So I smothered 3 babies this morning...I was kinda drink. PIC!

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2015
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Seems like click bait right? Let me deliver!

See this link for boring prebabymurdering....

So I woke up hungover(5:00ish am) this morning. Grabbed a beer because that's what normal people do. 4 beers later I took a 45 min nap and sent my confused codependent on a beer run. She gets back and wakes me up. I sit up and gather my blankets around my indian style sitting position on the bed. I hear her go, "ohh, what is that?!?". I look down towards where my legs were and see something. Last nights drunken cold canned raviolis? Possibly. I reach down and pick it up, doesn't feel like chef'boy'ardi. (I wear glasses for extreme nearsightedness). Before I brought it up to my eyes for examination, I rolled it around between my thumb and forefinger. Didn't feel like a canned tomato noodle. It was guts. Honest to gawd animal guts. I thought I was confused the night before when a mouse or rat was using me as a lounge chair, but I was wrong. My mind went blank for a second or two before I registered it was guts and then trying to figure out if my codependent was having a visit from "aunt flo" or I actually had animal guts in my hand.( Sorry ladies, I'm trying to tell a story).

Long story short, it was one of the babies you see in the pic below. There was 3 of them. They are pictured on a wetwipe.


My hypothesis, I fell asleep for 45 minutes. Mouse\rat from last night(that was in my lap), came back this morning and delivered 3(found) babies under my blanket. I was sitting in that spot before my nap. They weren't there then, they would have been crushed. Some people have angels lighting there way, I think I have demons laughing at my silly ass.

imma gonna get finished with getting drunk. Hope your day is less horrible!


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I hope you make it to the summer gathering. I think you are going to be a hoot to meet. I don't drink often but Jose visits occasionally.
YUCK! I've found two young and dead opossums in one of my bathrooms (crawled through the 6" hole cut for a 2" pipe in this crappy mobile home). They were dead because my best-hunter cat found them first.

I've found tree frogs in my other bathroom (there is no connectin between the bathtub drain hole and the drain pipe) .

I never see any rats or mice because Black Bart keeps things tidy in that respect. I've never even found a tail... waste not, want not. Good kitty!
Will probably be awhile before you, or your codependent, forget that "adventure/episode" ....
A Wabbit's no good..........Like I said before ........get a cat or two

And ^^^Jim.............. ""You are a Friend of Mine""

hey Jim I vaguely remember Jose paying a visit to the campfire one night. highdesertranger
Kinda funny when Closeanuf asked if I disposed of them humanely and there is a sign in the bathroom at this camp ground that states "No visible carcasses". When I saw that sign on the door while I was t̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶h̶1̶t̶ cleaning the bathroom, I wondered to myself if it was OK if carcasses were not visible. Took a PIC only because a sign that says "No visible carcasses" is kinda creepy.
highdesertranger said:
hey Jim I vaguely remember Jose paying a visit to the campfire one night. highdesertranger

That's true. I think I need Jose's bigger brother then. ;)
You must still be in New Mexico.  Not all carcasses are visable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wabbit, where did you see that sign? That is a quotation from a novel titled The Clock Struck Greed by Lawrence Knudsen. There is also the mention of small stop-sign-shaped sign in the same paragraph. Maybe just coincidence, and the place didn't want hunters leaving body parts lying around, rotting in the sun.
The Joe Skeens Campground in New Mexico. Nice lil place. Not a ton of privacy, but with the shrubby all around, gives it the appearance of privacy. It was posted inside the bathroom door. For someone to read while they wait.
Thanks. The story in the book takes place in the desert. Maybe someone made the connection between the book and the place.
@Trainchaser, I bet you're right.

As to pack rats, ended up just using Victor mouse traps. Peanut butter bait they just licked off. Same with jelly. Velveeta cheese didn't seem to interest them. What worked for me was just a tiny bit of sausage meat crammed into the hole of the bait area. Didn't think that would do it, all the meat was pressed into the lil loop on the bait lever part. Worked great.
Again put on rubber gloves, put a little cheese on the metal trigger pad, turn it upside down and slightly melt the cheese with a kitchen match.