Semi-crazy urban stealth camping possibility?

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Jun 6, 2017
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I have been reading and thinking about RV living for years.... Finally a post:  
I need to stay in the the city (east coast, mid-atlantic) for at least 1-2 more years.  {Then I may RV (van?) full time.  My work should allow me to be mobile at that point.}  The cost of living here is a killer.  I have access to a residential garage and have considered the possibility of staying in a pop-up inside the garage for a year or two until I can wrap things up here and move on.  I have measured carefully and a small pop-up should fit just barely.  Of course, this is not "exactly" legal.  I'd pretty much have to hope none of the neighbors made complaints.  I had also thought about living in a TT behind the house but that seems harder to hide/more noticeable to neighbors.  Has anyone tried this before?  Wonder if anyone can share thoughts/tips based on experience?  
Whose property is the trailer going to be on? Whats wrong with using your camper at home?
"Whats wrong with using your camper at home?"
You mean "camping"/staying in a TT behind the house? Regrettably, zoning does not permit it. :( I could probably get away with doing so occasionally but I suspect that full timing might attract the attention of neighbors who might complain. Seems like the garage might disguise things. Hard to see in. Even if you notice that someone is in there, maybe it looks like it's just a guy in his "workshop."
We've had members living in storage units and I've lived in my van and class c in people's backyards for 2 to 5 months, in areas where it was definitely illegal.

It's definitely do-able.
If it's legal to, say, sleep in a garage, eat in a garage, wash in a garage, and so on, why would it matter if you're doing it inside something that's inside the garage? And if it's legal to park a pop-up trailer in a garage, why would it matter if someone spends time in it? Of course, these are the questions of a reasonable person, not someone who likes to make rules and regulations.
Just do it. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission! And rule #1 is The rules don't apply to you!
Ditto MrNoodly! There you go thinking like a reasonable person.... it all gets very political. Maintaining the "character" of the neighborhoods is a big issue. But I kind of think that if one were low profile about it, ya might slide by.
Cyndi, thanks for that feedback - yes, I have heard of others being given or rented a parking place in a driveway or back yard. If it's not "technically" legal, my guess is you could get away with almost anything for a while. I guess you just have to have a back-up plan.
I really need a year or so without dramatic disruptions so trying to weigh how much to chance it....
Dgorila1, you are probably right... I'd probably be fine. I'll try to adopt your courageous mindset!
Depending on the condition of the garage a possibility could be a nice tent for living quarters....set up a kitchen area and bathroom area in different parts of the garage.  Many years ago I was moving back to TX from Al.  I needed temp. housing so I put a 2 room tent in a friends back yard.  The front room was where I had boxes and totes that still needed to be sorted and packed.  The back room had my four poster bed, color TV, sewing machine, dresser and a clothes rack..  I made it 2mo before the neighbors started fussing.  The police came and the tent could stay up as long as I slept in the house, which I did, mostly   :)

Some people don't have anything better to do than stick their noses in other folks business

Txjaybird: Love the four-poster bed + color TV in tent! Now that's glamping!
The tent could stay but you couldn't stay in it? that's pretty crazy... but i guess it's @ the same thing as an RV. You can park it on your lot or in your driveway but no one can stay in it. {sigh}
I lived in a garage for a few months when I was much younger.  I found it hotter than hell in the summer.
Is the garage big enough to where you can park in a corner away from other cars? If not, all it would take is a few people parking close to you and noticing movement or sound coming from your vehicle to know that someone's in there. It's a good idea though, I've often thought about buying a parking spot in a city I needed to stay in for a while... though I'd personally try to find a craigslister with a private personal spot, not a parking business.
Is it a garage attached to a house? If so, you could enter and exit through the house. If it is detached, just try to be as low key as possible. Stand in front of the door and look around. Who can see you? Once you know that, you can learn the habits of potential observers and plan to enter and exit the garage when they are most likely to be at work or asleep.
chick-a-go said:
Dgorila1, you are probably right... I'd probably be fine.  I'll try to adopt your courageous mindset!

I live by these two rules and I have gotten much further in life than if I had just toed the line and accepted the "just because" answer.
I have several places I park my TT and live in it in cities. Right now I am parked in a friends backyard. If you have two options then perhaps you can move between the two. A few months in one spot and then a few in the other? I know my sons neighbors are ok with my parking in front of his house because they know it is temporary and that I always leave after a couple of months.

And if asked, you always tell the authorities that you sleep inside the house.

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I have discussed this option with my buddy that lives in an RV full time in Texas. Rent a residential garage if it is big enough to fit the RV or rent a low-cost commercial garage space to pull the RV into and live in it.
Do not think it will be ok for that long. .
To costly. Police will come by.
Try room for work.
Unless the garage has plenty of windows, living in the tent trailer will seem pretty dark and gloomy even during the day...not to mention the airflow will suffer. AC and heat might not even be usable.

Years ago I had access to an inside storage building/small warehouse to park my motorhome inside and it drove me nuts after just a few days with the cinder-block walls, concrete floors, and dark, cave-like stillness all day and all night.

I think a small hard-sided travel trailer outside would be much better...your own space, sunlight, fresh breezes, and a lot more 'homey'....

Unless there is a specific law or CC&R about it, the trailer is just another vehicle parked on the property. Come and go quietly, maybe keep the lights off at night, or the curtains pulled.

A tent trailer that's popped up literally screams that someone is inside.

You know I'd do it. Altho I have no problems with the dark inside the garage.

How to do this WITHOUT any issues with brother law or nosy neighbors??

1.) STAY QUIET IN THERE!!! No blaring music or TV!! You don't hear mice unless it's extremely still in your house, so why should the neighbors hear you in there??

2.) Do not come & go a lot. And when you do enter and exit the garage, do so in a quiet, smooth manner. Much like answer 1.) above...don't drive a loud vehicle either.

So, basically...don't do anything that will draw attention to yourself, or the fact that you're living in the garage. So no opening the garage door and showing the neighbors that there's a pop-up that's set-up inside the building. What they don't know won't hurt 'em.

Also, to me...1 year (give or take) is not all that long, but again, that's just my take on things. I think that as long as you MAINTAIN a stealthy attitude about living in there, there shouldn't be any issues. (Sorry...I'm not much for following rules)
I have a friend that rents a one bedroom apartment and rents it out in airbnb. When she rents it out she stays with friends. She gets 80 a night! If you are renting think about this option and then maybe stay in the camper when you are renting your room or apartment out. She makes more than enough to pay her rent and then some.

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