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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2013
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Hi everyone,
Glad to have found this forum! I guess there really is a forum for about anything on the 'net. I'm a member of Yahoo Vandwellers but am really interested in living in a Prius V. Will cash out a pension plan and buy a used one in a few years. Just working until that point. My goal is to camp fulltime in a LTVA for 6-7 months a year and spend summers at a high elevation campground in Mexico. Either that or move to South America. Still have the vehicle dwelling bug though and want to give this a try.
Welcome to the forum and family Tex....glad you found us...<br><br>Speaking of a high altitude campground in Mexico have you ever been to San Miguel de Allende? The Webers have a sweet little campground I always stay at there and it nestles in a courtyard between two tennis courts within walking distance of all town center...very close to the Instituto de Allende.<br><br><br><br>Enjoy,<br>Bri<br><br>
Hi LostinSpace, your reply threw me for a second. My name is Wade too and I'm originally from Leesburg. Small world!

Hi Bri, I've seen that website before. Ran across it while reading "Mexican Camping" by the Church's, and the website Ontheroadin. I was under the impression it shut down, but if not, fantastic! Possibly the most uniquely located campground in Mexico. There's one in Patzcuaro that I'm considering, very low cost for dry camping and yet use of the very nice restroom/showers and has wi-fi. Very pretty grounds and a short walk to town.

I'm thinking of using the Prius with an Oztent, and camping at the Imperial Dam Long Term Visitor Area. Probably well known with this group already, but for those who may not be familiar LTVA's are large areas of desert set aside by the Bureau of Land Management for camping without hookups long term by primarily RV's. If you don't have a rig that's "self contained" with at least a 10 gallon black water waste tank you must camp within 500 feet of a provided restroom or vault toilet. Some LTVA's are self contained only, but a few allow vans, tenters, etc. I'm guessing many here are familiar with Quartzite, the huge boondocking RV gathering in western AZ. That's the most well known LTVA but I'm interested in being near Yuma so will camp at the Imperial Dam one. Costs $180 for 7 months.
<p>Welcome Vantexan!! Glad you are here!<br>Are you familiar with the New Mexico Parks pass? For $225 a non-reident can stay at any NM campground for free for 21 days for the entire year. It's a really incredible deal.<br><br>There are summer time LTVAs as well. You can get more info here:<br><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #0000ff;"></span><br>They are great in every way but the highest one is at 5200 feet on the Eastern slope of the Sierras near Bishop CA, so it would be into the 90s all summer.<br><br>I am in Quartzsite, AZ riht now and will be in Yuma next week, so if you are nearby feel free to stop in and meet the gang!<br>Bob</p> check on it you can always give the Weber's a call on the phone number on their website. They speak excellent English as their Dad was and English speaking German guy.<br><br><br>I am not sure why they would close up as they always had a good clientèle with the courts.<br><br>If you are talking about the little campground behind the hotel in Patzcuaro, I have stayed there several times and absolutely love it as I do the area and the town of Patzcuaro...<br><br>Both photos in Patzcuaro in winter 2006-7<br><br>Bri
Welcome vantexan!!!<br><br>There are other people that live out of Prius vehicles, they get awesome gas mileage too!<br><br>You know you can camp for 14 days in 1 spot legally and for free on almost all BLM and National Forest land as well right? Usually most other public lands let you also do this.&nbsp; The government calls this "Dispersed Camping".&nbsp; After 14 days, you have to move 25 miles (tho each particular area may have unique rules, it's worth checking on the web or in the local field/regional office).&nbsp; LTVA's are great for what they are, I just wanted to make sure you (and others) knew you didn't HAVE to stay in LTVA's and pay their fees, if you didn't want to.<br><br>Anyways, WELCOME! I hope you have amazing and wonderful successes with your plan!<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
Hi Tara, Good to know, and may use that to drive up to Montana one of these days. Thanks and best wishes to you too!

