terms of not being so tempted to eat out (or even getting carry-out but bringing my own coffee -- restaurant coffee seems to have just shot up in price).

I wouldn't put a drink on it, but you don't really need it for that since most vehicles already have a drinks holder. It seems stable enough for anything else. I propped a pretty heavy book on it and I think it could probably handle a laptop well.

Judging by the number of people who asked, in the questions section on Amazon, "will this stay on the steering wheel while you're driving?" I would say really and truly be careful out there people there's some whack jobs on the road.:LOL:
I figured that you weren't planning on eating and drinking on the go. Ending up wearing your food and drink at a minimum.

I also figured that you may not have an option to sit somewhere else in the vehicle while you eat.
Judging by the number of people who asked, in the questions section on Amazon, "will this stay on the steering wheel while you're driving?" I would say really and truly be careful out there people there's some whack jobs on the road.:LOL:
Whack jobs indeed. I have seen more than one person driving down the interstate with a laptop on a steering wheel tray and, no surprise here, they kept running off the road onto the shoulder. If someone were changing a tire there they would have been killed. Safe travels.
That reminds me of Carl Hiassen's excellent novel Razor Girl.
Although the protagonist did not use a steering wheel tray.
Yeah, definitely a cheaper lunch with a better view. I like this thing.
A laptop is just too bulky and in the way when trying to steer. That's why they are putting the giant tablets in the center of the dash, and not on the steering wheel.

Because that isn't distracting.
Recently I walked by a parked new Telsa that had that enormous video display unit in the center of the dash.
Texting while driving is against the law but concentrating on a screen adjusting your windshield wiper or heater or maping function, music volume, or radio station, is OK?
I don't think the laws have kept up with the technology.
When Bill Lear (Of Lear Jet fame) invented the car radio, there were no radios in cars at that time and, the government would not allow them as listening to the radio would be too distracting for drivers. It took Bill a long time to convince the government that people could indeed drive and listen to music. Amazing how far we have come from back then. I dated a girl once that got so distracted when driving and listening to the radio and singing and dancing (yes, I know) she had 3 accidents. This was before cell phones and I am sure her attention span did not improve when she got one of those. I can't even imagine her trying to drive and operate a touchscreen display and I am sure there are many people on the road just like her. It used to be that you could not even eat while driving as that could get you an "Inattentive Driving" ticket, so how did we end up with touchscreens and computers operated by the driver? I believe Morgana is right although almost all, if not all, states have some kind of laws against distracted driving, inattentive driving, etc. and I think all those devices would or at least should fall into that category.