scared and concerned

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Nope don't qualify for senior just yet I am only 47. but I did sign my son up for a disability pass.
I may be the minority here, but I'll say this: I never plan. Nope. Not my next stop, nothing. I just go. I park in pain sight and I'm always respectful of property. I've been all across the east coast this way so far and I've never been woken up at night by a LEO or anyone.

The correct plural would be "passers by."
I think the problem a lot of folks have is they mis-understand the word, "PLAN" versus the word, "PREPARE".  I have a friend that PLANS everything; no spontaneity, no surprises (no joy, no excitement) -- what time to leave, how long it will take, possible detours, pack for everything, leave NOTHING to chance.
    As opposed to PREPARE : have the gas tank full, the cell phone charged and some cash/credit cards in your pocket and head on out.
You are PREPARED for whatever situation that come's your confident. 
     "Planing is trying to eliminate/reduce the effects of the world around you--Preparing is looking forward to what it may bring to your door"
    The bottom line is that you CAN NOT "plan" away all of life's just have to be prepared, relax, and deal with the day as it unfolds.
   Rumor has it that quite a few people over the CENTURIES have actually survived with this attitude.
mockturtle said:
BTW, there is at least one member of this forum who has Aspergers.

I've got enough to be socially awkward, among other things, but not enough to be readily apparent. Sometimes I think that is worse.
GrantRobertson said:
I've got enough to be socially awkward, among other things, but not enough to be readily apparent. Sometimes I think that is worse.

At least you know what your "problem"is.  

I have Dyslexia, which I am told has more than 60 possible manifestations. Most of them involve processing information.  I have an obsession on finding out what an answer is, and trouble not letting it out.  My father called it "Wise Ass Disease." I have been asked something I learned from 50 years ago in a casual setting, and I come up with it automatically.  If I am told to think of the answer.  Perhaps.   :s

We will just treat you like you are Grant.  Another person who is there for the RTR. Fair enough?  Just as individual as the rest of us.   :D
i'm dyslexic too,without spell correct nothing would make sense and its not just mental/words but physical too,i'm a solid right hander
that does alot of stuff like a left hander,my hand right with right hand comes out looking like a lefty did it
I can sympathize.
I had the darnedest time until I was diagnosed.  Thought I was going slowly insane.  They still don't know what caused it, but I have a rare condition called Prosopmetamorphopsia.  
Nutshell:  Faces melt.  Colloquial term is Picasso Syndrome.
Makes it Very difficult to hold conversations, hold jobs, and keep friends.  Most people subconsciously assume I am either lying or disinterested, because I cannot hold eye contact for more than a second or 2.

So, yeah... I feel for you folks.
Let's stay on topic, which is misinout's concerns for her upcoming trip.

Everyone has a story to tell and we want to hear it, but you need to tell your story in your thread--unless it specifically applies to the original post.
This will be my third RTR. You will meet people, that will not be a problem. You will find places to park overnight on your adventure here, that will not be a problem...and dumping your tanks is the easiest thing you are going to do while you are here. My first RTR I met a very diverse and wonderful group of people and had a great time. Some of them I have been camping with on and off for the last three years, including Bob. They are very good friends, after all this time. You will meet people who you will enjoy time with too.
GotSmart said:
We will just treat you like you are Grant.  Another person who is there for the RTR. Fair enough?  Just as individual as the rest of us.   :D

Wait, are you talking to me, or the OP (who's name I can't see now cause I am in Tapatalk)? If the former, then thank you. If the latter, then that would be pretty mean, considering that I probably won't be able to come this year, thus you would be ignoring said OP. [emoji6]
missnout said:
I am really worried ...

I can tell you that I used to feel the same way about every social situation. Especially those that appeared, to me, to be a bunch of people who had a lot in common and were having a great time. Why would they want me intruding on their party? I have even actually had times when people got up and left to go somewhere else without telling me. Turned out, they all had the impression that I wouldn't have wanted to go.

There is a great bar in Lawrence, KS called the Freestate Brewery. It has a huge front porch and is located on the main hangout street in town. It is insanely popular. It took me five years to work up the nerve to go there. I would put my hand on the door handle and then chicken out and leave. I almost hated the people who went there for being so elitist.

I was an independent computer consultant at the time and one of my customers was right next door to the Freestate. Sometimes there are processes that take a long time to run on a computer, so I took a book and decided to go sit in the sun on the Freestate porch and read. I had been there by myself for about 10 minutes when a young woman came out to sit on the porch and finish her beer. She took one look at me and said, "Oh, no. You don't come and sit on THIS porch and not talk to people." She proceeded to ask me about myself and otherwise engage me in conversation. After the computer work was done, I stayed as the rest of the regulars arrived for $1 beer night. She introduced me around and other people talked to me as well.

That night, I met some people who would turn out to be my very best friends for years to come. Most importantly, I learned that, not only had I had nothing to be afraid of, but I had been missing out on the best part of being alive on this earth. Time spent with good friends. (And some pretty damned good beer.)

Missn', I implore you, as someone who also suffers from social anxiety, take the plunge! Almost all of these people are introverts, just like you and I. They will understand if you get overwhelmed and need to call it a night early. Without even meeting them, I can tell they are, as a group, incredibly considerate and caring. This is in no small part due to the influence of Mr. Wells. If you can get down there, and the only thing holding you back is your fear of rejection or not fitting in... All I can say is: The best thing to do is to prove yourself wrong.
What about pulling into a motel 6 parking lot? Anyone done this?
ZoNiE said:
What about pulling into a motel 6 parking lot? Anyone done this?

I have READ comments from some people who recommend this. Don't recall if they are from this forum. They say no one pays attention. From my experience staying in cheap, name-brand hotels, I can say this seems to be true. However, this is one place where asking permission would almost guarantee a n answer of, "No." So it depends on whether you are the type of person who is willing to risk being asked to move in the middle of the night, then you might want to go for it. I'm guessing this would not be an acceptable option for Missnout at this time.
motels know who belongs and doesn't belong in their lots.

that's why they take down your vehicle's color, make, and license plate.
Hey missnout....I hope to be able to make RTR and if I do I will be sure to look for you. I am very extroverted. I never meet a stranger and love talking to people. Besides, you already have something in common with everyone there so it won't be awkward.

 I know you are afraid but regret is a far worse feeling than fear imo. What if you have the time of your life? What if people love your son? What if you make lifelong friends? Those are better questions to ask yourself don't you think?

Aspergers is no big deal. I doubt most people even notice. We are all wonderfully flawed in one way or another. That is what makes people so interesting :)

I say go for it!!
ZoNiE said:
What about pulling into a motel 6 parking lot? Anyone done this?

Unless the motel has a connecting parking lot to a 24 hour restaurant, where you can park on the border between the two, I would say no.
ZoNiE said:
What about pulling into a motel 6 parking lot? Anyone done this?

Waffle House has always let me park and sleep. Ask a waitress for best results. They make 2.13 an hour and understand needing a break. I always tip them $5 after they say yes, but even when I didn't (rare) they always let me and kept an eye out for me.
Just curious…

Has anyone here had a problem when staying in a hotel/motel parking lot?

Has anyone here worked at a hotel/motel that had issues with this?

I borrowed this from and Mr. Bob Wells. Take it to heart and have a little faith. You'll be glad you did.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Attributed to Mark Twain