I've got an old 94-160A I picked up for $120, on the way via slow boat. Has dual outputs, but no regulator included, so I'm looking for something good value, to at least allow me to test it.
I see used AS-4s go for <$80?
All suggestions and comments welcome...
As discussed elsewhere, I may end up using a separate, more customizable output controller/charger, so I don't think I'll invest yet in a high-end Balmar like MaxCharge unless an eBay bargain turns up.
Or would it be possible to set up a DC-DC charger with the raw unregulated output?
Right now I'll just be playing & learning, so long as I don't break the alt or kill myself, pointers to DIY cookbooks would be most welcome.
SW, did you ever write up your hand-dialed setup?
I see used AS-4s go for <$80?
All suggestions and comments welcome...
As discussed elsewhere, I may end up using a separate, more customizable output controller/charger, so I don't think I'll invest yet in a high-end Balmar like MaxCharge unless an eBay bargain turns up.
Or would it be possible to set up a DC-DC charger with the raw unregulated output?
Right now I'll just be playing & learning, so long as I don't break the alt or kill myself, pointers to DIY cookbooks would be most welcome.
SW, did you ever write up your hand-dialed setup?