Stealth option - ladder as antenna?

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2016
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I've read of several builds where people with stealth builds mounted a ladder to the roof of their van or trailer to make it look more like a work vehicle. I like the idea, but wondered if the ladder could be made to function as an antenna for TV, cell/wifi and/or cb radio? I assume antennas for these devices are designed and "tuned" for optimal reception and performance. Does anyone know if an ordinary aluminum ladder could be used as an antenna?
for receiving it might work with varying results. for transmitting you need a properly tuned antenna or you will blow your transmitter. actually for receiving a tuned antenna will work the best but a untuned antenna will not harm the receiver. BTW someone makes a rack with a TV antenna built in. TV and FM radio are very close in frequency either antenna usually gives satisfactory results on the other. highdesertranger
A van with a ladder on top to me would mean that the van is also full of tools......Thieves like tools......just sayin'
That was true before the digital change over.

You will get better results with a cheap (or expensive) flat panel antenna in a window for that TV fix.
Yup , thought so.

To use a ladder for the HF signals TV operates on these days would be one strange looking ladder .......I suppose a small yagi could be hidden on the roof but it would have to be pointed at the tower for each channel.

I have one and use a flat panel unless I'm staying in one place for a while.
I agree that work trucks are broken into a lot. Tools are hard to trace or prove that you were the one that owned it so they are a favorite of thieves.

On un tuned antenna, besides the desired frequency they will be pulling in all kinds of interference from elsewhere. There may be more noise than the tuner of your radio or TV can filter out.
Use Wi-Fi and put the ladder there anyway. You might need a ladder one day.