Remaking yourself

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2012
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I was watching a cowboy movie a while back when it hit me. "Back then you could show up somewhere and claim to be just about anyone and anything." It's not like they had ID to show. They couldn't look you up in a data base. People who knew you from elsewhere might vouch for you or expose you.&nbsp;<br><br>It got me thinking about the opportunities within a mobile lifestyle to remake ourselves, retell our histories. Sure, we have drivers licenses, vehicle registrations, passports or other official stuff, but think of all the interactions we have with people who not only don't have access to that data, but who don't even ask. We could be chatting with someone somewhere and making up everything about ourselves.<br><br>I'm not advocating anything illegal or malicious. But it could be fun to do a little harmless personal myth making.&nbsp;I doubt I could pull it off, though. I had truthfulness pounded into me the first 25 years of my life.
I totally understand and have a full fantasy life. Its much more fun than my real life. Someday.
noodly it's pretty much the same nowadays for cowboys, ranch hands, farm workers,&nbsp; small scale mining.&nbsp; there is no nation wide data base.&nbsp; its more of a person to person type of thing.&nbsp; be honest and sincere you can find work anywhere.&nbsp; just like it used to be, not saying you are going to get rich or that it's easy work but you will find work.&nbsp;also it is fairly easy to find this type of work because no one wants to do it anymore.&nbsp; higdesertranger
highdesertranger, I think he is saying if he went to a GTG he could say he was a retired doctor or he could be a scientists or something like that.
Instead of&nbsp;REMAKING myself, I think a mobile lifestyle would give me the opportunity to BE myself.<br><br>I am from a small community where everybody knows everybody's business.&nbsp; Around here,&nbsp;I am so-and-so's daughter, sister, etc, etc.&nbsp; It would be nice to meet people who know nothing more about me than what they see and what I tell them about myself!&nbsp;
guess what the PLAYERS all do in the dating world.&nbsp; pretend to be something.&nbsp; They even get fancy cars, and pretend to be doctors or lawyers.&nbsp; Until you go to thier house, you really cant tell.&nbsp; There is a saying on the internet.&nbsp; "No one knows you are a dog on the internet"&nbsp; its true.
So true, Offroad. I was always competing with guys like that.&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
That's one reason I never believe the BS. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
the movie THE GREAT GATSBY is all about pretending to be something you are not. and then getting caught up emotionally with someone else doing that too. and opulance too. &nbsp;its a poor path to take.&nbsp;
<span style="line-height: 20px;">"We could be chatting with someone somewhere and making up everything about ourselves."<br><br>Like the internet?&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img"></span>
A handshake could tell a lot, the way you dressed and the way you talked. In the first day you could tell if the person knew the job or not.You never showed up to the job with new tools. <br><br>Those were the days. Now, so much is direct knowledge and a lot of it. Hard to tell unless you have related work of some kind.