Roof Vent Install Question

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Mr. Guy

Jul 21, 2012
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Hi All,<br /><br />Well I just got my van and I want to install a Fantastic Vent but I'm not sure what to do about the ridges in the roof. The space between them isn't wide enough for the 14" hole I need to cut. What do you all do to fill in those ridges for a weather tight seal? I know a lot of people have put these fans in a van roof but haven't seen anyone explane how they did it.<br /><br />Thanks, Guy
Hi guy,
Most full sized vans have a flat area just for this reason. If you" have" to install it in the ribbed area, lowe's and home depot sell a foam " compression " tape that will expand to fill the voids. You may also check with a Rv shop to see what they recommend, as they do this day in and day out. I have used it to seal around skylights in metal roofing. I lucked out when I put one in my bus, 7 foot x
14 foot, flat as a tabletop! Only needed a bead of butyl rubber sealant. Best mod I made by far.
<p>I used a double layer of the butyl tape.&nbsp; It worked great.&nbsp; Then a good self leveling caulk helped ensure no water would get in.<br /><br />My van is a Chevy Express and it does have the ribbed roof.<br /><br />Brad&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Speaking of roof vents.&nbsp; Does anyone know where I can purchase a roof vent and RV windows that aren't $500 or more each?&nbsp; Apparently my google savyness lacks...<br />Rae
yesican said:
Speaking of roof vents.&nbsp; Does anyone know where I can purchase a roof vent and RV windows that aren't $500 or more each?&nbsp; Apparently my google savyness lacks...<br />Rae
<br /><br />I just searched google for "RV windows" and ebay was a top choice... clicked that and there are many option there &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<img src="" alt="" /><br /><br />I got a superb deal on;&nbsp; At the time, the Fantastic brand vent was on sale at a closeout price.&nbsp; It is running above my head right now and it's hard to get out of bed... I love the thing.<br /><br />Latest price is $266.19 for the 6600 model (the one I'm using).&nbsp; I know it's more expensive but that rain sensor has saved my fanny...&nbsp;&nbsp; They have some good deals on all of the models...<br /><br />
Thanks everyone for your respounces,<br /><br />The van is a '97 Ford E-150 conversion van and I went out to double check the roof. There is no flat spot anywhere, what it has&nbsp; is several 8" wide flat areas with a 2" wide&nbsp;X 3/4" deep valley between each flat area. These all run the length of the van front to back. What I'm worried about is how do I seal these valleys since I'll have to cut across one of them.<br /><br />I have also seen these vents: <a href=""></a><br /><br />Which only require a 6 1/4" round hole that would fit between the valleys on my van. It's rated at 100 CFM which should give me an air exchange about every 2 1/2 minutes. It would seem that should be enough air or I could install 2 of them. Any thoughts?<br /><br />Thanks, Guy
Thanks Brad and Audoni...That's just the info I needed.<br />Rae
<p>To piggy back onto this thread -&nbsp;</p><p>The GF and I were talking about these, and because of the climate, we're thinking of putting the vent on one of the sides of the van. Thoughts?</p>
I think 100 CFM is plenty of air flow personally... I really like that one Mr.Guy. I have been hesitant on putting a big ol' 14" hole in the top of my van. It rains a ton here so I am really looking for something that will provide stealth as well as keep the roof from leaking. Another concern is roof height, I can't hit over 7' and still park in my companies&nbsp;parking&nbsp;garage. This fit the bill all the way around. Nice find!
<p>In fact, I have decided to go with this Ventline fan for my van. I am ordering it now. I will let you all know what I think of the install. I do not have the batteries yet though so it will be a while before I have it all hooked up, but it will be mounted <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Thanks so much Mr. Guy</p>
Heinz-<br /><br />A few years ago I saw photos on a guys van-build blog where he had installed his vent fan in the rearmost passenger side window. He had replaced the window glass with some sort of plexiglas. It looked nice,bout I don't know how efficient it was, what with hot air rising. I no longer have the link but if you go to yahoo vandwellers and search the photos you may find the pics. &nbsp;
Hi Audoni,<br /><br />Your welcome, glad I could help.<br /><br />Hi Katie,<br /><br />I think I saw the same one you did a couple weeks ago, luckily I sent a link to a friend of mine in an e-mail so was able to find it again. Was this it?<br /><br /><a href=""></a><br /><br />It was a whole page about his van build, but the vent install is near the bottom. I'm like you, I think a vent would work better in the roof, but I bet it works pretty good anyway.<br /><br />Guy
Hi Heinz,<br /><br />One of the worries I had in mounting the vent in the back window like in the above post was that the vent are designed to be weatherproof on a flat surface, so I wasn't so sure it would keep rain out if verticle. May be nothing, but may be something too.<br /><br />Anyone out there who can comment on this?<br /><br />Thanks, Guy
Thanks for the link....that's the one! I had considered putting a vent in my window at one time, because of gear on the roof. Never put one anywhere, yet. There are times when a vent....anywhere...would make a big difference! Good point about the weather though.....
Hi all, regarding the roof vents, Brenda found one that is only 6 inch diameter and low profile with a flip switch for $49.&nbsp; David H. installed it and she loves it, sorry, don't have the link for it, but.
If you don't want to install the large 14" vent you could try one of these 9" vents by Heng.<br /><br /><a href=";sr=8-2&amp;keywords=rv+roof+vent+mini">;sr=8-2&amp;keywords=rv+roof+vent+mini</a><br /><br />I installed one on my camper shell roof and it works really well. Since it's quite a bit smaller than the 14" there would probably be fewer ribs on you roof to deal with. If you ever changed your mind and wanted to install the larger vent, all you would have to do is enlarge the hole in your roof.
i just purchased a Fantastic Vent 4000 maybe the 5000 ? model and it cost $175.00 with shipping. It has a thermostat,3 speeds, reversible pulls 3 amps on high. which isn't horrible. luckily my van has a 17x17 inch flat spot on the roof centered.<br /><br />but if it had ridges i would use Bondo body filler to level everything out. you can sand and paint it to match once its dried and use a healthy bead of silicone around the seal. it will look factory !