Solar "fairy" tiny string lights for campsite

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2018
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I want to have these solar fairy string lights around my site to light my area at night. I want them around but NOT on my tent. Any ideas on what to use to string them on? These are commonly strung on fences, trees, railings, etc. I was thinking of stringing them between 2 stakes of some kind. In the desert would that work? Anyone have a better idea?
I don't place lights of any kind around my campsite. They drown out the stars and cause light pollution for others who like to stargaze. People literally come to the desert seeking dark skies. Learn to use a headlamp so you won't trip over things in the dark, but please leave the desert dark for others.

The Dire Wolfess
forget the above post as a must do....if you want solar fairy lights around your tent, you have them :) :)

What height are you thinking? The lower you go the easier it is for support. As in 2 'walking sticks' like my hiking poles that are adjustable in height can easily be stuck into the ground and give support for light weight light string. It would be anything you can put or secure on the ground, flexibility of what you are using and what they can hold without bending, then wind to consider of course. It is about height and then it is about thickness for not bending too much and be sure to put in deep enough to withstand wind etc.

You do have a lot of staking options actually.
I kind of agree with Moxie. I feel the same way about people who carry noise wherever they go, or about secondhand smoke. There is no way of keeping that "personal thing" confined to your personal space. You instead wind up forcing your choice on others.

And it's not a choice like "free cookies!" or the like. It's the kind of thing others commonly won't like.

I'm of the school that doesn't like anyone's choices foisted upon them.
well can we all say other's must live as we live or there is no alternative.
ya'll got to be kidding me here on this!

and the old school is to give up what one wants in life cause 'you' don't like it and might encroach on your personal air space

what planet and judgement call to others are you guys on?

plus being 'us' as in nomadic and more loner types, do ya think if you park to close to my personal space I should give up what I want for you cause you don't want it? OMG!

ugh, have to walk away from this thread before I go ape on ya'll Horrible me me me and screw other's thoughts so far. ugh and we wonder why life sucks???? now we can see why right in our faces from posts like these. I ain't go no trouble saying this either cause when you want to do your thing and another says nope, not cool, ya whine your rights are impeded and yet no other thought to anothers. omg, so narrow it is mind bogglilng!
" ya think if you park to close to my personal space I should give up what I want for you cause you don't want it? OMG!"

What I don't like is the opposite. I am camped and some yahoo camps close enough that their music (not my kind of music) encroaches all the way to inside my van. No escaping it.
yes common respect for others. treat those around you like you would like to be treated. highdesertranger
cynanne said:
I want to have these solar fairy string lights around my site to light my area at night. I want them around but NOT on my tent. Any ideas on what to use to string them on? These are commonly strung on fences, trees, railings, etc. I was thinking of stringing them between 2 stakes of some kind. In the desert would that work? Anyone have a better idea?
As usual, I disagree with most responses here, as they were rather harsh directed towards a relative newcomer. 

Those little fairy lights are probably not bright enough to light up much of anything. For reference, there was a comment on another recent thread about how someone went into someone else's RV in the evening, and pooped inside in a pan or something, while the owner was at the campfire 100 yards or so away. 

FWIW, for a "solo woman" sleeping in a tent, and especially if you're off away from any crowds, I would recommend something like the following, and to hell with what anyone else thinks. Safety is #1. If you're with a group, then don't turn it on.


If you're not with a group per se, it's a good idea to camp within say 150-feet of others, so not too close and not too far. The other thing, always use the "buddy system", especially wandering around at night. Safety is #1. A lot of other woman travelers have a very big dog, or some big guy stuffed in a closet, and available on demand.
I should add that the business with someone pooping inside someone else's RV supposedly happened at the first caravan stop in Ehrenberg. My guess is that, at get-togethers such as this, you're always going to have some opportunistic SOBs hanging around. Be safe out there. Be smart.
lil snip...
RoamerRV428 said:
what planet and judgement call to others are you guys on?

plus being 'us' as in nomadic and more loner types, do ya think if you park to close to my personal space I should give up what I want for you cause you don't want it?  OMG!    

ugh, have to walk away from this thread before I go ape on ya'll   Horrible me me me and screw other's thoughts so far.  ugh and we wonder why life sucks????  now we can see why right in our faces from posts like these.  I ain't go no trouble saying this either cause when you want to do your thing and another says  nope, not cool, ya whine your rights are impeded and yet no other thought to anothers.  omg, so narrow it is mind bogglilng!

