Starting over from scratch, sort of.

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Dec 25, 2014
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Florida Gulf Coast
I think I am at the point in my life where I need to be as free as possible. So I'd just like to share my situation with everyone here, cause I have been thinking about doing some travelling for a long time, but always seem to be tied down.

I currently work from home 10-20 hours a week. It's enough to pay 750/month rent, 400/month all utilities (power, water, internet, cell), 500/month food, and 300 or so a month for sundries, my dog, and occasional entertainment or hobby spending.

My motivation at this point is multifaceted, but I have identified a couple of driving factors.

1.) Money. Expenses are stacking up. I need to save a big chunk of that 1150/month in cost of living expense for other things, like health care and a retirement plan. I also have some serious debts that I have just ignored because I need to live.

2.) Solitude. For a lot of people this feels like a contradiction, but in my 950 square foot, 2 bedroom apartment, I feel really cramped. It's not so much the space, but what I am aware of that is going on around me in my immediate vicinity. I have already started living minimalist lifestyle, but the one thing I have a really hard time minimizing is unwanted human activity.

3.) Travel. I have always loved to travel. I spent 15 years getting myself into a career and skill set where I could work from anywhere in the world. It's been going on 7 years now since I have gotten myself into that position. I think it's time.

4.) My work. When I don't have to worry about #1, and feel like #2, while doing #3, I do some of my best work. My time becomes so much more efficient so I can do more of #1. It just seems to be a self reinforcing loop that will build myself up. I feel I could easily double my productivity from 10-20 hours a week to 20-40 hours a week, allowing me to get out of debt and start saving for retirement (not that I will ever voluntarily quit my work, but still.)

So that is my situation. There is a lot more going besides my motivation list, obviously, but I think those 4 things are a good basis. For the most part, I have been living freer than most people I know thanks to being able to work remotely.

I do have some concerns about cutting the cord.

How will I cash my checks? How will I collect my mail? Is living on the road really all that much cheaper than living in an apartment?

I figure on the face of it, 1150/month that I spend now will not completely disappear. I could cut my rent to around 500 a month and probably do a little better with utility usage. If I ran a tight ship, I could maybe get my monthly bills down to 950 a month. That's 200 in saving, but I think would be awfully stressful.

I really do need my space, not so much for stuff, but just a buffer between me and people living around me. Cutting down my apartment size would drive me crazy I think.

I figure I could take half that 1150 a month, 575 and dedicate it towards hooking up a van or a camper or something. I could then split the remaining 575 into a retirement account (after debt paid), health care account, and rainy day fund.

I think I would be much happier like this and that will let me work more efficiently and get my debts paid sooner and eliminate my financial problems, put my soul in a peaceful place, realize my dream of traveling, and yeah do better work.

Well, thanks for hearing my situation. I am looking for a fresh start from scratch. The hardest part is going to be getting that vehicle that will become home for me. I have to find the money to do that, since I haven't had a car in nearly 7 years.
I've looked into the Tiny Home nation and they're fascinating.

If you can't imagine yourself living out of a car, perhaps look into your area and find someone that owns 100+ acres of land. Befriend them and beg them to sell you maybe a half acre or two and or let you pay it off over time at an added price. Maybe a rent to own scheme?

There's plenty of lil shacks (few hundred up to couple grand) you can buy to get started off immediately until you save enough to build out your dream mini home.

Plenty of options to heat or cool it as well.

I suppose until you save up enough money, you'd have to live the first few weeks or months camping style. Candles for light. Recharge-able batteries for misc stuff. Propane gas tank with bbq to cook.

Sure electricity + running water + sewage would be nice. Although there are solutions to ALL that if none are available.

Solar + Batteries + Inverter for the minor stuff (lights, smaller appliances, tv)

Generators are getting cheaper and cheaper these days. You can get a good 5000 watt generator for few hundred bucks. Turn it on ONLY when you need it (cooling, heating, washer, dryer). If you conserve, you will easily learn you don't need to keep it on all the time.

Compost Toilet

Bring in 5 gallon water bottles and eventually save up to buy a larger tank of water and pay a guy to deliver 500 gallons water at a time. I mean even if you calculate how much water usage you'd realistically need or use, you'd learn to minimize accordingly.

Or if there is a well on the property, work out agreements with the larger property owner to channel a line to your place...

You have a dog, so that's why I didn't mention getting into a van. It's hard living out of a travelling vehicle with a dog.

Good luck with whatever you do.

Just make good plans and phases of the plan before starting to carry out.
Well, a lot of the answers you're gonna receive in response to your question will be based on...

1.) How much do you 'honestly' think you're gonna travel each year. Will you be in a perpetual state of motion, or will you spend 2 - 3 months at a specific spot. What kind of scenarios do you see here??

2.) what kind of budget do you have available to work with?? (literally)

3.) How much knowledge do you have in building/fabricating, as well as in basic vehicle repairs??

4.) how big of a vehicle do you feel comfortable driving?? Would an RV be out of the question??

I, based on the information provided so far, think that a medium sized RV may be a good choice for you.
It would give you and your 4 legged friend enough space without being cramped into a small van. It'd give you enough room to have a work space, and also provide a full kitchen, sleeping area, and a full bathroom.
In today's market, you can find nice clean RV's in quite good shape, for very reasonable money.

You can find a place to park, stay put for awhile, do some work and a bit of exploring, and as the weather turns, slowly work your way South for the warmer winters.
RV spaces come with full hook-ups, and you can find some pretty good deals when staying in 1 spot for a month or so.
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i think you mày be shocked at how much you will save in this lifestyle. My current expenses not counting food, 401k and tithe, are 210 dollars. in feb that will drop to 160.
of course i own my vehicle outright, and i park 'stealth' (free), and do not travel more than 200 miles a month.
I think 500-600 a month most people can live pretty well.
DazarGaidin will you pm me and tell me what food you eat to live so inexpensively?
duke, i said not counting food, which is 100-200 depending on how much i eat out lol