Share one weird/odd/unusual thing about yourself

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I was born in the last "old-style" hospital in MI. It was a two-story house converted into a hospital. They closed it a couple of months after I was born.
wolverine307 said:
I was born in the last "old-style" hospital in MI. It was a two-story house converted into a hospital. They closed it a couple of months after I was born.

My son was born in a old-style hospital in a town called Bedford, VA .(population in 1984 was about 2000) .. his Mom and I chose to live in that town because of the hospital, among other things.  We lived about 3 blocks from the hospital, the operating room was about as modern as some birthing rooms are now.  That is, when the Doc handed me my son, I wandered out into the hall ... !  They had to call me back.  It reminded me of a lot of the Army hospitals I had been to in the 60's (I was born an Army brat)... very old-fashioned.
I was born in a hospital in Bethlehem PA. And I grew up in a little town called Nazareth PA. So yes, I was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth.

Gary68 said:
this is a new thing,last couple years,you know that white embryonic cord thing on eggs? it's not a must have but given the chance i will scoop that stuff out

Lol.. My gpa used to say that was the roosters contribution lol... I still love me a good helping of butt nuggets from time to time though.....I especially like them smothered in sausage gravy and biscuits fresh from the oven ;-)
lenny flank said:
I was born in a hospital in Bethlehem PA. And I grew up in a little town called Nazareth PA. So yes, I was born in Bethlehem and grew up in Nazareth.


Gracias, Jesus!  (pronounced Hay Zeus)
wolverine307 said:
I was born in the last "old-style" hospital in MI. It was a two-story house converted into a hospital. They closed it a couple of months after I was born.

A lot of great people have been born in the Wolverine State! Not namin' any names, but... :angel:
Kathleen said:
A lot of great people have been born in the Wolverine State! Not namin' any names, but... :angel:

I'm going to take a SWAG and say that maybe YOU are one of them there folks!
The one weird thing about me (from within me) is the source of all the weird ideas and doings that I do. This "source" inside me came from my realizing that all was not well with My Nation. (The attitudes and behaviors of seemingly most of its People) Perhaps summarized in the "Hooray For Me and To Hell With You" thinking of the Human Species. Emotionally, I am not comfortable with this mind set.

Finally, I took a look at myself to see how much I was participating in this thinking and behavior. My memory provided instances where I did think and do things that were the same spirit as what was bothering me. I didn't like my hypocrisy at all and decided to find ways to become a Better Human Being. This mental and emotional position produced minute results over a long period of time and, of course, generally served to increase the differences of me from most of the People around me, in my Life. I was "Oddball" and it was fairly noticeable to most folks around me.

I turned inward to become my own Friend. Wasn't easy to be comfortable with Others, but a few Friends did come my way, in the course of my Life. I was alien in my own nation world.

I had to interact with more than myself and, one day, took another look around me. then I asked myself: "If I was out of plce and maybe a bit unhappy with the world I lived in, then what should I do? I have a "strong" imagination and with it I looked at my world and came to the following conclusion: "If the world around you is not satisfactory, then "build" a new one."

Then: "Strive to be a Good Part of my Good New World." Even if I was the only part of my New World.

Since very young, I was attracted to travel and Barbarism...especially what I considered to be the Good Aspects of Barbarism. Included in my definition and meaning of Barbarism is what I have learned about the lifestyles and behaviors and Morality (or lack of it) of all the Peoples who have lived close to Nature and Our "Urth" since even before **** Sapiens. So many Tribal Peoples I learned about through the years.

There were many things about them that I admired and liked and some things I did not admire and like.

It occurred to me, that I might be able to become more like the Good and leave behind "the bad". At least to some...ever increasing degree.

I decided to study and learn and explore Others Thoughts and Feelings about my Good New World. Mostly, with a few exceptions, encountered indifference. Finally, I experienced the decision moment, in which I decided to try and design AND establish in Living Life my Ideas about a New Tribal Culture. Thinking to honor its Ancient Barbaric Roots, I named the "design" "Narbarian"...the New Barbarism. It was to be a Better Thing than the Old Barbarism and the Old Tribalism. It would leave behind the less than "Good" (where possible) and continually Strengthen the "Good". In this endeavor, I am very fortunate to have access to the teachings of Many Great Thinkers Of all possible Honor to what I consider to be the Best of all these: "Michael Of Nebadon"...also known here, as "Jesus"

