show to hide door and window?

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they don't check the registration per se. but if you have your vehicle marked as a business then they will check to see if you have business there in the park. most of them now-a-days have a big old sign before you get to the gate or boundary that states no commercial vehicles. this is especially true of parks that have through roads like Yosemite, Joshua Tree, East Mohave National Preserve, to name a few where I have seen the signs. highdesertranger
What a weird country you guys live in, here, everyone is welcome in national Parks that what they're for.
There are heaps of trade people who work on the road, towing caravans with sign written dual cab 4X4 utes.
white is worst when it was white people were asking me if it was an RVnow that is it flat no questions ask.I was thinking adding some type of plywood on the door and some ladder so wont will see it is a work truck and maybe some handyman sign on the sides speedhighway46 said:
HDR hits the nail on the head, again. Biggest non-stealth feature of that vehicle is the color. Ditch the flat black (or primer gray, or whatever it is) and change it to white all around. The little window on the side will not even be noticed!

Just my opinion . . .
I agree with HDR, no way you are fooling anyone.
Especially LEO'S, they just run your plates.
Commercial truck van with private plates. I would be suspicious, especially if they were out of state.
I have over 200,000 miles on my ford conversion van and have never been bothered by the cops.
I can stay in any city, often in a secure parking lot and not pay a dime, I often get offers to do my laundry on site for free (I never do).
I would tell you my secret, but it would not take long for people to abuse it.
A thought on going with business stealth: I wouldn't go with plumbing. Could encourage thieves looking for copper.