Stealth signs

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I don't think a van parked in a residential area necessarily screams pedophile
I think it depends on the area and the type of van and how often it shows up

But it's something to think about
Were I a cop and saw a shuttle van parked in front of an apartment complex for a longer time - more than a half hour - I would be checking it out. Ditto parked in a commercial/industrial area. It's out of place......
One of the very best places for passenger or window vans is around a large apartment complex, even better if there are multiple apartment complexes. There are so many cars parked everywhere and people coming or going NO ONE knows who belongs there. Other than the noise, it's one of the best areas for a passenger van.
I would do a couple magnetic signs were I to do something like this, that way you have something to fit different situations. Maybe even including a number so you'll get a call first if there is an issue. You can actually get away with a lot by just asking, I parked my huge step van in a hospital parking lot for a month in Capital Hill Seattle (even got them to give me a permit, said I was from out of town and there for treatment), a couple hotels (three or four, I called and asked if they had a place for oversized vehicles so I didn't get in the way, a couple actually sent me to an empty lot next door they also owned for that reason), also, the police can be very helpful if you know how to talk to people and what to say. This worked well in areas that didn't allow overnight parking, once in Cannon Beach, OR and another in Aloha, OR, in both cases it was the police that pointed me to my destination for the night.
I don't think any business signs on your van is a good idea unless you are actually in business. Every municipality has requirements to be in business such as a local business permit and any other permits as required by law depending on the type of business. The police look for people doing business without a permit. You could actually get fined and end up in court, and trust me when government fines a business it isn't cheap. Could be thousands of $!
Spirituallifetime said:
I don't think any business signs on your van is a good idea unless you are actually in business. Every municipality has requirements to be in business such as a local business permit and any other permits as required by law depending on the type of business. The police look for people doing business without a permit. You could actually get fined and end up in court, and trust me when government fines a business it isn't cheap. Could be thousands of $!

Thousands for advertising a business that doesn't exist???

....not the paranoid type, are ya??

What the OP 'could' do , is say that this 'used' to be his/her business, but it's no longer in service. problem solved.

B'sides...I'd still just leave your van blank anyways. I know plenty of business' that have nothing on their rigs at all.
One of the places I am planning to stealth the cops don't seem to care one bit about business permits
I have called the police to report someone working without a license
Most of the time the police don't even show up
Patrick46 said:
Thousands for advertising a business that doesn't exist???

....not the paranoid type, are ya??

What the OP 'could' do , is say that this 'used' to be his/her business, but it's no longer in service. problem solved.

B'sides...I'd still just leave your van blank anyways. I know plenty of business' that have nothing on their rigs at all.
I don't think one could be fined for advertising a business but you can get some hefty fines for being in business without the proper permits. I know, I received $1000 fine 9 years ago.
you can actually get paid to advert businesses on you vehicle so yea, they might question you but not gonna fine you.
around here in kalifornia. if you have a business sign on your vehicle you are considered commercial and fall into a whole slew of regulations. one of which is you must go through weigh stations where they can inspect your rig for no reason. you must also pay extra registration fees for how much your vehicle weighs. if your vehicle weighs more than you paid for the fines are hefty they could easily run into the thousands. many , many more special commercial regulations, so I would say forget the signs here. highdesertranger

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