Slab City

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If anyone is looking for information about the place, this is a good site to check first ...<br /><br /><span style="font-size: xx-large;"><strong><a style="color: #000000;" href="" target="_blank"></a></strong></span>&nbsp;<br /><br />If you don't see the answer you're looking for don't hesitate to contact the webmaster there. They live in Slab City year round and can find out for you.<br /><br />
my lil guy and i are heading to the slabs tomorrow (we're in ABQ right now. my tire exploded yesterday!)<br>any advice?<br>im a little nervous for some reason
I'm very excited for you windymichelle! This will be a memory for a lifetime! I have many from my youth and there's just nothing like going somewhere new for the first time!<br>I hope to do it someday myself! Good luck and have a ton of fun!
thank you cleanheart<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> i hope you do too!!
Was in that area last week. Lots of strong winds. Highs will be in the mid eighties the next few days. Have a plan for going to cooler when it gets hotter which can happen in the desert overnight.
It was too hot for me at Finney Lake (a bit south of the slabs), so I headed north and up to near Victorville.&nbsp; Will continue north depending on weather.
VanTramp said:
butterfly said:
<p style="margin: 0px;"><span style="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium;">vantramp...</span></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><span style="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium;">WHY is the air quality so terrible???&nbsp;</span></p><p style="margin: 0px;"><span style="font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium;">&nbsp; and pardon my ignorance but what's a COW?&nbsp; I get that its a reference to an&nbsp;expensive rig, right? but what does the cow stand for?</span></p>
<div>&nbsp;<br>Or in my case last year, COW could mean "Curlers on WHeels" &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"><br><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><br><br>A</a>nd yes, air sucks around February, the traditional field burn month before their next round of crops.<br><br><br></div>
windymichelle said:
my lil guy and i are heading to the slabs tomorrow (we're in ABQ right now. my tire exploded yesterday!)<br>any advice?<br>im a little nervous for some reason
<br><br>Hey Wendy, are you here in the Slabs? &nbsp;I can tell you where the safest places to park are (mostly by the Loners on Wheels area, most of them are gone but some nice ladies parked on the side). I have doc appts today, but email me at [email protected]/ and I will come visit you! &nbsp;This Sat is Prom!
Wow, after reading about Slab City from the website, that scared the bejesus out of me!&nbsp; Hats off to those of you that can stay all year round.&nbsp; Even 85 degree heat is too warm for me, and anything triple digits is out of the question for me as I'm used to a cool climate for too many years.&nbsp; What do guys do for water since there is no running water there?&nbsp; I'm guessing you would have to make regular trips to whatever local towns for water and grocery purchases.
Not sure what you read that scared you, cept maybe the heat in the summer, which is a valid concern...not for the lite of heart, but good practice to learn survival in hot weather. <br><br>We go to the visitor rest stop between Calpatria and Brawley and fill up either our rigs, or our own water tanks, then pump into rigs when back home. There are people out here that will set up a tank and deliver water for a fee...under the table as there are so many California rules preventing people from having "freedom". &nbsp;<br><br>We sleep outside (best) in little shade rooms we build with netting. &nbsp;We get wet with rig hoses, and the showers by the first guard shack. &nbsp;Just get wet, clothes and all really helps cool ya off. &nbsp;I have several fantastic 12 volt fans that I sit in front of while wet and that works too. &nbsp;<br><br>Some peeps also use the most economical generators to run small air-conditioners inserted into rig windows. &nbsp;Last summer I allowed myself a couple hours a day running my A class gen to run the air conditioner in the closed off bedroom in the afternoon. &nbsp;I still saved a ton of money by not paying for gas to drive. &nbsp;<br><br>Also, some people go to local RV parks for electric hookups and "visit" the slabs for Sat night at the Range, etc. &nbsp;Others leave the slabs for the summer to places beyond and return in Oct/Nov. &nbsp;<br><br>Life is full of options, so there is no fear, just observations and adjustments depending on the person's temperment (and temperature, LOL).
I spent a summer in Death Valley some years ago and slept in a hammock and used a wet sheet over the top which cooled it down trememdously. But I had been living in the Mojave Desert for 9 years too so I was acclimated to it. I imagine now tho after living in Illinois for so many years I'd probably shrivel up! lol
<a style="color: #000000; text-decoration: none;" href="/profile/2036757" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">cleanheart</a>...wet sheet! &nbsp;Good idea. &nbsp;<br><br>I tried some wet leggings a couple nights when my skin helped, but ya, I forgot that others out here use the wet sheet method too. &nbsp;Helps if ya have a fan pointed on ya while under the sheet too! &nbsp;<br><br>OH I forgot, one of my tricks was to sleep wrapped in beach towels...that wicked away the sweat...and I always carried some new washclothes to wipe face and arms. &nbsp;It is weird how you think you are doing ok, you know it is hot, but your getting by, then ya go in an airconditioned building, and WOW, the sweat starts pouring out...thus the handbag washcloth.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
You guys who want to see the slabs better hurry! The new condo development and golf course will be breaking ground soon. Chevron and McDonalds wont be far behind.
just got back from spending two weeks in the slabs. had such a great time. we will&nbsp;definitely&nbsp;be going back
@ robi i wish i had talked to you before i went<br>we had fun but i chose to leave after a couple weeks because the guy i was camping near started to scare me. i think he may be a paranoid schizophrenic. jack in area one. maybe you know who i mean. anyways we were there for prom. it was a good time. we will definitely be back. my little guy hasn't stopped talking about it.
Too bad I'll miss the Slabs! It's someplace I've wanted to see. But It will probably be gone before I'm able to get out there. Too bad!&nbsp;
Hey Windy, I was at the prom too! I know Jack...ok in small doses...what the heck were you doing camping down there! Next time, contact me through FB or something and I can hook you up with some other areas.<br><br><br>It's 106 in the shade today! got my generator hooked up to air condition box for the back half of the Van-Go I added to my family (Astro with mini RV on back). Heaven...skew toughing it out like last bod is not in to that this year! &nbsp;LOL.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">