scared and concerned

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2015
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I am really worried that I wont be able to find a overnight spot on my way to RTR. I have been searching camp spots for free. Easiest way is Hwy 20 E to Hwy 10. 
 Also after seeing pictures am I going to pull in maybe park and not be able to get out if I need to dump tanks?
I am having this feeling of I need to get there to meet my new friends, but I tell myself that some of the talk on the forum may be just talk. that I could get there to find myself just nodding at passerbyers. (I that that word).
 I can see opening my door one day to find everyone's gone and i am going  hmmm now what! 
 Yes i was blessed enough to be able to get a TT, but i have minimal income for that I really love this sight.
But to be truthful im not a complete loner, I have checked out some of the groups and every one on the pics looked to be my age or older. My son is going to need a little/want to hang with people his age once in a while. I guess letting him drive into town to the local game stop will have to be a priority. 

I hope these are just first timers, full timers anxiety's a van would be so much easier
Most Walmarts/Sams/Cracker Barrel will allow you to spend the night in their parking lot if you go in and ask them.  I have even spent the night a few times by grain elevators in small towns and never had a problem.  I park away from any buildings so I won't be in the way in the morning and not too close to the train tracks.  I haven't had a train in the middle of the night (yet!)

Some truck stops have a place to dump your tanks (and refill water) for a small fee and will also allow you to stay overnight.  If you don't want to cook, they usually have a place to eat.  Get a Pilot Flying J RV card.  Free for the asking.  Half price dumping and a few cents off a gallon of gas.

Google is your friend for the dump stations and then there is

If you are on the Interstate, staying in the truck side of the welcome centers works too.  

These are overnight places to use while traveling, not camping spots.
We were all in your shoes, at one time.

The allstays app is great for finding overnight parking

as is

You don't need to tell us your exact location but if you can give us an idea of your route, we may be able to help.

Many of us on the forum have attended the RTR in the past. I understand your trepidation, but I don't know how to put your mind at ease.

By the time you've opened your door and everyone has left, no doubt, will have a plan. Either follow along with others or explore one of themany wonderful places you will have heard stories told.

I don't know how old your son is but youngsters have attended the RTR in the past. There's plenty to do and see. And it's only a couple of weeks. I'm sure he can find ways to amuse himself.
Flying J card, will do. I wish I could pull up every thing from a to z and simply plot my trip. I can see at times its simply a town to town kinda thing.
There will be a lot of people.  It is what everyone on here looks forward to.  People show up in all kinds of rigs, so don't worry.  Just try to have empty tanks and full water before hitting RTR. Quartzite has good water. The road leading in has not been paved since it was made, so you will want to use it as little as possible.  

Before any mass exodus, there is always conversations so you have an idea of what is going on.   :D
I am coming from Burleson, Tx, my son is 22 but his aspergers makes him a little diffrent, most people love him.
I am thinking once I get the first trip to RTR out of the way I will feel better.
How often do you need to empty your tanks??
Once a week was plenty for our family of 5...and it's not like we had a big rig. Just a 22' Class C at the time.

As for stopping for the night while're trip is less than 1200 miles (17 hour drive)

How many times will you need to stop before getting to Quartzite? Once, maybe twice??
We'd usually pull into small towns, grab sammich makings for lunch at the grocery store, and find the local city parks. Let the kids run some energy off, and give everyone a break from traveling in the RV. Wonderful memories!! :D

Lots of places to take a break along the way. Relax...everything will be just fine.

Have a great time!!
The more nervous I am about doing something, the more I tend to plan, think, plan, overthink, re-plan...its an unproductive and unhealthy loop I can get stuck in. Part of the problem is that plans create expectations. Expectations create more fears about them not being met. Which leads to alternate plans, more expectations, and more fears. Its doesn't take a professional to recognize this isn't healthy or productive.

