I googled the ASC solar charge controller since I had never heard of these:
Apparently they have been in business for awhile, making these simple but very reliable controllers.
From what I read in the PDFs, its a simple (old school) one-stage controller with shunt regulation.
For those unfamiliar with the term 'shunt regulation', this means that once the battery is charged to about 100%, the solar input is shorted (shunted) to itself thru some value of resistance, usually close to zero. When battery voltage drops a bit, the shunt is turned off and charging resumes to keep the battery topped up. This cycle just repeats to keep the battery charged.
Bulk? Absorb? Float? Not here folks.
But the ASC has some advantages:
It's waterproof.
It can in theory charge a battery (eventually) from a starting SoC of zero volts. (think Nicad batteries)
Simplicity. Not much to go wrong here.
Low RF footprint. (think remote telecom installations)
Five and ten year warranties.
Some of their controllers even have a 'generator start' function.
Hmmmm....vewwwy intewesting!