Returning to RV-ing

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Jul 24, 2015
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Hello...I was a full-timing RV-er for about 11 years.   Then 3 strokes hit, sold the Motorhome, bought a house, pretty much recovered from the health issues, and now I'm bored as hell watching The Price Is Right.    Bought a truck, a truck camper, and going on the road again,,,.  Any hint to make my return easier??  All comments will be very much appreciated,,,, Jim
Love that you're getting back out on the road, congrats!! And welcome to CRVL, it's a great site, enjoy.
Welcome!! We're very glad your health has improved and you are here!!! What are your hobbies and interests? A couple of thoughts:

1) Consider starting a blog. It'll give you motivation and help you stay connected.

2) Set a goal for your travels. They are different for everybody  but base it ob your interests and hobbies.  Some common ones are to visit all the National Parks, visit all the capitals, fish the best rivers, follow wildflower blooms. I have a friend who wanted to kayak all 50 states. On her 70th birthday she flew to Hawaii and kayaked her 50th state!

3) Develop your creative side. Learn a craft, art, music, photogrpahy, write, the possibilities are unlimited. What have you always been interested in but thought you couldn't do? YES YOU CAN, and now you have the time to actually do it. Will you become a great master? Who cares!! All you have to do is please yourself

4) Volunteer--there are an amazing number of ways you can volunteer on the road: politics,  disaster relief, Habitat for humanity, trail maintenance--be creative!

5) Enhance your spirituality even if it's only just sitting and crying at a great sunset!

6) Learn to be alone and happy in your own skin. That should take you the rest of your life!

Most of all: Throw out all the lies and limitations society has placed on you. You can BE  and DO anything you want. :)

Welcome back to a life on the road!

Be sure and get some fresh air and exercise. We only get one body, so might as well maintain as best you can so you can enjoy the most use out of it. (kinda like a good vehicle) :)

That, and...

Most of all: Throw out all the lies and limitations society has placed on you. You can BE  and DO anything you want.  :D
I know just what you mean. Only so many TV programs one brain can digest. I am looking forward to EVERY day being something different- even if I am sitting at the same camp area. :) Sounds like a perfectly "healthy" idea for you.
Hi and Welcome!! Having been a full-timer for 11 years already, should feel like riding a bike. Welcome back. ;)

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