I try to just realize that I can't plan everything, nor do I want to...and just relax and do it. GL :)
BradKW said:
The more nervous I am about doing something, the more I tend to plan, think, plan, overthink, re-plan...
That puts you a step above me. I don't need to be nervous to do that. I do it out of simple habit.
I don't know if I'll be able to make it to the RTR, but I'm going to try. It all depends on whether I can get a few days off work. Hopefully I';ll see you all there.
This is my favorite campsite directory as it includes dispersed camping.  And you can use whatever filters you want.  Looking forward to seeing you and your son at the RTR!  BTW, there is at least one member of this forum who has Aspergers.
Thanks guys I really needed that, I feel much better. The over thinking yep.. that's what im doing.
If this will be a fast trip along the interstates the easiest place to spend the night is Walmart. Most are very close to the highway and have huge lots. Park on the far edge. Some are very popular with truckers so it can be noisy. Many people recommend asking permission. We don't and have rarely been asked to move. The Walmarts where you may not be able to stay are marked in red on this map -

  If you decide to take a slower trip along back roads many small towns in Texas have free campgrounds!Texas&query=region 

and you can also stay at any picnic table rest stop overnight.

We avoid truck stops and interstate rest areas as much as possible because of the crowding and noise but they'll do in a pinch. Casino lots and Cracker Barrel lots are very good. You'll get an early wake up in Cracker Barrel when the garbage truck arrives. :-D

 Please do not worry about Quartzsite. This is the kindest, most generous group of people that we have met anywhere. You will be accepted from your first day so don't be afraid to talk to people. It looks like we'll have many new people this year and each of them will probably be feeling a bit of trepidation too.
:) Wow look at all those wallmarts!!!! hehe. This will be fun.
I'm thinkin'......
This will be the best adventure you two have ever been on !
1200 miles....(Patrick , 17 hours? wow , sounds like some serious truckin')

I'd allow a week if possible ,keep your eyes open for cool things to stop and check out and then do just that . 250-300mi/day will be a good relaxing average.

Places to stop always seem to take care of themselves for me , ask at places you stop to play tourist , restaurants , truck stops , rest areas , city parks , Wally World , wow , the list is truly endless . Once you get the hang of it . ezy pezy.

You will be with family at the RTR and will learn so much about places to go after that you won't be able to decide where to go to first . I believe there will be invites to caravan to other winter camping spots with other tribe members too.

(I've never been to an RTR but have been in other like situations and most RVers are very friendly , just like here on the CRVL forums .)

Your boy will probably get "adopted" by the tribe and find so much more than he could possibly do in a 40 hour day right at RTR , no doubt ,Yup Yup !

So again , no worries , you'll have a great time.

I SO wish I could make it there but maybe next year !
We made our first trip to the RTR this year. We had worries and concerns having never been "on the road" or camping for extended periods. Heck, i had never towed a 27' camper before. Temps were in the single digits when we left the northeast corner of NY. The first night we froze our butts off and wondered what on earth we were doing. There may have even been a few tears shed. We stayed mostly at rest areas and drove from sun up to 9 or 10pm.
That paints a pretty grim picture, but we made it just fine. My wife and i were even closer when we got there. Our dogs hadn't disowned us after 5 plus days in a single cab pickup. We met so many of the most amazing people. We didn't want to go home, although after 3 months we had to. We kept in touch with many, either on this forum or via text, phone, and email. We miss people incredibly which really says something. We knew those we miss for a few weeks or a month or two.
We are counting the minutes until it's time to leave again. There must be something magical about this lifestyle because when we were travelling we had zero concerns or fears. We were the most relaxed and stress free we had EVER been. That may be where the streignth of the bonds we formed come from. Like minded folks sharing and living care free and without judgement. It is so different than the work-a-day life that we spend the other 9 months of the year living.
Long story short, it's so worth taking the leap.
missnout, I would encourage you to take plenty of time to get to the RTR. Particularly with your son, kids get restless enough on long trips. Fatigue is not your friend and will make you both miserable. You won't get up and everybody is gone, the limit stay is 14 days at that site, not everyone arrives at the same time or leaves at the same time. Folks will move on to different spots and most all will be happy for you to join them at the next place. I believe this will be a very positive experience for both of you.
if you are a senior get a discount national park card 10 dollars one time and half off at any national park wide up being 5 dollars. nice and quiet right now.
Entrance to National Parks is free with the pass. Half off at National Forest campgrounds and most other federal spots. Good deal.