RTR Revelation - The Beginnings & You Are Here X

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Well-known member
May 27, 2017
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While viewing the recent V Log by Bob Wells in which he speaks of plans for the future and ways to be of even more help to folks, he talks of possibilities and avenues of outreach while also suggesting the logistical & legalistic viewpoints that undoubtedly present themselves. With his excitement clearly visible & contagious, I remembered the beginnings of another group of like minded folks who are similar in viewpoint yet different in application to the VanDweller, the Escapees RV Club, whose level of assistance to the RV community overshadows it's humble, and similar, beginnings. I believe that we are witnesses and participants in the growth of a vision, and in years to come, around the campfire, someone will say, "You were there at the beginning". With one look at https://escapees.com it's hard to imagine that this all began with one couple and a group of friends. This is what we're witnessing today with Bob Wells and a group of friends, as RTR 2018 can testify by being a fine example of what a group of friends can accomplish. I believe that right now there are people that may or may not yet be members of this forum that have the skillsets and the desire to make use of them as we progress to the betterment of the life and rights of VanDwelling & Cheap RV Living.
Wondering ...
how many of these 46+ phemomenal skill-sets of TINY (preschool) children, are Welcome
in this community of "like minded Vandwelling friends" ?

-> Little children are LOVE-sponges...
-> Little children have really a big (not confusing w/ cardiomegaly) heart
-> Little children live from their happy heart.
-> Little children are authentic
-> Little children are innocent
-> Little children live in the moment.
-> Little children live in unbridled Joy
-> Little children live in constant wonder.
-> Little children are careFree
-> Little children know how to rest.
-> Little children have keen powers of observation
-> Little children love to play , learning occurs in pretense
-> Little children possess unusual imagination.
-> Little children absorb info rapidly (1-try learning)
-> Little children are creative Geniuses.
-> Little children are Insightful
-> Little children are content.
-> Little children are free
-> Little children are fearless, + risk...
-> Little children laugh spontaneously
-> Little children like to share
-> Little children are defenseless.
-> Little children are weak,
-> Little children are happy being carried.
-> Little children look to their parents for guidance
-> Little children (unless so burdened), have no shame.
-> Little children are humble.
-> Little children know how to trust.
-> Little children easily talk with God as they remain Open to Him.
-> Little children are happy to be led.
-> Little children are good receivers
-> Little children are great responders
-> Little children are very sensitive also to others
-> Little children need simplicity.
-> Little children respond well to the right kind of discipline.
-> Little children show good powers of reasoning
-> Little children are not impressed with titles
-> Little children need to be comforted.
-> Little children forgive easily.
-> Little children (unless stopped) heal quickly.
-> Little children have intellectual curiosity
-> Little children can concentrate deeply
-> Little children have Intense interest...
-> Little children have good memory in different contexts
-> Little children are insatiable in asking evermore questions
-> Little children (of positive actions ending in 'ful') are full

I would gladly state some sources of these skills, but was informed they are here forbidden.

so I ask  How many of such, & more Abilities are Welcomed here ?

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