Scattershooting While Watching the Hate.

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2016
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Watching the news from the various feeds I have while checking in here often for a bit of sanity. 

I won't list all the feeds I have, but not ONE has interviewed one person who wasn't filled with hate. Sad that that's what we as a nation accept that for 'news'.

It's not one political party, it's both. 

Does anyone else get tired of celebrities telling me how I should feel? Probably poorly phrased but the best I can do right now.

The pipeline is back in the news but not front page anymore, people have moved on. But not the ones protesting and getting hurt. I made a friend up there who sent me a selfie after a baton to the nose. She was holding hands with another person on what was supposed to be neutral ground. No news on that. My time there wasn't wasted but if I returned I would be arrested or shot. 

I try and look for the good things in people, sometimes you have to look real hard.

So to all of the folks here, Thanks for the smiles, kind thoughts and even kinder words. 

I am going to link a short video, I watch it often, there are times when I just wonder .....Why? 

I posted it once a long time ago, so here is it's encore. 


Do what you can, live with what you can't. The latter can be hard to do sometimes.
Be careful people are not influencing you into doing something not in your best interest, while they stand and watch you get into a boatload of trouble.

As a union shop steward I would often have people insisting that I take action on this or that. When it came time for the showdown, I was the only one there. Management would say, the issue must not be very important to the crew, You are just looking for trouble.

When management had the chance to later can me, guess how much support I got. Zero.
Gunny said:
Does anyone else get tired of celebrities telling me how I should feel? Probably poorly phrased but the best I can do right now.
More than you know. But I'm afraid to express any more than that. It seems that if a particular admin here doesn't like you expressing your point of view, the thread gets closed. So there you go, happy, happy, joy joy.
I'm staying neutral I think, trying anyway.

This may be closed, such is life. I was just tuning in the news on every channel and someone from either side was mad.

I'm not going back to The Dakota's, I would be more of a hindrance than an asset.

I'll just watch Bizarre Foods and gag.

30 minutes and the second sleeping pill will kick in and I'll just kick the cat and go to bed, better days tomorrow.

Sleep well and Best Wishes... Gunny.
people agreeing doesn't sell

avoid 24-7 news like it is the plague and the blood rage will ease
stop watching that kind of video, that man is very talented but very messed up. That is like a freedom motivation video standing in the yard at San Quentin or telling someone to be brave as a charging polar bear is coming at you on a barren ice shelf.
I generally avoid the Lamestream News, they are just too biased. Murrow and Cronkite are rolling in their graves over how their once august profession has devolved. Sad.
The "celebrities" are far overhyped. They are simply entertainers, sports figures, etc. Their political views are of no more importance than mine or anyone's. Those who get "in my face" get boycotted. They get no monies from me via ticket sales, viewing or otherwise.
I also avoid both political parteis. The aparatchiks of both sides are little different these days, being two sides of the same heavily tarnished plug nickel. I will check backgrounds and voting records, and vote for who I think is the better candidate, and best represents ME as closely as possible. He/she mights have a "D" or an "R" after their name.
Avoiding as much of this bruhaha as possible helps keep my stress level and blood pressure lower.
Gary68 said:
people agreeing doesn't sell

True. Hence the inevitable bias of mainstream news: it's driven by 'eyeballs', which in turn determines how much they can charge for advertising. When 'news' operates on a business model, the bias toward sensationalism and polarization can't easily be overcome.
This is when we lots a lot of truth in the news:

"The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was — in the Commission's view — honest, equitable, and balanced. The FCC eliminated the Doctrine in 1987, which it was believed to have been under pressure to do from Ronald Reagan, then President of the United States, and in August of 2011, the FCC formally removed the language that implemented the Doctrine."

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's unfortunate, but true
no fact checking, nor balance, it's all devolved to confirmation bias, intellectual echo chambers, and finger pointing
I remember a day long ago when journalists were a lot more honest, Their moto was simply; Who, what, why, when, and where?
They are so biased and crooked today that when they die, they will have to be screwed into the ground.
I blame people like Soros that have an agenda and more money than they know what to do with, so they try to ruin whole countries like ours just for fun by telling mainstream media what stories to tell, what stories not to tell, and how to slant them.
I wrote the start of this last night when I was in a bit of a nostalgic mood and was trying to find some human interest stories, not political at all. Even the channels that normally have reality like Discovery were in their doomsday mode.

I'm a bit like Lee Revell, apolitical, I vote the person so that's not a factor. It's the kids getting killed by loose dogs, 10 yr olds holding knives to other kids throats and on and on. It was a slow night here on this forum so my "go to" escapeism was some help but not a lot.

The guy with the video does a massive mount of work with vets, charitable and hires vets only. Some don't care for his videos but they are a riot to me. Personal choice. I know it offended one person but he has been on ignore for a long time, so unless he is quoted, I don't see it.

God help me but I have learned to watch The Ellen show simply for the attempt to do good things. Her personal life I could give a damn about.

I have received more encouragement on this forum than almost anywhere with the exception of my military and contractor work, and for that I thank you all.

The mods and Bob have fussed at me a couple of times but that's not unusual, I do get cranky.

So to all my forum members thanks for the uplifting posts. I hope to be able to help some as much.

I am so glad my go to when I',m bored and the forum is dead is books
Raven+Squid said:
Your talking about the white house briefing from Sean Spicer on unbelievable what outright lies can come out of someone's mouth and they act like it's the truth or is it "alternative truth"

Pathetic huh?
I started this thread as non-political, please keep your opinions to yourself. 

Mods please close this thread.

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