Here is the update and "resulotion" of a sort.
The issue is that the Renogy uses The DC side of the box for the power to run itself.
So..even when it is drawing power 120 from still will only operate with 12v DC
So, it runs as an inverter...drawing power for the outlets and itself from the same source.
BUT... in my system, charging this is an issue.
I have 400 ah lithium lifepo4. I could not find a BMS that would be both big enough and have a real company in the USA providing warranty. Lots of hobbyists. Lots of Asian companies. I have written about before...I am using two relays to provide one of the functions... low battery and high battery. But, to do this..I need to separate those two functions. Charging and Discharging.
Now, what do I do with a device that pullsa 12v current even when it is Charging only?
The picture below demonstrates how I separated those functions to have the relays shut things down if battery are fully charged...or. Battery is discharged to the bottom limit.
The renogy is connected via the switch on the lower left corner. EIther, charge or load. Not both.
I thought about having a separate line from the battery to just power the renogy...but how can I be sure it will not try to pull power to run outlets thru that smaller line? How could I be sure it doesn't try to charge the batteries then that small line? Either would result in fire.
I cannot circumvent the charge and load relays without losing that protection.
It looks to me like I can never run this thing as a charger. I cannot figure out a way to get around this.
PS.. I have called renogy tech support twice. The guy doesn't know squat. Each question..he would put me on hold ..go away for 10 minutes....come back with an answer I knew was wrong. For instance...he told me I should not ground any part of my system to the chassis.... not safe. They do not seem to know anything about the internal working of their own device. They just read the trouble shooting guide straight out of the users guide....which I can and did read for myself.
Anyway..this is the update.