RTR Question

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Sep 4, 2017
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I hate to sound desperate but I'm currently beginning my van build but I need to get out of my living situation before I lose my insanity! I'd like to make it to the RTR but I won't be finished by then. If I show up with the stuff I want to put into it, would there be help available to get it finished? I don't want to show up expecting that there is help to do it unless I know for sure.
most of they time there will be people to lend a hand. it would help if you ask for help for specific job, for example setting up your solar system, building a bed, etc. highdesertranger
There are no guarantees that what or everything that you want to be done will be done but Bob makes announcements every morning about the jobs that people need help finishing.
If not right at the RTR then in a lot of cases you can find help both before and after the RTR.

Sometimes the RTR gets a little busy, the schedule is tight and people are there both making new friends and seeing some of their 'older' friends for the first time since last winter.

If it's past time to get out of Dodge, then for heavens sake, get out! Sanity is worth a whole lot more than a finished build!!
Thanks everyone! I'm going to do my best to show up at least a couple days early. To be more specific about what I need done: as of now I'm an empty slate. I'm going to attempt putting my plywood floor in tomorrow(wish me luck) I want to insulate & at least have the paneling up before I leave. I need a bed frame made, I have some furniture(an old hutch, an old cedar chest I'm going to put on end & make 3 cupboard shelves, a kitchen cabinet that I have a bar sink to put in & figure out a water in & out with a pump, & an end table to cut to fit over half the tire well. If I have enough money I'd like to buy a solar set up & charge isolator(not sure if that's what its called but the device that charges your house battery while your rig is running). I know its a lot to do but I have much faith I will find lots of handy-dandy folks willing to help me out. I am fully capable of doing the work myself but I need a lot of guidance! Thank you all!
Tricks on the plywood floor installation for you!

Do your layout so that the seams will be under where you're planning on putting furniture.

I can't handle a full sheet of plywood so the 1 full sheet that I was using went in the van from the lumber yard on the bottom of the pile. The other sheet got cut lengthwise in 2 at the store. 2 full sheets does a full size cargo van with very little left over except the scrap cutouts.

I templated all the ins and outs down both sides of the van with cardboard then laid it out on the plywood. The full sheet got done first. Mine was run down the passenger side from just behind the seat. To put it in place I emptied the van, lifted the full sheet a corner at a time on to a 4 milk crates and totes so that it was up off the floor. I cut the pattern down the side with a jigsaw, cleaned up all the sawdust and removed the crates/totes dropping it back down on to the floor. It never left the van!

Then you can do the other pieces outside so you're not getting all the sawdust in the van.
That's great advise! Thanks so much! I'll let you know how it goes!
Twebster said:
I am fully capable of doing the work myself but I need a lot of guidance!

I'd bring that info up early and often in your discussions with folks.   :)  There may be folks with expertise that are fully booked but can swing by for a look-see and chat. 

In the meantime you could get the info flowing by making a "build thread" in that subforum and linking to it in your post signature.  Post pics and questions and the locals will join in the conversation.
frater secessus said:
I'd bring that info up early and often in your discussions with folks.   :)  There may be folks with expertise that are fully booked but can swing by for a look-see and chat. 

In the meantime you could get the info flowing by making a "build thread" in that subforum and linking to it in your post signature.  Post pics and questions and the locals will join in the conversation.

In not really good with "linking" stuff & what-not. Can I just go to that subforum & post what I've posted here?
Twebster said:
In not really good with "linking" stuff & what-not. Can I just go to that subforum & post what I've posted here?

Yes, that would be a start. 

People like to watch progress other folks' projects, so pics and stuff would help.   If you get the other thread running we can make the BB code to paste into your sig.  It's supa easy.  :)
Almost There said:
Tricks on the plywood floor installation for you!

Do your layout so that the seams will be under where you're planning on putting furniture.

I can't handle a full sheet of plywood so the 1 full sheet that I was using went in the van from the lumber yard on the bottom of the pile. The other sheet got cut lengthwise in 2 at the store. 2 full sheets does a full size cargo van with very little left over except the scrap cutouts.

I templated all the ins and outs down both sides of the van with cardboard then laid it out on the plywood. The full sheet got done first. Mine was run down the passenger side from just behind the seat. To put it in place I emptied the van, lifted the full sheet a corner at a time on to a 4 milk crates and totes so that it was up off the floor. I cut the pattern down the side with a jigsaw, cleaned up all the sawdust and removed the crates/totes dropping it back down on to the floor. It never left the van!

Then you can do the other pieces outside so you're not getting all the sawdust in the van.

I have a question for you: my van is 12' long & the furniture I'm planning on using won't fit over the seems if I do it the way you suggest, I'm going to use 3 sheets & go sideways with them because I will have enough & the furniture will go over the seems that way? I'm going to have them cut to a little over the width of my van so that I can handle them a little easier. Do you think attaching the furniture with L brackets to the plywood will keep everything in place? I'm also planning on putting lament flooring on top of the plywood. Thank you.
pocket screws are much better than "L" brackets. I have always done mine free hand with a counter sink bit. but Kreg makes a kit with a drill bit and guide that makes it easy. highdesertranger
Kreg Pocket Screws all the way.

I figured that one van I built years ago with the L brackets had about 40 lbs of the darn things in it by the time I finished the build. Okay, maybe it was only 30 lbs but it was still way too  much. The L brackets also got in the way of everything.

Get the Kreg Jr. kit and use Kreg screws. You can use regular wood screws but after having used both, the Kreg work much better and the cost difference is marginal.

I put the laminate flooring in my van after I built and installed all the cabinetry. With my layout, if I had to do it over, I would do the floor first. I didn't want screw holes in my laminate and I was working with a limited amount of laminate because I got a great deal on it at a ReStore It place. What I ended up with is a floor that needs 1/4 trim to hide the seams between the laminate and the cupboards...sigh! YMMV so take your pick. If you put down the laminate first, make sure you use longer screws so that they go in to the plywood and not just the laminate.
Thats a good idea. Almost There said:
Tricks on the plywood floor installation for you!

Do your layout so that the seams will be under where you're planning on putting furniture.

I can't handle a full sheet of plywood so the 1 full sheet that I was using went in the van from the lumber yard on the bottom of the pile. The other sheet got cut lengthwise in 2 at the store. 2 full sheets does a full size cargo van with very little left over except the scrap cutouts.

I templated all the ins and outs down both sides of the van with cardboard then laid it out on the plywood. The full sheet got done first. Mine was run down the passenger side from just behind the seat. To put it in place I emptied the van, lifted the full sheet a corner at a time on to a 4 milk crates and totes so that it was up off the floor. I cut the pattern down the side with a jigsaw, cleaned up all the sawdust and removed the crates/totes dropping it back down on to the floor. It never left the van!

Then you can do the other pieces outside so you're not getting all the sawdust in the van.