Run Away, Run Away

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2014
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If you are headed for Florida, don't head towards Collier County. A wildfire has been burning for 2 days south of I75. Last news I saw, it was only 10% contained, snarling traffic and making the air smoky. Pick another destination.
There's one in Volusia County as well, not big, but bordering a main road.
Wildfires in Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado and Texas.  6 killed.

The latest storm cell accross the midwest had more than 30 tornadoes.  At least 500 buildings severly damaged in just ONE community.   :(
As far as wildfires go, here's a true story that might help some of you someday.

The Band lost a studio to a wildfire, and were almost trapped themselves by it.  They loaded all of their master tapes into the trunk of a Mercedes, and drove to a nearby hayfield.  They sat there, engine running and air conditioning on and watched the fire coming towards them.  As soon as the fire came close, they drove through it at high speed and got down to the other end of the field, which the fire had already burned off, and sat there in the burned off stubble until they were able to safely leave.

Something to remember.
OP, anyone who sits in their car with the a/c going is going to have all that smoke and particulate matter flowing into the vehicle. And I'm glad they didn't have a gas leak.

I wonder if the fire was started by someone running their engine (and hot exhaust pipe in a hay field???

I would have left the area, but that's just me.
TrainChaser said:
OP, anyone who sits in their car with the a/c going is going to have all that smoke and particulate matter flowing into the vehicle.  And I'm glad they didn't have a gas leak.  

I wonder if the fire was started by someone running their engine (and hot exhaust pipe in a hay field???

I would have left the area, but that's just me.

Understand that I'm recalling something I read many years ago, back when the Band was still active, I believe.  IIRC, they were trapped and couldn't leave except by the method I described.

And I believe that on MAX AIR, car air conditioners recirculate the inside air without bringing in any outside air.