Stale checks?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
I've had some checks for almost 4 months now and I'm having trouble cashing them.&nbsp; I've tried walmart and some cash checking companies and none will take it.&nbsp; They said to go to the bank that issued it but that is states away.&nbsp; Any suggestions?&nbsp; I don't have a bank account anywhere near by.&nbsp; <br><br>Also, how long does it take for checks to go stale in the US?<br><br>
<FONT size=3>Alot of places won't cash checks that are over 90 days old.&nbsp; some check even have that written on them.&nbsp; I'd do what BlkJak says... it doesn't cost anything to open an account.&nbsp; They'll hold the $$$ until the check clears.&nbsp;The bank will tell you&nbsp;5 to 10 business days, but with everything&nbsp; eing electronic it can be just two or three.</FONT>&nbsp;<br><br><FONT size=3>I don't have a bank that is local to me, anymore.&nbsp; So when I get a check I have a couple of friends that will deposit it and give me the cash after it clears.</FONT><br>
I don't have an address right now so I'm not sure if I can open up a new account.&nbsp; Anyways, I ended up making a 400 miles road trip to the bank I do have an account with and they cashed it for me.&nbsp; <br>