Some Day, Maybe

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New member
Sep 30, 2017
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Dear Traveling Friends,

I have been perusing and dreaming. Maybe its been a year or so. No, perhaps its been since I was a child, tent camping with my mother and sisters, on an adventure to discover the wild ponies of Assateauge Island. Spending Summer Days in the park, before it became a re-enactment camp, riverside, chasing dragonflies, swatting mosquitoes, until Mom got off work that day and could pick us up. Velveeta cheese sandwiches and milk gallons of water melting in the dark canvas of our old elementary school back packs.

I remember our fist camping trip. We three sisters and our Mom. We packed way too much and got lost upon the way. A stranger helped us put up our first tent. I think it was Gwynn's Island. Cabin tent. Electric Skillet. Cheap blow up rafts and sleeping bags for beds. We borrowed the bicycles of a lovely neighbor, whose grandchildren were away until the following weekend. We rode for hours.

Another time, our site was flooded from a heavy rainstorm, and waters which swelled up from the nearby water. Our little raft beds floated. In those times, the troubles of our youth and the abuse of a stepfather seemed to wash away with the waters. I got lost on a sandbar, but was rescued during a search. We were free, at that very moment. Rain, no rain. 

I felt it right to introduce myself, somehow. I don't know why. I am more of a lurker, since the dawn of forums in the late 90's became infected by the hostile, many grumpy people, and several years ago the true digital generation. I hate crowds, and the net has become crowded. Yet, here I am, within an open forum, reaching out to say, "Hello, Is there Anybody Out There?"

I was first introduced to this venue by way of Mr. Wells' Van life Videos. I found his videos via various RV and travel videos. I suppose I am always going to be attempting to escape, but it looks like I have a good couple of decades before I can.Moved to the North. Too many people here too. Someone else really isn't interested in the adventure. I still am. Always will be, until I get there. I'm doing my research. Gathering supplies and ideas.

My sisters are both doing well. My mother, slightly better than some, not so financially or health-well as others. I tell her about the things I learn from you. I tell her she never has to worry about a place to stay because you all have figured it out, if she needs it. And, we can do it. For me, I moved far from home to escape, but as you can imagine, that is not what happened. In my heart, I feel I need to keep moving...and learning. I am learning from you. Thank you for helping us create a plan and a plan B, C, D.

My Very Best to all of you.
It's good to have a dream.  Best to you too!  Welcome!
Welcome Selkieprincess to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Hello, and welcome!

It's so kind of you to share these posts with your mom, keeping that "what if" fear at bay is everything as we age and see all we've worked for and set aside, wane.
Welcome, Selkie Princess! What a beautiful set of images and stories you create with your words....I felt like I was right there with you when you were a little girl, camping. Thank you for introducing yourself in such a painterly way. 
Where up north are you? I am in New York City (let's talk crowded! can be totally anonymous here, which I do love since I'm a rather private person.) I've met 2 other locals here, about to meet a third, and all of us are in the dreaming stage but sharing ideas about actually starting to do it...Maybe we'll start a caravan heading somewhere south or west, or SW by the time it's cold here. Today and the last few days were 81 degrees here!  

Looking forward to hearing more about your dreams here....please keep sharing them. And feel free to PM me, too.
Welcome, Selkieprincess. You are a great writer. If you would like some help figuring out how to make a living from that on the road, send me a PM. That goes for anyone. I am a freelance copy editor, and I know about lots of places that pay writers. Of course, you have to write what they want you to write, but if you have an interest, let me know. I'm also more than happy to take a look at samples you might submit and offer advice.
