Starting in my car

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2017
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Jersey Girl
Hey all! I've been a member on the Vandwellers subred for a while and have really found CheapRVLiving a great source of information. I've taken the plunge and joined the forum!! I've been out for about a week now. I can't afford a van just yet, so I'm starting in my car. It's pretty nice sized Buick LeSleeper so it's not horrible. I've taken out the front passenger seat and the rear seat. I have a bean bag now where the front passenger seat was so I can sit if I want.. I have a portable toilet in front of that for emergencies... and.. the plan was originally to just stretch out over the passenger area to sleep but I'm finding privacy is an issue. and CRAMPED!  
So what I'm doing now is removing the dividing panel from the trunk/rearseat area and putting some plywood down. This wil give me a bed of about 28" x 60" through the trunk to the middle of the cabin.
My back windows are 5% tint so they're ok... but it was pretty obvious when I hung curtains in the front... I actually believe someone at the Gym was taking pictures when I woke up one morning and started to take my down curtains when I saw her... about a foot away from me... camera pointed right at me....
So I figure with the bed, when it's done... I can keep the front looking 'normal'... and just drape a black curtain on a tension cord across the middle of the cabin and it would look like no one is in there.
Heat is a big problem... It's pretty cold.. but of course, sleeping bag is the answer here.
And then.... I thought electricity would be a priority.. but it's actually ok. I have coffee shops, library, school. I also figured, to save battery time, I only use the wifi or tether when I'm plugged in. Once I'm in for the night, I stick to DVDs I got from the library.
Anyway, that's me in a nutshell for now.
Will post pics after the bed is up.
Welcome. I know you from reddit. Don't give me away.
Welcome Abby to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Welcome to the CRVL Forums   :) 

Really sounds interesting what you've done with the Buick.  

I wonder if there  is a Dome light in the center of your roof that you could
fix a hook where you could take a  bed sheet and suspend  it from the center
by  that hook.  Then take small magnets and secure it to metal surfaces to create
a tent like shroud that would give you privacy.  (more so than a cross curtain...just a thought)

Another little item that may be worth having is a Mp3 player where you could download
"talking books" or music.  Some car radios have Aux input ports where you can plug an
Mp3 into it.   These are quite affordable now days.  A lot of the Libraries offer "Overdrive"
for downloading books and media to Mp3 devices. And there are other sources too. 

Are you traveling much ?  Or in school now ?
Thanks! I tried some neodymium magnets, but they didn't stick to anything... I guess too much padding and plastic. So I'm just gonna use a tension rod. Currently, I use binder clips around the plastic area of the window. I was perusing Walmart and found this tent 'door' that I cut up to fit my space...  But now, I want the front area to be open.. so it's not so obvious I'm sleeping in there. So going to use a tension rod and some binder clips to put it across the middle of the cabin. This will also cover up the toilet area too.. or should.. anyway...

My car is too old to have an Aux port, but I do have a Bluetooth thingy that broadcasts in FM on the radio while I drive if I want... or just use it as a speaker itself...

I posted pictures on Imgur HERE  of what I did today for my bed. I've been sleeping pretty cramped, but this should help out.

I'm not traveling. This is more out of necessity. I'm working two part time jobs (just starting the second one). I don't want to live in the places that I could afford and actually feel much safer in the car :p

I also am in school, but only two classes so it's not hard... I'm a huge procrastinator so that's the only part that makes it difficult..
Even when I go to the library, I find myself catching up on TV shows and movies...

Also, someone on Reddit pointed out that some people may get freaky cause it looks like how those snipers set up their vehicle.. so now I feel creeped out.. but, with the mattress, my plastic bins for my clothes, my toilet, etc.. It's pretty clear that I'm living there and I don't have any bad motives.... or hopefully it would be pretty clear, there's a lot of psychos out there...
Wow.. how time flies...  :D
out of the car, in the van, electric flowing... sorta...  
Months have passed... I forgot all about this post :D
Where are you located? Might be able to help with some ideas on not freezing or baking if we know your climate. Also, welcome aboard.
New Jersey. I cheated with the freezing during the Winter and got a hotel during the blizzard when I was newly fulltiming. Now, I have electricity and am running a fan and fridge to help not die from the heat. But, Im still unsure of my system. I did it entirely on my own without any experience whatsoever. Just help from Redditors and watching Youtuve.

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Actually pretty nervous that my system is still wrong... I just don't know how else to fix it or check it... but it seems to be working.. just one of those days today...

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ArmorAbby said:
Actually pretty nervous that my system is still wrong... I just don't know how else to fix it or check it...

The house battery system?  The simplest possible check is the battery voltage should be at least 12.6v at sundown and at least 12.1v at daybreak.  

Less than 12.6v at sundown means the battery is probably not getting fully charged.  Less than 12.1v at daybreak means the battery are being damaged by going beyond 50% depth of discharge.

This is an oversimplification but works as a basic reality check.
It was the thermo-cooler... it took WAY too much of my power. I ditched it and have had no problems since then.

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