Rainwater Harvesting

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My name is popeye and I'm a dihydrogen monoxide-aholic!
I even take a bath in the stuff....and it's where I keep the SS Olive.
Ok , joking aside , I used to collect rainwater when I tent camped .
I had a big piece of plastic I usually hung over the tent with plenty of overhang .
(Protection for the bike or packs and a rainy day back porch .)
I sloped it to one point and kept a canvas bucket there to catch the water.
Drinking , cooking , washing ,,,,, lots of water and not something I carried a lot of in my pack or on the bike. So it sure came in handy.
rvpopeye said:
A lot of bottled water is just city water run through a filter...
TC , Poland Spring comes from deep wells in Maine !

Studies have shown Maine to have some of the best drinking water in the country,  best in taste tests too, not just in purity.  Just had my well water tested and the guy said in his 30 years of testing Maine well water, mine is in the top ten cleanest he's seen.  I drink it straight from the tap no filters in place.  

I grew up fly fishing on Pierce Pond, chain of three ponds and the only development on it is the Sporting camp we fished at.  A collection of about a dozen log cabins, meal hall, and utility shed.  They also have a sawdust packed ice house dug into the ground.  Every winter they cut the ice from the pond and fill the ice house for refrigeration all summer.  Anyways, if you look on bottle of Poland Springs, Pierce Pond is listed as one of their water sources.  No wonder the guides used to dip their cup right into the lake and drink it.
The reason so many people are living in their vehicles has a political origin.

I have always thought that harvesting rain water from the gutters of the van into a tank would work,
my grandmother was born and raised in missouri where they drank ground water and then she moved to oregon where it is reservoir rain water and she blamed the lack of minerals in the water for her teeth problems,seems she and her family never had problems in missouri but soon after moving they all had issues

what that has to do with anything,i dont know
Kayaking recently in Katherine George in the NT of Australia. Just paddle into one of the many small caves in the 40 metre high cliffs and fill the water bottle with what drips from the ceiling.

At home, 45,000 litres of storage off the roof is our only water supply. Have an agreement with the big green frogs living in the downpipes that they don't pee in the pipes.
ok I started this, my apology. let's stay on topic which is "collecting rain water". highdesertranger
I vacationed in Bermuda and they all collected water off their roofs. They used limestone on the roof to purify the water as it ran through a series of grooves making its way down to the corners for collection into barrels.
jimindenver said:
This is a subject I've thought of bringing up recently. My trailers roof wouldn't be considered clean but it does channel the water into gutters and then downspouts . I could put tubing on them to collect the water in 5 gallon deep rock bottles, then use a drill pump and filter to get it into the fresh water tank. I'll have to look into clean collecting methods.

When boondocking for 14 day periods in Florida I used the roof drains to catch my freshwater (not for drinking) . Here in Arizona .... not so much  ;)
I use a small bilge pump 12V to pump from a 12 gallon bucket to fresh water tank.
jimindenver said:
This is a subject I've thought of bringing up recently. My trailers roof wouldn't be considered clean but it does channel the water into gutters and then downspouts . I could put tubing on them to collect the water in 5 gallon deep rock bottles, then use a drill pump and filter to get it into the fresh water tank. I'll have to look into clean collecting methods.

When boondocking for 14 day periods in Florida I used the roof drains to catch my freshwater (not for drinking) . Here in Arizona .... not so much  ;)   I use a 12 V bilge pump to transfer to fresh water tank.

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