safe deposit box

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the link above is a short paragraph that says your safe deposit box is not safe with another link to a New York Times article on the subject I presume(I didn't check). then there is a please donate plea, that is longer than the subject matter.

please include a detailed description with your links. I was expecting an article on safe deposit boxes not a plea for donations.

highdesertranger said:
the link above is a short paragraph that says your safe deposit box is not safe with another link to a New York Times article on the subject I presume(I didn't check).  then there is a please donate plea,  that is longer than the subject matter.

please include a detailed description with your links.  I was expecting an article on safe deposit boxes not a plea for  donations.


You can listen to the story with the player link, which is a quite useful "summery" of the New York Times story. And yes, many of these type stories are used promote books, websites, newspapers, magazines or other stories. In in this case, Market Place (which is part of APM, American Public Media) reached out to the New York Times, unlike many organizations that try to promote their product.  American Public Media is a non profit, but you don't have to give anything to listen to the story.

I don't have any plans to handhold or include whether links and stories I see and post on this website include a request for a voluntary donation when you can obtain useful and relevant information to RV and van life. I appreciate the word "please" when you ask to include "detailed information" however, if you find that improper you have over-estimated the value of this website and may close my account. Otherwise look for my next posting....
ED you are misreading my intentions. the whole reason for a detailed description is so people with limited data know where the link is taking them. I merely explain where the link takes them. that is something we ask the poster of the link to do.

BTW I didn't mention you by name because my post was meant for everybody who post links not just you.

highdesertranger said:
ED you are misreading my intentions.  the whole reason for a detailed description is so people with limited data know where the link is taking them.  I merely explain where the link takes them.  that is something we ask the poster of the link to do.

BTW I didn't mention you by name because my post was meant for everybody who post links not just you.


You're right, I misread your intentions. I hadn't considered how this could effect people with limited data for the Internet. I'll try to be more considerate in future posts and thanks for clarifying.
The Lifehacker article is interesting; I didn't realize how little losses were insured. BofA only covers 10X the annual rent. For a small safety deposit box, that's only $300-400. Aside from theft, though, I would be more concerned about the inconvenience of accessing my valuables both in every day life (who wants to go into a bank?) and during an emergency (if a bank is closed after an earthquake or "bank holiday" due to financial crisis you aren't getting your gold or cash).

When I worked as a teller when I was going to school, the safe deposit keys were locked up in double custody (2 employees were needed to access customer side keys). At the time, this seemed to me as a secure plan. In my mind, it was hard to imagine 2 bank employees would risk their good paying, respectable jobs and possible jail time to steal unknown booty from safe deposit boxes. But now, 30 years later, collusion between "disgruntled" co-workers seems more plausible.
Maybe I should write an article entitled "Why Not Having a Safety Deposit Box is Safer Than You Think."
I use mine for things I don't want to get burned in our fire-hazardous environment. If someone wants to steal my naturalization certificate or home movies from the 70's, he will have gone to a lot of trouble for probably not much reward, and that's okay with me. Besides, who would believe how cute I was back then!!!