^^^^ Yes indeed.

Since I can't just click to say "Thanks" for this thread, I'll do a partial quote ..... and add, well, maybe I'll just take a deep breath and chill while I'm ahead.
I have this kind of light outside my trailer. I know it keeps others awake because they told me so. Not rocket science in either theory or practice.

There appears to be a little too much caffeine in this thread.

Anyone who has watched Bob's videos regularly, and Carolyn says something similar sometimes, knows that he's a big fan of privacy and giving people space. I am too. He says increase the peace, basically, and talks about it not just as some weird, random, or objectionable personal quirk but as a basic rule of the road, so to speak, when it comes to getting along with other travelers and respecting them*. Think about listening to him:

If you think 10 feet away is plenty, try 100. If you think 100 is far enough away, consider a thousand. And so on. The intent is clear and the logic applies to any kind of impingement on others.

And I'd suggest that people who are particularly attracted to the quiet of nature, or just simple privacy and solitude, tend to be especially appreciative of being allowed to enjoy it, and especially uncomfortable when someone takes that option away from them. Likely all the more so if they've tried to drive far enough away to ensure that wouldn't happen.

*This applies to city living just as well. Who hasn't had that bad neighbor whose music etc. dominated space far outside his own quarters?
I too am a big fan of the buddy system for protection. yep me and my .357.

note this is a tongue and cheek comment, please don't get offended.

If you want outside lights then you should park far from everyone else so you don't encroach upon others. I get it that you want lights. Please get it that not everyone wants to see your lights. Pretty please.
I tell you what....if I comment that I like my desert dark, and somebody goes into a spazz attack, it reinforces my feral instincts to stay way, way far away from gatherings of unknown humans. Consideration is a two-way street.

The Dire Wolfess
pksmart said:
If you want outside lights then you should park far from everyone else so you don't encroach upon others. I get it that you want lights. Please get it that not everyone wants to see your lights. Pretty please.
Thank you.

The Dire Wolfess
Three simple facts:

1. loud music is by far by far by far the worst problem.

2. most RVs are lit up like christmas trees to start with - 100X brighter than a few fairy lights. I can't
imagine anyone going over to an RV, and telling them to turn their lights off.

3. many RVs run their blinking generators much of the time - another big PITN.
Dingfelder said:
I kind of agree with Moxie.  I feel the same way about people who carry noise wherever they go, or about secondhand smoke.  There is no way of keeping that "personal thing" confined to your personal space.  You instead wind up forcing your choice on others.
And it's not a choice like "free cookies!" or the like.  It's the kind of thing others commonly won't like.
I'm of the school that doesn't like anyone's choices foisted upon them.
I hear you loud and clear but these are low to the ground and less than 6ft. You can use one or two strings and it is enough. But if people like pitch darkness it makes sense. I just wonder how realistic when there are cars parked all over.
If one is in an area that already has people and lights all over then knock yourself out, I say. Put 'em up!

I wonder if the concern was actually about existing nice quiet dark areas and the wish to maintain them that way.

I could be wrong.
highdesertranger said:
I too am a big fan of the buddy system for protection.  yep me and my .357.

note this is a tongue and cheek comment,  please don't get offended.

Not at all and I understand that camping in your car is still camping. You have to be considerate of the setting and that fact that people are out there for a reason. I do get that. These are teeny microlights and not very bright but they are still lights.