Hey Bri, Good to hear they are still open, seems like I read something about a park closing in San Miguel awhile back, thought that was what they were referring to. Out of my rice range but I may do a month sometime as I've always wanted to see San Miguel. Glad you confirmed my hopes that the Patzcuaro park is worth it. I've lived in several places on the border but haven't gone into the interior. Another place I'd like to visit is Real de Catorce. Has to be reasonably cool in the summer being over 9000'.

Hi Bob, and thanks for this forum! I bought your eBook awhile back. It's great meeting people like you and Bri and Tara as you have researched most of the places I have too. My vehicle living includes 12 years in a 26' travel trailer and 7 months living out of a pickup with a built in sleeper delivering travel trailers to dealerships. Didn't really pay but it was the most fun I ever had working. I might go the NM route but living long term near Yuma will let me get cheap meds in Mexico, as well as take in a movie or hang out in Barnes & Nobel. I'm currently living in East Tennessee. My job takes me through the Ocoee river canyon into the mountains of northern Georgia 4 days a week. I've done so much driving over the years I think I'll enjoy just hanging out in my tent reading. Regards, Wade
Welcome vantexan.&nbsp; <br><br>Like you, I think&nbsp;a Prius is a great vehicle for mobile living; tho', I am only a part-time traveller in mine. If you are interested in seeing how my Prius is set up, check out the links in my signature block below&nbsp;-- to a cheapgreenrvliving article&nbsp;and to&nbsp;my travel blog.&nbsp; A Prius V is about 6" longer than my car, so you'll have both&nbsp;extra length and more headroom under the hatch than I do.<br><br>I tried using a tent that connected to the Prius via a sleeve on the hatch, but I found that set up and take down was more of a hassel than it was worth.&nbsp; But, I like to stay on the move (vs. staying in one place like a LTVA).&nbsp; In fact, I started by bringing a small tent with me on my extended travels, but never used it.&nbsp; So, now I just bring a tarp in case extra shelter is ever&nbsp;needed.<br><br>Again, welcome!<br><br>Suanne
Hi Suanne, It was actually your writing and that of another lady who's name escapes me that inspired me to try it with a Prius. I have a few years until I do this but on my small pension at 55 it's either continue to work or try this or move to the 3rd world. From my own experience I know that dealing with heat in a vehicle makes it really tough to live out of unless I can affordably live in areas that are cooler in the summer. Got really excited about the Prius a/c running off the big battery and being charged by the engine while sleeping in comfort. Makes living on a hot beach possible. Recently ran across a guy on YouTube that has modified a Prius V for camping that looks good.

There's a tent out of Australia called an Oztent that's perfect for backing a vehicle up to. It's durable, won't disintegrate in prolonged exposure to sunlight. And there's a small trailer called the SPACE trailer that I'll use to carry my stuff in. Both have websites.

