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Leaky roof

Well-known member
Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
South Africa
Where do I start? At the beginning would seem about right, but then in true character BOB, will very shortly pitch up at my post and say “I have to ask, only because everybody asks me to ask this, how do you take care of business? IE shower & poop”? And that would be right about bang in the middle... SIGH.....

So, indulge me and may I first “group” my creation, then perhaps move through my development?

If that’s OK, then here goes: -

Development sequence
My platform / First-aid and emergencies / security / cooking & eating  / refrigeration & power (solar) / groceries / Sleeping / Hygiene (yes BOB, both pooping & showering) / keeping myself occupied / bicycling around... Think that about cuts it.
I’ll happily change the list around if anyone wants, I’m just following shall we say my “build path” sequence...
I hope, I can add to the wealth of knowledge here, and If only one of my ideas helps only one person... My task is complete...
So, for what it’s worth, here it is.

Platform.....Choices / choices / choices
Actually that just kinda happened... I had a Landrover Defender SWB (90) which was mechanically fantastic, but just too darn short, so I happened on someone who had, what was to become my Discovery and we swopped.... So that kinda sorted out the “which platform” choices dilemma..  The Disco is just as capable as the Def, I’m just not that keen on an auto box.... So I look at it this way, I traded length  for a manual gearbox....

Emergencies / first-aid..... I need this because I’m not the clever one... One plan is no plan... two plans are one plan
What I didn’t swop was all my 4x4 gear & equipment, so next in line in my evolvement was to transfer my GBHB from my 90 to the Disco.
As you all probably know, a GBHB is a “Get-Back-Home-Bag” .

See, the true capability of an off road vehicle is a combination of both the driver and the vehicle, and truth be told, the vehicle is one heck of a deal more capable than it’s antiquated driver.

As I’m quite anti-social, I travel solo, with my small mutt & soul-mate (Scruffy). Consequently, it is quite conceivable that I could become stranded / immobilised / hung-up  miles from help, and this leads to my “emergency” plan, which is my GBHB.

So for solo travellers who do go remote,..... Might be worth considering....

Just a quick tangent, Scruffy, a something cross everything between first and twenty second street including one very enterprising dapple sausage-dog and is a huge part of my security arrangements,  and, believe it or nay (I’ll post pics,) she is protection, obedience and agility trained.... But perhaps more about that later.
As a GBHB I have a fully kitted (except for clothing) 70L hiking backpack, removably attached to a 2 wheeled folding golf cart.
Quite versatile....

Working on the premise that I drove to where I got stuck, quite conceivably I would be able to “cart” the backpack back the way I came, until I get to help. This saves me the humoungous effort of toting (carrying) the weight... Much, much easier and less energy expensive to cart the weight. (I’ve not taken care of torsional twist because I’m pulling with one arm and all that, but non-the-less, I’ve got everything I need to make a 2 – 3 day journey in relative safety!

Everything is in one place, I don’t have to be concerned if I’ve left anything out, I’ve just got to add clothing & water and be off. If there are stretches that the wheels of the cart can’t handle, I can just fold it down, put the whole shebang on my back and carry until it’s OK again.

But... To justify its existence, it has to have at least another purpose, and If I want to set a base-camp and go for hikes, I can take the cart off, and I have everything already! Shelter / food / water / cooking / utensils / mace / compass /the lot!
Talking about cooking, I’m currently torn between a hiking propane burner, a Trangia and an Optimus 8.... SIGH..... choices.... choices....
choices.... But that? That’s a different story...

Anyhow, the GBHB lives out of the way on my roof-rack, so it does not gobble up living space...

Oh, did I mention I can’t stand a roof-top-tent? Had one, ditched it.... can’t live with the ladder. Besides there is no way I could be stealth with a ruddy great big tent 45 feet up in the air can I???

OK, so here is a pic or two of my vehicle, emergency back-up / hiking bag, and Scruffy doing het thing at protection training....
Seems a good place to leave off for now, perhaps someone wants a bit more “fleshing out” about this aspect of travelling solo and living in a vehicle..

31-10-2016 First photo 01.jpg

rig camper horisontal.jpg

GBHB configured for toting no cover bag to show cart collapsed while toting.jpg

Scruffy protection bite c cropped.jpg


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Having a ready-to-go survival pack is a good idea, but that 2 wheeled cart is genius... lol

Could probably also rig that cart to haul in firewood, water, and whatnot from around the campsite
Thanks Joe, yes definately. Although I keep it kitted for it's purpose.

I have a dirty little secrete... I do a heck of a lot of shopping at the local garden refuse collecion sites dotted round my area, and things like Golf carts are quite common and can be picked up for free, and that's about the best price in the world!

Quite a lot of what I re-purposed in my re-configuring of my rig comes from the rubbish dump.....
In Nevada the smaller town transfer bin sites can be treasure troves. There is no official on site to tell you "no".
Thanks for the tips on the GBHB and golf cart.
Looks like you are ready for the apocalypse!
I can't add much to your excellent post. I totally agree on not carrying anything on my back unless absolutely necessary. I would be tempted to put larger diameter bicycle wheels on the cart. They would roll easilier on rough paths but might interfere with your walking gait, weigh more, and take up more storage room. Everything is a tradeoff.