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Apr 24, 2017
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Menifee, CA
I'm planning to attend the 2018 RTR as my first step (actually my second - my first efforts in April were not too successful).   I will most likely be in a rented RV of some sort.  I'm even considering renting a Toyota Prius.  Bob has noted several times that the winds can be rough. Do I need to worry about damage to the rental vehicle from sandstorms, etc?  Thanks.
Welcome Doodah to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. just get insurance on whatever you rent or make sure your insurance covers rental vehicles(most do). the last 2 years we have had rain with the wind so no sandstorms. highdesertranger
Be aware that the fine print in most rental contracts says that you are not to take the vehicle off of paved roads!

When I had to rent a vehicle on vacation I just very carefully drove the dirt roads but they were in campgrounds, not BLM lands in AZ.

Whatever you do, I wouldn't disclose to them that you are intending to blatantly drive the vehicle out on the desert!

I'd be more inclined to rent a van for the RTR, it's probably cheaper and they're all banged up from being used for moving or commercial businesses so one more scratch isn't going to show.
You will have dust on/in your vehicle from the desert winds, but not scratches unless you scrape a bush or such. Don't tell the rental place you took it off road, vacuum and hose it, you'll be fine.
Doodah said:
I'm planning to attend the 2018 RTR as my first step (actually my second - my first efforts in April were not too successful).   I will most likely be in a rented RV of some sort.  I'm even considering renting a Toyota Prius.  Bob has noted several times that the winds can be rough. Do I need to worry about damage to the rental vehicle from sandstorms, etc?  Thanks.

Park with the windows facing down wind... ;-)

I'm thinking of going to RTR this year - still not sure though.  I have a 37ft class-A that I'm currently trying to sell.  If I get it sold, then I'm wanting to get a cargo van and do a conversion.   If that goes as planned, then I'd like to go in the converted van with the idea of getting a bunch of solar installed while at RTR.  I think that I would be able to get batteries and a battery isolater installed prior to RTR so I could charge while on the road with the alternator and then add the solar at RTR.  But for now these are just dreams....

If I can't get the class-A sold, then I'll probably do the Prius thing for RTR.  I've been doing car camping in l'Hotel Prius most of the summer and am fairly comfortable with my 'Generator on Wheels'.  

In any case - we'll see....
I too am making plans to attend this year's RTR. I'm so excited!

Since my medical emergency, I have secured an apartment in the quiet little town of Jordan, NY. The summers are quite nice in NY, but I miss my friends out west. I hope to spend my winter months in the southwest and return to NY in the spring. Please feel free to contact me, my plans are to camp in my 09' Hyundai Santa Fe during the RTR and then my plans will be open from there. If any one wants to hang with me, you are most welcome aboard. Let's go there!
Vonbrown said:
I too am making plans to attend this year's RTR. I'm so excited!

Since my medical emergency, I have secured an apartment in the quiet little town of Jordan, NY. The summers are quite nice in NY, but I miss my friends out west. I hope to spend my winter months in the southwest and return to NY in the spring. Please feel free to contact me, my plans are to camp in my 09' Hyundai Santa Fe during the RTR and then my plans will be open from there. If any one wants to hang with me, you are most welcome aboard. Let's go there!

I would like to meet up  :)
Hello everyone and please forgive me if this is not where I am supposed to post! This is my very first post on van dwelling/ Bob's website!
First I would like to reply to Doodah and say that I am hoping to attend RTR 2018 myself. I was thinking of a rental also. I am still working a full time job and was thinking of flying there and renting a car/van etc. But if it is unadvisable, I will have to rethink it all.
Where I live, my entire check goes to the taxes and I have not even been camping for years due to the amount I work to keep up with it all...
I have a 5 year plan to get out, sooner if I can.
With that said, I am very grateful especially to Bob Wells for being such an inspiration for me. The information put out here and everyone's input is so valuable!
For example, a family member has to sleep on our couch and it was uncomfortable and caused back pain. I purchased a Therma Rest Mondo King on Bob's video recommendation and it is wonderful! No more back pain! So when I go out west, I will already have a sleeping pad to sleep on!
Kind Regards,
Welcome to the CRVL forums Regina! Posting on this thread as a reply to Doodah is fine but you may want to head over to the Newcomer Corner and post an introduction so everyone can give you a proper welcome. Glad you found us!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
I will be there if the trailer gods allow me. There are couple of people I want to meet in person, I'll be parked away from Bob Wells' group but near enough.
rvwandering said:
Welcome to the CRVL forums Regina!  Posting on this thread as a reply to Doodah is fine but you may want to head over to the Newcomer Corner and post an introduction so everyone can give you a proper welcome. Glad you found us!

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started.   We look forward to hearing more from you.

Thank You so much rvwandering!
I am now going to look at tips and tricks link and post on the Newcomer's Corner!
Have a Sunny Day!
Doodah said:
I'm planning to attend the 2018 RTR as my first step (actually my second - my first efforts in April were not too successful).

Hi Doodah.  In what way was the April outing unsuccessful?  It could be useful info for other folks.
Almost There said:
Be aware that the fine print in most rental contracts says that you are not to take the vehicle off of paved roads. I'd be more inclined to rent a van for the RTR

Thank you for the advice. Yes, maybe a van. I thought of the Prius because I'm so focused on air conditioning, but that won't be an issue in January.
frater secessus said:
Hi Doodah.  In what way was the April outing unsuccessful?  It could be useful info for other folks.

I rented a 19' Cruiseamerica RV which was great, but the steps into the rig were so high (1st step 13") that even with a step stool I had trouble getting in/out (bad knees) and my 13 year old lab actually injured her leg and I had to cut the trip short and get her to our vet.  Cruiseamerica was fair in crediting me for some of the unused days. So I've been eyeballing vans, stairs, etc., hoping to find something I and Annabelle can comfortably enter. Maybe I'll post this elsewhere for suggestions.
Understood. I wonder if one could mount an auxilliary/lower stemp if one owned the RV. Those 19-footers always looked like a blast to me.
I use a rubbermaid step stool at the side door to get in and out of when I'm parked. If I'm just in a parking lot shopping then I have to grab something and haul my butt up the hard way.

The 10" step cuts the distance between the step well built in to the van and the ground in about  half.

I don't like running boards. I find they don't cut the distance to ground properly and even with anti-slip stuff on them, I've still slid right off them getting out of a van... :rolleyes:

For Annabelle perhaps you need to think of a ramp for her. I had one for my elderly dog and while it took a bit of training to get him to use it, was wonderful for him to get in and out of the van.
Almost There said:
For Annabelle perhaps you need to think of a ramp for her. I had one for my elderly dog and while it took a bit of training to get him to use it, was wonderful for him to get in and out of the van.

I purchased a ramp before the trip and tested it at home (AOK) and in the Cruiseamerica parking lot before heading out.  The floor of the rig (top step) was so high the ramp was too steep.  I searched and found what appear to be pretty good step solutions, but until I'm an owner of a real live RV, they are not an option.  Want to attend the RTR - maybe I'll be a car-dweller that week (back to Bob's car vids!).
yea, the ramps are meant for vans, not RVs.

Mine fit on the step well of the van, not the full floor level of the van, lowering the angle of the ramp to a good slope for the dog.
akrvbob said:
If I can stay back west after January, I'd love to hang with you!

I savior the moment when we meet again Bob, I do love the company! I miss all the wonderful, real people of this tribe. Ill be keeping an eye out for the dates for RTR 2018!

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