So. This is "the one unusual thing about myself". I do try to not be bothersome about it. I do, for the most part, practice social camouflage, unless given the opportunity by a "subset" social environment to be myself a bit and even share my work with interested Others. So far, a very rare thing. In my secret lair I continue on my chosen path. I write and study and learn how to, bit by bit, strengthen my "Work". It will probably die with me, but this is ok, because I had the honor and fun of indulging my odd self in it. After all, I really believe I have become a "Better" Human because of it.
I'm a Theravadan Buddhist.
Was a Zen Buddhist since I was really young.
But subsequently found that a lot of what I based my Buddhism on was written by European orientalists who were misled or mistaken. Went through Vajrayana and Mahayana sects of Buddhism and found Theravada.
This is also why I've been vegetarian for 32 years.
BTW the reason I got into Buddhism in the first place was because I was diagnosed ADHD back in the 70's.
I was given the choice between handwriting practice or drawing practice for my motor skills.
Speech therapy or well, speech therapy. I don't think I ever had a choice there.
And the choice between an extra session of PE or mindfulness meditation.
So I went with meditation which led to Zen meditation and reading every book on Zen that a Louisiana library carried.
I know that this is an old thread, but it is an interesting one, so I thought I'd follow Calaverasgrande's lead and post something new to it.
My oddity, which even annoys me sometimes, is that I get really crazy about something that interests me, buying whatever I need to pursue that interest, reading everything, videos, the whole nine. Right up until the day it;s just not there anymore. I have actually gone to bed thinking about some aspect of the latest interest...and waking up in the morning completely disinterested in whatever it was. For example, I was really into riding my road bike, riding 30 miles a day or so after work every day. My bike was old, so I paid over $700 for a new one...which I then rode maybe a half dozen times. Poof! No interest.
I didn't own a car until I was 32.
I rode motorcycles since age sixteen. It was my main transportation. I changed jobs on average every 2-4 years, with one exception, 8 years.
I lived in 3 different countries and in many different cities. I traveled in 16 different countries. I don't think I'm odd though, that's all pretty regular stuff.

Guess they didn't get you on Ritalin. Back in 1970-1971, I was an undergrad research assistant for a PhD at the U of Minnesota's Institute of Child Development. The Doc was researching Ritalin's effect on hyperactivity and impulsivity. That's when I first found out that I was hyperactive. I was the test subject to test the test procedure. I was highly impulsive and often pressed the trigger when no light was present. Doc leans out and says "has anyone ever said that you have hyperactivity?" I had made it through to my junior year at university without anyone being aware of it.

Once the drug companies got involved, then everybody knew about it, and they were looking for any sign of it. A boy can't sit still for an hour, he's hyperactive, Ritalin, stat!

The test was run being by a computer, a PDP-12, if anyone cares, the first computer that I had ever seen. Decided then to change my major to Computer Science from Child Psych. I ended up doing some programming on that computer later.

Hmm, I just answered the OP's question, unintentionally. Darn impulsivity.
When I get a call from a teller marketer I interrupt them and tell him about the Church of the pastafarian and the Flying Spaghetti monster. After which I asked them if they'd like to become a member and they'll say no at which point I'll say well thank you for your time and hang up.
wayne49 said:

Guess they didn't get you on Ritalin. Back in 1970-1971, I was an undergrad research assistant for a PhD at the U of Minnesota's Institute of Child Development. The Doc was researching Ritalin's effect on hyperactivity and impulsivity.  That's when I first found out that I was hyperactive. I was the test subject to test the test procedure. I was highly impulsive and often pressed the trigger when no light was present. Doc leans out and says "has anyone ever said that you have hyperactivity?" I had made it through to my junior year at university without anyone being aware of it.

Once the drug companies got involved, then everybody knew about it, and they were looking for any sign of it. A boy can't sit still for an hour, he's hyperactive, Ritalin, stat!

The test was run being by a computer, a PDP-12, if anyone cares, the first computer that I had ever seen. Decided then to change my major to Computer Science from Child Psych. I ended up doing some programming on that computer later.

Hmm, I just answered the OP's question, unintentionally. Darn impulsivity.
Oh no I had the Ritalin.
I was briefly part of some Tulane/UNO study about it back in the early 70's. 73 I think?
Took it until freshman year or so.
I'm also global dyslexic. So I get up, down, left and right flipped. p, d,b 6 and 9 are all the same thing to me.
So yeah I did all that therapy stuff and mindfullness and ritalin and I'm still not fixed!
Actually they did fix they stammer.