Thanks for the inspiration!
Hello Mr.Tex. For my money, I'd rather just move to the 3rd world. If you're on retirement fixed income, the 3rd world is definitely worth it.<br><br>Although I camp half the time here, too. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br><br>There's other amenities to living in another country.<br>For one, cost of living is low.<br>2, medical and dental costs are also low.<br>3, you get to live in an actual house!<br>The oligarchs have a stranglehold in this country and everything you do has fees which is very annoying. Our only recourse is indeed to live in vehicles (often in secret).
vantexan said:
...&nbsp;ran across a guy on YouTube that has modified a Prius V for camping that looks good. There's a tent out of Australia called an Oztent that's perfect for backing a vehicle up to. ... And there's a small trailer called the SPACE trailer ...
<br><br>You've found some cool stuff to make mobile living possible.&nbsp; That Oztent is very clever and looks super easy to put up and take down.&nbsp; Do you know how it does in the wind?&nbsp; The desert has some pretty strong winds.&nbsp; I had a Kelty screen room/tent try to fly away at the first RTR in Quartzsite in 2011.<br><br>I watched those videos on the Prius V for camping.&nbsp; I really like his mod's, espcially the latch so you can open the hatch from the inside and his "drawers" that he made and installed instead of the back seats.&nbsp; He's very creative.<br><br>That Space Trailer looks like it could be towed by a Prius without a problem.&nbsp; You may want to consider, however, if towing would void any warrenty on the Prius (since the owner's manual says you should not&nbsp;tow anything).&nbsp; Also, and this is the biggest reason I finally decided not to tow anything, the liability I might incur if in an accident while towing a trailer, even if it wasn't my fault.&nbsp; These are just some issues that you may want to look into ... YMMV.<br><br>Happy planning!&nbsp; Suanne<br><br>
Hi WR, Researching where to live overseas has been a hobby of mine for 15 years. There are several places I'm interested in but the combination of red tape, travel costs to and from, and becoming fluent in another language make me want to try this first. Anywhere that you can get by on Englsh tends to be more expensive. And while you can make do, the U.S. is much better for Internet and, obviously, overall infrastructure. Everything is a trade-off. If I were going to leave everything behind then I would definitely make the move but I'll becoming home every year to see family at the holidays. And I'm a wuss when it comes to flying, LOL. Have a great one.
Hi Suanne, The Oztent is a huge favorite in Australia. Years ago I was wishing it was here in the States and then they got a U.S. dealer. It has built-in guy lines for staking it down, does very well in the wind. There's a huge thread on the Expedition Portal Forum about it.

Here's an idea I'm playing with. Years ago I had an '87 Toyota cargo van. Would like something similar and while looking at some forums got to looking at Toyota Previas from the '90's. Some have dual moonroofs. Ran across a small tent by ARB called the Skydome Swag. It looks great for cutting a hole out of it's floor and placing it over the rear moonroof of a Previa. Hold it in place with bungee cords and it would be a soft-sided high top with stand up height and good ventilation. Could even set stuff up there out of the way. Could easily break it down when wanting to travel somewhere. As long as I'm in areas that are warm in winter and cool in summer this would work. The cost savings over buying a Prius would pay for a lot of gas. And it would hold everything to where I wouldn't need a trailer. If I'm living in a Prius fulltime I don't want to have all my stuff in the back with me. The crowding would eventually drive me to do something else.
vantexan said:
... got to looking at Toyota Previas from the '90's. Some have dual moonroofs. Ran across a small tent by ARB called the Skydome Swag. It looks great for cutting a hole out of it's floor and placing it over the rear moonroof of a Previa&nbsp;... &nbsp;The cost savings over buying a Prius would pay for a lot of gas.
<br><br>Yes.&nbsp; Totally agree.&nbsp; I saw a site a while back where a tent was mounted on top of&nbsp;a vehicle with access through a back moon roof ... I wish I could remember the maker.<br><br>But, I did find this Oz site for Previa mods ... some cool and clever stuff here ... <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.<br><br>Suanne
You may be thinking of the Honda Element eCamper by Ursa Minor. They've recently come up with a top for 4 door Jeep Wranglers too. Got to love the Aussies. Too many of our manufacturers think in terms of trying to maximize profit while they tend to come up with unique solutions. Probably the best place on earth for camping in terms of camping equipment and lightly populated countryside.
This is a unique group, wish I could participate more. Life sometimes becomes very interesting. Recently reconnected on Facebook with a lady I knew in college. We got to talking, things have gone great, and we're now talking marriage and moving to Mexico. And I must have been pretty stupid in college as she is everything I ever wanted. Good luck to everyone and Happy Trails!

Hi Wade,<br>Good Wishes for you and your lady!<br>A Prius might not fit the picture anymore but here's a link any way to a lady that blogs about her new living arrangements in a Prius. She has a very comical way of writing. You might enjoy it!<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Roxie and The Good Luck Duck blog</a><br>best regards<br>k